Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Obama Did It

By Karl Rove

Intense and gripping, the 2008 election was also historic. The son of a Kenyan immigrant and an American mother has risen to the presidency of history's most powerful nation. Who was not moved by the sight of Jesse Jackson standing silently among strangers with tears streaming down his face as he thought of a long journey towards equality and acceptance?

So how did Barack Obama win? Some of it was fortune: He was a fresh, gifted, charismatic leader who emerged at just the moment that people yearned for something entirely new.

Some of it was circumstance: The October Surprise arrived a month early and framed the election in the best possible way for Mr. Obama (and the worst possible way for John McCain).

Some of it was thoughtful positioning: His themes of bipartisanship and a readiness to tackle the country's pressing challenges were enormously attractive, especially when delivered with hope and optimism.

And some of it was planning and execution: The Obama campaign, led by the two Davids -- Plouffe, the manager, and Axelrod, the strategist -- carefully built a powerful army of persuasion aimed at accomplishing two tasks.

A candidate can improve his party's performance by getting additional people out to vote and persuading people inclined to support the other party to cross over. The first yields an additional vote; the second is worth two, the one a candidate gets and the one he takes away from his opponent.

Before Karl became known as "The Architect" of President Bush's 2000 and 2004 campaigns, he was president of Karl Rove + Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm that worked for Republican candidates, nonpartisan causes, and nonprofit groups. His clients included over 75 Republican U.S. Senate, Congressional and gubernatorial candidates in 24 states, as well as the Moderate Party of Sweden.

So the two Davids registered millions of voters in states the Obama campaign picked as battlegrounds, especially where there were many heretofore-disinterested African Americans and younger Democrats. Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod understood that over the last 28 years only 11 of 20 eligible Americans on average cast a presidential ballot. They focused on registering and motivating the other nine who don't usually vote. This decision, perhaps more than any other, allowed Mr. Obama to win such previously red states as Virginia, Indiana, Colorado and Nevada. It forced Mr. McCain to spend most of the fall on defense, unable to take once-reliably Republican states for granted.

Second, Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod pried away from the GOP ranks small but decisive slices of the Republican presidential coalition. We can't be precise, because for the third election in a row the exit polls were trash. The raw numbers forecast an 18-point Obama win, news organizations who underwrote the poll arbitrarily dialed it down to a 10-point Obama edge, and the actual margin was six.

But we do know President-elect Obama ran better among frequent churchgoers (perhaps getting 10 points more than John Kerry did), independents (perhaps five points more than Kerry and eight points more than Al Gore), Hispanics and white men. He even made special appeals to gun owners and sent his wife to cultivate military families. This allowed him to carry previously red states like Florida, New Mexico and Iowa.

This combination helped Senator Obama run four points better nationally than John Kerry did in 2004 and 2.5 points better than Al Gore did in 2000. These small changes on the margin meant all the difference between winning and losing.

It is a tribute to his skills that Mr. Obama, the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, won in a country that remains center-right. Most pre-election polls and the wiggly exits indicate America remains ideologically stable, with 34% of voters saying they are conservative -- unchanged from 2004. Moderates went to 44% from 45% of the electorate, while liberals went to 22% from 21%.

Mr. Obama understood this. He downplayed calls for retreat from Iraq, instead emphasizing toughness on Afghanistan, even threatening an ally, Pakistan, if it didn't help more to exterminate al Qaeda. Mr. Obama campaigned on "a tax cut for 95% of Americans," while attacking "government-run health care" as "extreme" and his opponent's proposals as hidden tax increases.

Mr. Obama and his team achieved was impressive. But in 75 days comes the hard part. We saw a glimpse of the challenge Tuesday night. The president-elect's speech, while graceful and at times uplifting, was light when it comes to an agenda. That may have been appropriate, but it also continued a pattern.

Many Americans were drawn to Mr. Obama because they saw in him what they wanted to see. He became a large vessel into which voters placed their hopes. This can lead to disappointment and regret. What of the woman who, in the closing days of the campaign, rejoiced that Mr. Obama would pay for her gas and take care of her mortgage, tasks that no president can shoulder?

The country voted for change Tuesday. But the precise direction of that change remains unclear. Mr. Obama's victory was personal rather than philosophical. The soaring hopes and vague incantations of "change" that have characterized the last 21 months were the poetry phase; a prosaic phase is about to begin.

This should be an interesting few years. Let every American hope for the success of the new president and the country we all love.

Mr. Rove is a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush.


shababsiddiqui4 said...

Calculations and statistics turned out to be pivotal for this election, as having access to them is what was central to many of Obama's actions over the last few months. I'm very interested to see what the McCain campaign's strategies were, and their shortfalls were. Despite all of this, it was the dismal economic situation, and the fact that enough of the "swing states" were badly hit, that ended up being the decider.

katiehaukos04 said...

