Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NKorea Claims Fusion

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea claimed Wednesday that its scientists succeeded in creating a nuclear fusion reaction, but experts doubted the isolated communist country actually had made the breakthrough in the elusive clean-energy technology.

Fusion nuclear reactions produce little radioactive waste — unlike fission, which powers conventional nuclear power reactors — and some hope it could one day provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy. U.S. and other scientists have been experimenting with fusion for decades, but it has yet to be developed into a viable energy alternative.

North Korea's main newspaper, however, reported that its own scientists achieved the feat on the occasion of the "Day of the Sun" — a North Korean holiday marking the birthday of the country's late dynastic founder, Kim Il Sung, in April.

Often, North Korea's vast propaganda apparatus uses the occasions of holidays honoring Kim or his son, current leader Kim Jong Il, to make claims of great achievements that are rarely substantiated.

North Korean scientists "solved a great many scientific and technological problems entirely by their own efforts ... thus succeeding in nuclear fusion reaction at last," the Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in a report carried Wednesday by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.

Experts, however, doubted the North's claim.

"Nuclear fusion reaction is not something that can be done so simple. It's very difficult," said Hyeon Park, a physics professor at Postech, a top science and technology university in South Korea.

Park, who conducts fusion research in South Korea, said the North may have succeeded in making a plasma device and produced plasma, a hot cloud of supercharged particles — only one preliminary step toward achieving fusion.

He said outside experts need to know the scale of the experiment and method of generating plasma to assess the details of the North's claim.

South Korea is one of a seven-nation nuclear fusion consortium to build the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, or ITER in Cadarache in southern France by 2015. Other members include China, the European Union, Japan, Russia, India and the U.S.

The aim of ITER is to demonstrate by 2030 that atoms can be fused together inside a reactor to efficiently produce electricity. Current forms of nuclear power do the opposite, harnessing the energy released from splitting atoms apart.

A South Korean official handling nuclear fusion at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said the North appeared to have conducted only a basic experiment.

The official said the fusion has nothing to do with making nuclear bombs and said he could not make any further comment. He asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to media.

All of North Korea's nuclear projects are of intense concern because of worries the country is building its arsenal of atomic weapons. Pyongyang conducted two nuclear weapons tests in 2006 and 2009, drawing international condemnation and U.N. sanctions.

Energy-starved North Korea has said it would build a light water nuclear power plant. Ostensibly for civilian electricity, a nuclear power plant gives North Korea a premise to enrich uranium, which at low levels can be used in power reactors but can also be used in nuclear bombs.


Marissa Castillo 3 said...

I find this very hard to believe! With their recent wolf-crying and the science of it all, it isnt very likely that they did create fusion. This just makes me think they are going to destroy north korea like Doc Oc almost did to NYC in Spiderman 2 ;)

JasonWilkes3 said...

North Korea is broke, they spend almost all of their income on weapons, and the people live in darkness and hunger. Instead of working to better the lives of the people the Nkorean government does nothing but make false claims. This is sad

Eric said...

I highly doubt North Korean claims of nuclear fusion. How could they have managed to surpass all other countries in technological/nuclear advances? Doesn't the US have the best and brightest of scientists? Of course, these claims could easily be government propaganda and have no substantial basis since there is no evidence of any "reaction".

ClaySmith3rd said...

I don't think it matters if this is just propaganda or not....we should nuke them.

andrearamirez8th said...

the idea of being able to fuse atoms together to produce electricity seems impossible. it also sounds very dangerous to do. will be an environment friendly resource though? if so, it would greatly help out the world.

Lakendra Mitchell 8th period said...

I know that we all are a little paranoid of being under attack. But for all we know they could be making this to help there country and not use it as a nuclear bombs. But you never know.

tejshri gohel 8th said...

If north korea has found a way, that would be so awesome. I'm sure all the environmentalist would love the idea of a clean,limitless energy source, but that's also a difficult feat to overcome.

madisonmelvin1 said...

Anybody who doesn't want a job will not try and get one. The economy is doing better but we still have a long way to go.

madisonmelvin1 said...

