Friday, May 7, 2010

Pakistani Taliban Expands Ambitions

Suspected in the attempted bombing of Times Square, the Pakistani Taliban has teamed up with a number of militant groups, including al Qaeda, to expand its influence in recent years, experts say. “They trade bomb makers and people around,” a senior U.S. intelligence official told The New York Times. “It’s becoming this witches’ brew.” The expanded cooperation means that the Taliban, concerned chiefly with territorial battles in Pakistan, may be becoming more threatening to targets abroad even while its overall power and influence is on the wane thanks to U.S. and Pakistani efforts to attack their base of operations. Tribal areas in Wazirstan can be used for terrorist training camps, where alleged Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad may have trained. The Taliban initially took credit for the bombing attempt, but since then has reversed course and denied any links to Shahzad.


Higgins C.D. said...

I can't blame them for dis-owning him after they found out that he'd made a bomb that wouldn't have exploded. Thank God we're not the only country with a screwed up edjucational system

andrearamirez8th said...

it is scary to hear that the Pakistani Taliban is teaming up with al Queda. it is critical that the U.S. helps to control the situation and not let terrorist threats break out.

IsmaelJimenez3 said...

The taliban will always be a threat to the us no matter what. They seem to diminish for a small amount of time they com back with chances and better ways to make the U.S.'s life even worse.

MichaelHarper1 said...

This has always been and will always be a concern for America. Terrorist groups are getting smarter and just as we are learning to deal with them, they're learning to deal with us. The Taliban is by no means defeated and Pakistan is a country in turmoil and a breeding ground for terrorists. The key to combating this threat is eternal unwavering vigilance. I personally don't feel that the problem of Islamic Terrorism will ever go away, but I do think that with the right level of security and with strong intelligence gathering we can prevent major attacks.

Unknown said...

Almost everyday, a new bombing is reported on the news. It's disheartening. It's seems that our war efforts have fueled the bombers ambitions rather than discourage. I hope this changes in the future.

AmandaOlivarez3 said...

Its ashame to hear of deals made with Pakistani Taliban. Trades n deals with any kind of terriost or bombers is devasting to the world population not just one cultral.

Anonymous said...

The Tailiban needs to make up their minds. Either they did help train this guy or they didn't. It is a simple yes or no. They know how serious this bomb scare was and they should've made their minds up before saying something about this incident. Not saying they should lie, but now it's quite obvious one of their answers was false

NadiaSari-Sarraf4 said...

It is really worrying that differrent terrorist groups are ganging together in order to carry out such malicious deeds.

JasonWilkes3 said...


This isn't news to anybody who has kept up with the war in afghanistan. Terrorists constantly flee to pakistan for safety. That they are now getting help from Al Qaeda is no surprise.

JulianHernandez01 said...

How did this terrorist trained Taliban make it to Time Square all strapped up in the first place? See this is what makes me mad. Everyone is all focused on immigration laws to stop mexicans from crossing our border illegaly looking for work when they should focus on people who are trying to harm U.S. citizens. Whether or not Shahzad was a citizen doesn't matter, all that matters is that he trained and attempted to bomb Time Square. State Reps want to talk about strengthening our nation's security by coming up with lame immigration laws? Well I say why don't they focus on a more dangerous target: terrorists looking to kill, not immigrants looking for work.

phillipcammack3 said...

Well, at least the Times Square bomber didn't really know how to make an effective explosive...

Alejandro Figueroa 8th period said...

These people need to be eliminated, they simply are a fat threat to our world and nation and have no benefit to society.