Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Look Who's Going to Iowa

Sarah Palin’s scheduled political trip to Iowa this month marks a shift from near silence in the leadoff presidential nominating state to the kind of outreach common among White House prospects.

Palin’s plan to headline the Iowa Republican Party’s annual fall fundraiser on Sept. 17 is solely to help raise money for the state party’s candidates, the former Alaska governor’s aides said.

And one trip to Iowa is a long way from a successful campaign for the state’s 2012 presidential caucuses, still 18 months away, Iowa party insiders said.

But Palin’s recent overtures to Iowa reveal a change in posture that puts her in a position — like other 2012 presidential prospects already laying campaign groundwork in Iowa — to build goodwill and relationships with influential activists, state Republican officials said.

“It does signal an interest in helping Iowans be successful in 2010,” state Republican Party Chairman Matt Strawn said. “Iowa Republicans are going to look favorably on anybody that has come to this state this year to help us win in 2010.”

Palin aides confirmed Tuesday that she plans to be the featured guest at the Iowa GOP’s Reagan Day dinner on Sept. 17. Palin is also planning yet-announced political stops that day, with the state party’s marquee Ronald Reagan dinner that evening.

In the dinner’s nine years, it has drawn national party stars and up-and-coming figures. Some, such as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in 2004, have gone on to wage competitive caucus campaigns. Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was the guest a year later, and saw his own presidential ambition fade when Republicans lost the majority in 2006.

No Reagan headliner has gone on to become president, or even the party’s presidential nominee. Still, the importance of the visit should not be underestimated, GOP leaders say.

“If she’s serious about her own prospects, she needs to be here — and she’s doing that with a big, high-profile event,” said Ann Trimble-Ray, vice chairwoman of the Sac County Republicans and an adviser to Congressman Steve King.

Palin, a Fox News Channel contributor, has emerged as a top national Republican Party draw since stepping down from the governorship last year. She was among the top draws last weekend at a Washington, D.C., rally sponsored by conservative commentator Glenn Beck, also with Fox News.

Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, is lending her voice and celebrity to the Iowa Republican party’s fundraising for this year’s elections — and nothing more, aides to her political action committee said Tuesday.

But after playing hard to get for the past year, Palin approached Iowa Republicans recently, party officials said.

Palin had drawn large, enthusiastic crowds during her four campaign stops in Iowa in the fall of 2008.

Iowa GOP event planners first invited Palin to headline the fall fundraiser a year ago after she stepped down as governor in July, 2009. Palin never responded, despite periodic reminders.

She touched Iowa soil once in the meantime, slipping in and out of Sioux City to sign copies of her books in December without holding any political meetings or press interviews.

Palin endorsed Republican candidate for governor Terry Branstad before the June 8 primary. But she did so with a Facebook post. Palin also contributed $5,000 to Branstad’s campaign and $5,000 to Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s campaign in June. Last month, Palin endorsed Iowa attorney general candidate Brenna Findley, also through Facebook.

Palin hasn’t avoided all early primary states. She campaigned in May in South Carolina, expected to host the first Southern primary in 2012, for gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley.

Palin began taking a more active approach toward Iowa in late July, when her political action committee told Iowa Republican Party staff that Palin’s people were planning a more aggressive fall campaign schedule and had asked whether the Reagan invitation was still open.

Palin has remained popular with Iowa Republicans. Fifty eight percent of Iowa Republican primary voters said in June they had a favorable opinion of Palin, according to The Des Moines Register’s Iowa Poll.

That was slightly behind Romney, at 62 percent, and slightly ahead of former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, at 56 percent.

Still, Palin lacks the connections other Republican presidential prospects have begun assembling.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, in five trips to Iowa since last November, has been the most active in lining up a team of key supporters and strategists. He has enlisted former Iowa GOP Chairman Chuck Larson, and former George W. Bush advisers Sara Taylor Fagen and Terry Nelson.

“She’s completely dark on that side,” said Des Moines Republican strategist Nick Ryan, who was a top aide to former Congressman Jim Nussle. “And amongst the opinion-leader class, there’s not a lot of fervor toward her.”

The Iowa Poll also showed more Iowa GOP primary voters — almost 40 percent — viewed Palin unfavorably than they did Gingrich or Romney.

West Des Moines Republican Ryan Rhodes said he plans to attend Palin’s appearance in Des Moines this month, but that it’s too early to say whether he would support a Palin caucus campaign. “

“I’ll go to the event. I’ll go and see her,” said Rhodes, chairman of the Iowa Tea Party Patriots. “But as far as the presidential candidates people are talking about now, I’m dissatisfied with any of them so far and hope there’s somebody else who emerges.”


JafferSamad1 said...

Sarah Palin's got it going on for her. She knew where to go to get good support and that was definitely from Iwoan republicans. Arranging fundraisers and dinners is clearly the way to go. The Iwoan republicans seem to like what she has to say, and they'll be big players in the caucus in 2010.

Mr. P said...

Dale, make sure your comment is an analysis of the article. Your opinion is fine but make sure you have some analysis or argument to back that up...if you want a grade.


Mr. P

Jessica D'Cruz 1 said...

sara palin is doing a good job trying to at least get the republican party to like her if i think she did a good very good job going to Iowa and speaking thought it was stupid how she went there once before and didnt speak or anything but at least this time she did if she gets with Glenn Beck then im sure that she'll have a vvery good chance (=

Alex Salazar !st period said...

My conclusion from this article is that Sarah Palin isn't very reliable. Before elections started coming up, she seemed to be avoiding Iowa. Now, though that the elections are sneaking up she wants to hit it big. Doing so by attending major events, "good way to score major likes". If she really wants to win though, Palin needs to be around more often.

Alex Salazar
1st period

Alex Salazar !st period said...

Reading this article, it seems to me that Palin isn't very reliable. Before elections started coming up soon, it was as if she was avoiding Iowa. Now though she is trying to hit it big. In doing so she is scheduleing major events in her plans. Telling the people what they want to hear. Which is working, but in my opinion she still needs to be around more often to show she really cares what they have to say.

Alex Salazar
1st period

Katy Rendon 2nd said...

Palin's campaign in Iowa is a very smart idea on her part. Because she's been in silence for a period of time, people in Iowa will be interested not only in what she has to say, but also in a fresh, new face. She's slowly aligning herself with fellow republicans by raising money for them. And by supporting them, she is almost guranteed their support. Palin is also allowing herself to appear more involved in the state by being featured in the Gop's Reagan day dinner, and by drawing huge crowds in her 2008 campaigns. Her involvement in Iowa will help her gain needed territory in 2010.

AdamEscandon1st said...

Sarah Palin's plan sounds like it can have great affect for her. however I think that if she would have gotten a further start like other candidates have it would have a better outcome for her in the end. I also think the Palin needs to expand her areas on where to focus on for support. Iowa is not the only state in America.

Adam Escandon
1st period

Kaylob Aguirre 2nd said...

Although i still believe that Sarah Palin should not become president, i like what she is doing over in Iowa. By setting up and arranging fundraisers she understands what she has to do in order to get the job done.

SarahRyburn1 said...

It seems like she's in between favor with the Iowans. If she really wanted to rally their support she would've visited more frequently and offered more support than sporadic Facebook posts. If she really wants good results from Iowa in the 2010 caucus she needs to step her game up.

Joshua Powe 1 said...

Sarah Palin has a good start. starting off with fundraisers and helping other republicans is one way to help her status. IF she keeps this up she might have a lot more favorable votes not just in Iowa but in other states.