Friday, November 7, 2008


days until the Iowa caucuses for the 2012 Presidential election.

Remember, politicians have two jobs:

1) Get elected

2) Get reelected

So, who do you think the early frontrunners are for the GOP in 2012?

Jindal? Palin? Huckabee? Romney?


g.i.joe nathan said...

I think Palin could draw a lot of support from previous McCain supporters, and depending on how Obama does in the White House (very well I think) might be able to pick up some independents.

Despite her McCain base, I think a lot of the country has realized by now how not-too-bright she is, don't cha-know?

I think she will run but not win the Republican nomination. I think it will be more likely for a relative unknown to get nominated.

samanthapiercy1 said...

I think that unless Palin does something drastic to improve upon her experience, she won't be the GOP candidate in 2012

JeremyTow01 said...

Democrats were talking about this four years ago, and look what happened: one of the least expected candidates rose to the very top.

I think out of those four, Huckabee might have the most appeal but he could also be politically vulnerable. I doubt Palin will stand much of a chance in future presidential elections.

It will all depend on how the Obama administration will handle itself.

tylerschovanec2 said...

I think Palin is the front runner due to her small town, soccer mom, energetic speaches will appeal to the people of Iowa. I believe her charisma appeals to the people and her family values as well.

WinifredConrad1 said...

Like you said Friday, if Palin is one of the GOP's "frontrunners", things are looking pretty good for Obama in 2012.

Huckabee will probably be around again... what about Giuliani? I think there's a pretty good chance of that happening.

Will McCain be around again? I think it's unlikely but I heard some people discussing the possibility. If he's still alive in four years that is, heh.

I dunno, I think that, regardless, Obama will probably end up getting reelected. This prediction comes 4 years too early, perhaps, but I can't see why he wouldn't.

He'd have to do something really wrong, and at this point I can't fathom that at all.

Time will tell.

Michael Johnson 4 said...

I believe Palin will be coming back, along with Huckabee, and Romney (he certainly has the money to). Though if Obama is able to lift us from this economic drop then I don't think it really matters who the GOP candidate will be. Obama will sweep again.

Caitlin Linden 4 said...

In hopes that 2012's election will be full of hilarity, I'm banking on:
-Tim Calhoun.
-Even if she's dead, or physically unable, I betcha Hilary will be there.
-Dunno about Palin though, I see her at the head of a social revolution in which Alaska secedes from the Union.
-Oh, yes, and maybe Ron Paul will show. But I doubt he will be there by invitation.

kaylagarcia_1 said...

Some stats of a recent Rasmussen poll indicate that 64% of GOP respondents want Palin as their top choice in 2012. 69% of Republicans in that same poll said that Palin helped McCain's bid for the presidency. However, this is contradicted by the exit polls which showed that 60% of voters said that she is not qualified to be president if necessary. More than half the country thinks that she wouldn't have been ready to take on the presidency should something happen to McCain if he had won. And yet she wants to run in 2012. I think that if there are any democrats out there who voted for Obama this year and want Palin to run in 2012, then it's probably because she won't stand that great of a chance if Obama runs again. We'll just have to wait and see what happens during his term. He won the popular vote by a long shot and now we have to see how well he rises up to the challenges of the presidency. And if Palin wants her chance, she's going to have to wow us for the next four years as well. We'll be comparing Obama to her and the other GOP frontrunners so everyone needs to put on their game face!

MarianneMullen3 said...

I don't think that there is much that the gop[ers] can do. I think that America is so low right now that there is no where to go but up and Obama and the democrats will get all the credit for that and in 2012 voters are going to vote donkey no matter who the republican is. sadly.

JenniferWang3 said...

It would be fun to see Huckabee run again. But I think the Republican Party should wipe their slate clean and get someone new, possibly a moderate Republican like Jodi Rell or Donald Carcieri. I doubt that will happen. It would be awesome if Schwarzenegger could run.

behnam arzaghi 4th said...

So far the general consensus for a republican candidate seems to be Sarah Palin. Personally I hope that stops there. It would be very nice to have a republican candidate who is not white, because that gives you a completely different perspective on American politics.

Caitlan Marie said...

I think it may be a little too soon to tell who will be running for the 2012 election. I doubt that McCain will run again (it would surprise me very much if he does), most likely Hillary will run, and the only way we can tell if Obama will try to get reelected is when we see how well he will do as president for the next four years. People can make outlandish predictions as much as they want, but it won't do any good until the time comes.

courtneycox3 said...

I definetly dont think palin will be in the running because it sounds like her party members criticized her alot after. Their defeat but other than her I think its anyones game, anyone has a shot

chriszias 3 said...

Romney because he has lots of experience and his ideas are like McCain. As long as he doesn't pick someone like Palin to be his VP.

jakelabrec7 said...


AustinRittenberry4 said...

personally i think huckabee would be a great canidate. i love that guy. i think a guy with a since of humor would be great for president. however things will only get better so sadly i feel that the light will show on Obama and everyone will gratify him with being the one responsible for making everything better. so basically it doesn't matter who runs against Obama, Obama has already won in my opinion

ericasanchez3 said...

i think that since the economy in america is so low right now that we can only go up and obama and the democrats are going to get credit for that. so in 2012 its going to be in favor of obama again

Anonymous said...

I really think that it might be Romney. I think that it wouldnt be Palin because she doesnt really have much experience. But she just might get supported by some of the Mccain supporters. But no telling what might happen?

komalparikh1 said...

I think Palin can feed off of McCain's supporters. She might have to polish herself up a bit but I think she has a good chance to be the GOP candidate.

Ashley said...

I think that we haven't seen the last of Gov. Palin but I don't think she'll be running in any presidential election for some time. I guess we'll just see how Obama performs in office. Time and critisim will tell.

amber obregon 2 said...

I think that there is a possibility that palin will be the GOP in 2012

divyavangipuram1 said...

I really think that Palin will try to go for the GOP's nomination. She is still very much in the news, attending interviews and other news related things, unlike Clinton, or any other GOP people. She is someone to look for in 2012.

Estevan Ramirez3 said...

I think palin could be the next GOP candidate but only if she gets more experience