Friday, September 10, 2010

World on Fire

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Will he or won't he? Negotiations between a local Muslim cleric and the leader of a tiny Florida church who had threatened to publicly burn copies of Islam's holy text left the heated debate in a state of confusion with the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks a day away.

The Rev. Terry Jones said Thursday he would call off the planned burning of Qurans based on a deal negotiated with the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida that the location of a mosque planned near ground zero in New York would be changed.

But Imam Muhammad Musri said he was clear on Thursday when he told Jones that he could only set up a meeting with planners of the New York City mosque, whose leader said he had spoken to neither the pastor nor Musri. Jones responded by opening the door, if only a crack, that he would go forward with his plan on Saturday.

"We are just really shocked," Jones said of Musri. "He clearly, clearly lied to us."

For U.S. political leaders and Muslims around the world who have been outraged by Jones' antics, the on-again, off-again threat bred even more angst and frustration.

Cleric Rusli Hasbi told 1,000 worshippers attending Friday morning prayers in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, that whether or not he burns the Quran, Jones had already "hurt the heart of the Muslim world."

"If he'd gone through with it, it would have been tantamount to war," the cleric said in the coastal town of Lhokseumawe. "A war that would have rallied Muslims all over the world."

Muslims consider the book the sacred word of God and insist it be treated with the utmost respect.

In Afghanistan, where tens of thousands of U.S. troops are in harm's way, President Hamid Karzai said he heard Jones had perhaps abandoned his Quran-burning plan.

"The holy book is implanted in the hearts and minds of all the Muslims," Karzai said. "Humiliation of the holy book represents the humiliation of our people. I hope that this decision will be stopped and should never have been considered."

Jones announced earlier Thursday - with Musri at his side - that they had a bargain and that he would call off the Quran-burning. Later he accused Musri of lying and said the burning was only suspended, not canceled.

Musri, countered that Jones wasn't confused or misled and that "after we stepped out in front of the cameras, he stretched my words" about the agreement. The imam in charge of the New York Islamic center and mosque project also quickly denied any deal was made.

Musri said Jones had instead caved into the firestorm of criticism from around the world and that his announcement might have been a ploy to try to force Muslim leaders' hand on the Islamic center.

Jones said later that he expected Musri to keep his word and "the imam in New York to back up one of his own men." Musri said he still plans to go ahead with the meeting Saturday.

In New York, the Islamic center project leader, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, said in a statement that he was glad Jones had backed down but that he had spoken to neither the pastor nor Musri.

"We are not going to toy with our religion or any other. Nor are we going to barter," Rauf said. "We are here to extend our hands to build peace and harmony."

Opponents argue it is insensitive to families and memories of Sept. 11 victims to build a mosque so close to where Islamic extremists flew planes into the World Trade Center and killed nearly 2,800 people. Proponents say the project reflects religious freedom and diversity and that hatred of Muslims is fueling the opposition.

Moving the mosque is not why Jones canceled his threat, Musri said. Instead, he relented under the pressure from political and religious leaders of all faiths worldwide to halt what President Barack Obama called a "stunt." Musri said Jones told him the burning "would endanger the troops overseas, Americans traveling abroad and others around the world."

"That was the real motivation for calling it off," Musri said.

Jones had never invoked the mosque controversy as a reason for his planned protest at his Dove World Outreach Center. Instead, he cited his belief that the Quran is evil because it espouses something other than biblical truth and incites radical, violent behavior among Muslims.

Obama urged Jones to listen to "those better angels," saying that besides endangering lives, it would give Islamic terrorists a recruiting tool. Defense Secretary Robert Gates took the extraordinary step of calling Jones personally.

Jones' church, which has about 50 members, is independent of any denomination. It follows the Pentecostal tradition, which teaches that the Holy Spirit can manifest itself in the modern day.

News of the cancellation also was welcomed by Jones' neighbors in Gainesville, a city of 125,000 anchored by the sprawling University of Florida campus. At least two dozen Christian churches, Jewish temples and Muslim organizations in the city had mobilized to plan inclusive events, including Quran readings at services, as a counterpoint to Jones' protest.

Jones said at the news conference that he prayed about the decision and concluded that if the mosque was moved, it would be a sign from God to call off the Quran burning.

"We are, of course, now against any other group burning Qurans," Jones said. "We would right now ask no one to burn Qurans. We are absolutely strong on that. It is not the time to do it."

Despite Jones' words, in the Gaza Strip, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said to a crowd of tens of thousands of Muslim faithful that they had come "to respond to this criminal, this liar, this crazy priest who reflects a crazy Western attitude toward Islam and the Muslim nation."

"We came to say, the Quran is our constitution, we are committed to God and his holy book," he said to those holding the texts in their hands at a stadium in the northern town of Beit Lahiya. "God willing, should they try to carry out their crime against the Quran, God will tear their state apart and they will become God's lesson to anyone who tries to desecrate the holy book."

Part of the pressure exerted on Jones came from Gates who briefly spoke to the pastor before his first announcement to call it off. Gates expressed "his grave concern that going forward with this Quran burning would put the lives of our forces at risk, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell.