Anybody who doesn't want a job will not try and get one. The economy is doing better but we still have a long way to go.

JamesD'Cruz3 said...

i pretty much don't believe anything that the N. Koreans have to say. They are disobediant and do not deserve to be on the4 same planet if they cannot be civil.

clarissabaker3 said...

This sounds very similar to the propoganda lies that both the Hitler regime and the communist regime of Russia used during their reigns. The bolstering of nationalism by lying or exaggerating the truth especially during traditional festivals is a common way to preserve dictatorships. It generally serves to unite the people for the dictator rather than against them.

Joseph Waugh, 8th said...

It sounds like North Korea wants attention again. If what the North says is true, then i think they will use it in some way to gain power and control. I don't know much of anything about foreign affairs, but i do realize that North Korea isn't that fond of America. We'll know the truth one way or another. I'm just glad Mrs. Jenkins showed us the Bomb awareness safety video.

Anonymous said...

While I am all for alternative energy, including nuclear, I feel that North Korea tapping into any nuclear potential, whether fusion or fission or whatever, is a bad idea. They are already way too hyped up on building a power source of nuclear weapons...any more research into anything that can further this supply of weaponry is not good, if the advancement is in the rudimentary stages or not.

JacobKirksey8 said...

Ok, so I don't know if our government has realized it or not, but all North Korea nuclear weapons...duh. They have been going back and forth on all of their development, literally on a bimonthly basis, since 2004. Kim Jong Il simply makes an attempt at developing the bomb, but when he fails and the whole world is intersted, and he has made international news, he simply backs down for more aid given to him by the US and the UN. Hm...maybe, if we just waited until the old man hit the dust (which it just seems that he is immortal at times and just wont die!), not giving them any aid or funding their freaking nuclear program, we could establish a more stable government with better aspirations than to gingerly blow the world up and DOMINATE...then, and only then, can we expect any good from this seemingly godforsaken-satan-infested country...aka north korea.

RafaelZamora8 said...

Well I have to admit that would be pretty impressive if they did accomplish the nuclear fusion reaction. It would change so many things with the world, except if they do use if for a nuclear war..
I also think that they have a higher chance of getting it, for obvious reasons haha.

davidgutierrez3 said...

I think it is great that Korea has achieved this. It is a bit frightening they are advancing with nuclear technology but we should still be thankful for new discoveries. Jeeze, can you imagine if we actually created nuclear fusion? That open many doors.

Anonymous said...

Well thats fun. NK says they did something and the rest of the world is just like "Shut up, you didnt do it." sad day...

EthanEarl3 said...

*Sigh* Really Kim? You do realize you're quite possibly the most pathetic person alive right now? It's bad enough that you impoverish and oppress millions of people to support your sunglass and whiskey fetishes. You don't need to make yourself look even more stupid by claiming one of the greatest technological advances when you barely have electricity. The only reason you exist is because you haven't given the rest of the world allows you to.

SOC3 said...

To me this just sounds like the NKorean government trying to convinc ehteir people that their leadership is the smartes and greatest. Also kind of like they are trying to intimidate or frighten other countries by being paranoid that they might actually have succeeded.

CaitlinCampagna4 said...

It sounds to me like North Korea is just making accustaions of fusion that they are not liable to make. If North Korea did in fact "claim fusion" then we might all be in trouble..

Tess Lehn 8th said...

Although I agree with the claim that they have not successfuly created the fusion I still think it is very important that we watchout and pay attention to te scientific improvents they are making over there because there could be a threat of nucular bombs.

wilsonvillegas8 said...

It's easy to doubt North Korea's integrity. Limitless clean energy is great, but nuclear weapons aren't.

Austin Jung 8th period said...

Wow that's kind of scary if North Korea really did develop nuclear fusion and is that far ahead of other nations, but i bet it is just propaganda like everyone else says.

alyssaguerra1 said...

i believe that this a bad idea, after all most of us if not all have seen the damage that can be caused withbweapons such as nuclear bombs we need to do more testing to see if these korean statements are true this could be deadlybto our country