Thursday, October 15, 2009


By Andy Barr 9/17/09 NFL owners, team officials, players and coaches have overwhelmingly favored Republicans with their political contributions, according to a study released Thursday by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The report, which reviewed contributions dating back to 1989, found that combined contributions from players, owners and officials on 22 of the 32 National Football League teams have given more cash to Republicans than Democrats, and that several teams have given more than 90 percent of their contributions to the GOP.

The San Diego Chargers blew away the rest of the field with $2,455,200 in total money contributed, with most of that coming from team owner Alex Spanos, who has given more than $2 million, almost all of it to Republicans.

No other team' made total contributions of more than $1 million, though 19 others gave at least $100,000.

The Houston Texans contributed the second-highest amount after San Diego, sending $615,256 of its $623,456 total to Republicans. Next came the Arizona Cardinals, who gave 75 percent of $337,096 to Republicans.

The St. Louis Rams were the NFL’s biggest donor to Democrats, contributing $230,050, 98 percent of the team’s total.

The NFL’s own political action committee, Gridiron PAC, has also favored Democrats. According to the study, since its inception last year Gridiron PAC has given roughly two-thirds of its donations to Democrats.

The Rams’ preference for the Democratic Party dates back to the days when the team played in Los Angeles. Prior to moving to St. Louis in 1994, the team gave $47,250 to Democrats.

The NFL team that contributed the fewest dollars to political campaigns? That would be the Green Bay Packers, the only non-profit, community-owned team in professional sports. The Packers have given just $8,750 over the past 20 years, barely edging out the Al Davis-owned Oakland Raiders as the stingiest team. The Raiders have donated $8,800 in total, a figure which includes the team’s time in Los Angeles.

Does anyone else think it's ironic that Rush Limbaugh wanted to be part of the Rams ownership?

They were the largest donor to the Democratic Party!


Jiaqi Niu 8th said...

WHAT? Politicians and the NFL? This is a first for me. The only politician I know who is an avid sports fan is former President Bush. I personally don't believe that NFL teams should give money to politicians. They should be more like the Green Bay Packers. NFL teams should benefit their own communities. Give the money to those in need and not to people who make more in 12 minutes than most people do in a lifetime. By the way, Prediction for the Superbowl: Denver Broncos vs Minnesota Vikings.

Donnie Bryant 8th said...

This little fact only adds to the stereotype of wealthy business owners backing the Republican Party. Nothing is wrong with it seeing that it is their money that they had a hand in making. BUT!!!! The comical idea of Rush "Right-Wing" Limburger (Limbaugh)being a part owner of the team donating the largest amount of money to the Democratic Party is too much irony to handle! I wonder why the other partners of dear Rush's bid felt it necessary to exclude him from the final roster of partners?!

connor Frankhouser 8th said...

I think sports teams should not endorse political candidates. In most cases the athletes and or owners in question have no right to endorse a candidate, as they have achieved fame through a lack of smarts and abundance of athletic ability. (i.e not qualified to make a decision)(especially an educated informed one) just sayin..............

Ronnie Woodard 4th said...

I'm in agreement with Donnie. The players, owners, officials, and teams as a whole have a right to do whatever they please with their money. If Jerry Jones wants to sign his nephew who hasnt ever picked up a football in his life(hypothetically) to a multi-million dollar contract, then he has the right to do so. In my opinion, NFL teams should contribute a great amount of money back to the communities that house them. And as for the whole Rush Limbaugh St. Louis Rams thing, I couldnt help but laugh as I read this article...

user312 said...

It's their money, they can do whatever they feel like. People are so nosy about other people's affairs...

Anonymous said...

I really don't think NFL teams should donate that kind of money to political parties. I agree with Jiaqi, the teams should really give back to their communities, because they are the largest source of support that the team has in the first place. Also, with the amount of money a team recieves, it's hardly fair that they should be able to donate that kind of money. Plus, does the entire team agree with the party recieving the donation?

Love Patel -- 3rd Period said...

NFL teams can give whatever they want to whatever political party they want...but instead they should donate the money to help the world or around their surrounding area. Teams make more than enough money to make a significant difference in the world. If they wanted they could make donations to charities and non-profit organizations under the name of whatever political party they supported. Giving the party more publicity and helping the community at the same time.
Superbowl prediction: Vikings vs. Colts

mariojimenez said...

Thats hilarious, the whole idea of this, and that Rush wanted to be part time owner of the Rams. But who doesnt want to be a owner of some NFL team! NFL in my opinon is one best sports ever played. The NFL teams we all love however are still people, so i do enjoy the fact that they can give to whoever they want to. I never realized that most give to republicans though.

EricClark8th said...

Why is there a controversy over this? If they want to give their money away to the republicans then so be it. They earned that money and they can do whatever they want with it, they give exponential amounts of money to other foundations, so why wasnt that added in the article. Just because most of the NFL is mainly republican isn't bad, it's their life and their living it and doing what they can to help out.

Anonymous said...

eh... im not gonna be watching too many football games after this.... and i like what jiaqi niu said.. why cant they support their communities? what about them losing some their democratic fans as they pore out the contents of their wallets to republicans? as football players maybe they didnt get a good enough education to vote democratic... bahaha. not really. rush limbaugh makes me chuckle.

Hollie Gurrola 8 said...

I agree with Donnie!! Isn't Limbaugh like the biggest staunch conservative ever??? So yeah. Thats ironic. Especially since he's a talk show host. It could only be because he thought it would be fun. I know nothing about football teams and their involvement in politics but doesn't it relate back to the whole freedom of speech thing? I mean, yeah they could donate it to the greater need but then they would have no way of showing what they stand for; either being republican or democrat. And more money means they want to be heard that much more.