Morrell said earlier that the decision to issue a personal appeal was not easy because it could provoke other extremists "who, all they want, is a call from so-and-so." Earlier, Jones had said if he was contacted by the White House that he might change his mind. After Gates' call to Jones, Morrell said the secretary's "fundamental baseline attitude about this is that if that phone call could save the life of one man or woman in uniform it was a call worth placing."


Meghan Taraban 1 said...

This is crazy. I am truly astonished that anyone could be so disrespectful toward a religion which they obviously don't know anything about. And not only is it ignorant, it's totally childish. He's like a little kid where if you give them attention for being bad they keep being bad. All the media attention he's getting makes him think that he has power. I think the best thing to do is just ignore him.

Anonymous said...

This makes me sick to my stomach! How can Jones not see that he is in fact making things worse?? How would he feel if it was HIS Holy Book that was being burned? I find this man to be intolerant and small minded. What exactly does he hope to accomplish? It will achieve nothing! And it is very rude! Bah, but what am I saying? He has the right to express himself...but still, just because you can doesn't mean you should. It makes my blood boil when I hear that books are going to be burned! You should never burn books!!

Chin-lin Yu 5 said...

I don't know what Jones is trying to accomplish by threatening to burn Qurans. Terrorists aren't terrorists because they're muslims. People tend to fear the unknown. Muslims are actually very nice people, I know this from experience when I went to HSA for a year where 80% of my teachers were Muslim. Plus, we Christians should be courteous to Muslims and Jews because we are all monotheistic religions. However, I do agree with Obama's statement that this event could endanger lives of American solders in the middle east if the whole population rises there is not much we can do this type of swarm mentality was seen in history during the 1993 black hawk down operations in Somalia and it was a disaster.

ShaliniJayawickrama1 said...

How does Jones not realize how terrible of an idea this is? He has made so many people really angry, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. He is giving Americans, and Christians, an even worse image. It is frustrating that one fanatic is making more people hate our entire country. Obviously he did not think this through. Even if he never does follow through, he has already offended too many people; damage has already been done.

Tynan Shadle 1st said...

I appauld the pastor of the church in Florida and feel like yelling obscenities at him at the same time. If muslims want to get offended that we are burning their holy book then tell them to stop burning american flags and remind them of the partying and celebrating in the streets after 9/11. Payback can be a..well you know what I mean. And as for the whole peace and harmony thing and not toying with others religions that Imam Rauf is saying that is a load of crap when some muslims are killing americans as well as anyone else who doesn't believe as they do. On the otherhand my cousin is a soldier in Irag right now doing his second tour and I would hate to think that this pastor's idea might get him and many of his comrades killed. On top of that christianity is supposed to be a tolerant religion..but so is Islam..right?

MariaPicon5 said...

Wow, so I guess I'm the first to comment on this one..which is kinda scary but I'll be brave and do so anyways. So I when I first heard about this, I was all for the decision to not allow the mosque to be built. However, having learned that there is and ALWAYS has been a mosque closer to ground zero then the one that was planned to be built now, I've had a change of mind.
I agree with Rev. Terry Jones that it is immoral to build a SECOND mosque close to ground zero; but I do NOT agree with his radical thoughts on burning the Muslim Quran. Though it is not right at all to discriminate against people of any race or religion, and unfortunately those hateful feelings have risen, it does not give ANYONE the right to cause any harm or damage to someone's beliefs. It also immoral and does not do the situation any good. Our men and women would have been endangered and our vote to elect Obama for president, partly because he promised to bring our soldiers home, would've been for nothing. We would've had to send them all back once more and our nation would move backwards after all the hard work we've done to mend our wounds. Now from my understanding of this I believe the location of the mosque has been reconsidered and will no longer be placed there(correct me if I'm wrong please, because I'm really not sure)? This is a relief because having to continue a fire that was slowly burning out, would (as I've stated before) only re-open half-mended wounds.

And if Rev. Jones only caused all this commotion to be noticed..then (excuse me for this) why is he a minister?

Cat Weasley said...

This guy takes the cake for the stereotypical backwoods hick. I wonder did he skip the New Testament? The burning of the Quran’s will not do any good what’s so ever and the consequences would be too great, which some of them will probably still take place. So this is completely wrong and shouldn’t have been considered at all, but since he did the minute he heard it endangers our soldiers he should have called it off right then and there. But he didn’t so this will make people over seas riled up making the soldiers have more fear than normal, that would be considered striking fear into their heart’s which is considered terrorism. Jones is being extreme in the name of his religion and hurting people, he is being no better than the terrorist of 9/11. Of course this may be a stretch or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

We talk about how it would be disrespectful for the Muslims to build a mosque near ground zero but Rev. Terry Jones is disrespecting something that is sacred to them which is doing nothing but causing more controversy.

BekaHarris2ndPeriod said...

I think many people would agree that this is a clear sign of ignorance. By burning something so precious to a large group of people, he is saying that all of these people should be blamed for what a small percentage of them did to our country. It is not the Islamic people who pose a threat on our national security, but terrorist groups and I think that is what people like Jones don't understand. Jones is not fighting for the justice of the victims of 9/11, but instilling an unhealthy hatred for a group of people.