Obama has a large task in front of him with repairing this country. He managed to succeed in his first goal, being elected. Now he is going into the presidency with a large national debt, the country is at war, and the economic crisis. As the article stated, Obama will have a tough presidency, and a whole lot to prove to the world. However, if he stays on the same path with the same beliefs, I believe he will be able to pull through.

nickmarmolejo3 said...

I have to give it up to the whole Obama campaign. They had a perfect gameplan going into the election, and they certainly executed. Obama winning virginia was simply amazing due to the fact that it has so much history in the civil rights movement. Also, the democratice party winning florida was pretty awesome too. It has been quite a while since that has happened. The Obama campaign deserves a lot of the credit. Obama with stood much criticism of his background and religion. They all stayed poised and did not show an ounce of slowing down. Once again, We have now made history. Our next president is an
African American, which shows that we truly are a show country and not just a tell country. This truly represents what we Americans stand for: Having a dream, pursuing that dream, and achieving it. This gives my generation the chance to tell their children that they truly can be whatever they want!

Erick Capulong 3 said...

As an Obama fan, I'm glad he won. According to the blog, politics is just a game and Obama knew how to play. However, the future of our country is definitely not a game and only time can tell how this all plays out. With the war in Iraq, the Afghan conflicts, and the economic crisis, there's no room for "game-overs."

ashleyledesma7 said...

I think how Obama made it
to the president is great.
Im happy he won and his speeches
were great.
Hopefully everything goes good
and everybody continues to love the change he is doing.

g.i.joe nathan said...

The Obama campaign was run very well. There was not a lot of mudslinging at McCain which was nice to see from a candidate.
People questioned whether or not Obama needed to be tougher towards McCain.
Now we know the outcome! Obama won!!!!!
As Obama said "[his election] is not change, but the opportunity to make it."

Ivan Valadez 3rd said...

Obama decided to go after the middle and lower class people, a very smart move since statistics show that there is a larger number of middle/lower class people than there is high class. You win people, you will almost certainly win the election and that's what Obama went after, the majority of the people.

DionePompa4 said...

I figured Obama had it in the bag b/c people tend to get tired of the same thing over and over again so i don't think McCain ever really had a chance especially because of the economic situation we're in. Hopefully Obama will get us out of the mess we're in...i guess we'll have to wait and see.

JeremyTow01 said...

I would never have expected this kind of reaction from Karl Rove.

He does make one good point: the poetry is over. Maybe we can look back in the future at Obama's campaign and judge it's effectiveness on a numerical good-bad sort of scale, however, it will be difficult to gauge his actions while he is still president.

richmond lee 1 said...

I'm just as glad that Obama won as the next guy, as long as that next guy isn't a McCain supporter. Socialist or not, I definitely think Obama has the right ideas to help the country. But one thing he has repeatedly emphasized is that the healing of this country is going to take some time. There is no magical solution that will instantly make a problem simply disappear. The plans will take time to implement and then more time for a difference to actually be detected.
I can already here all the silly conservatives and Republicans saying mockingly "Where's all your 'change'? Obama promised chaaaaaange blah blah whine whine." I think it is change enough to have such a breath of fresh air after the last 8 years of the same dusty, stale air. Obama won because he has promised a lot of good things, and I certainly hope that he delivers. He had to do something right to win over even a few of the hardcore conservatives.

JordanGutierrez1st said...

I think Obama did a good job of addressing changes that we needed...which made people agree and vote for Obama. I also think that he did know how to "play the cards right" when planning out how to win. I just hope he can make that changes and not let us Americans down.

SajaKhweis04 said...

On tuesday, america went for change by voting for mr. obama to be our new president. hopefully, he will stick to his words and bring about good change to this country, which is now not in a very good shape. I have trust in obama that he will do what he said he would and hopefully get us out of this crisis that we are in at the moment. not mentioning the issues in his acceptance speech,i think was a good idea, because it was a time to rejoice and be happy. after he is inaugurated then we'll see what he has to dish out. if he doesn't accomplish what he said he would, then we can vote for another president after four years. we survived 8 with bush's administration, i don't see how we wouldn't be able to make it through another four, if obama doesn't pull through his words :)

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

I think Obama played this election very well. A lot of it did have to do with his timing and how annoyed everyone was with Bush but more than that I think that Obama is just a talented speaker and he came from a background that normal people can relate to. I don't think it's true that he offered people false hope like it says at the end of this article. I think he offered people real hope and he will follow through on his promises. Obama is really amazing and I can't wait until he's our president.

AshleyPowe3 said...

First of all i would like to say that i was not moved at all when i saw Jesse Jackson and Oprah crying. I am dissapointed that Obama one, but i know that he is going to be the president and I will have to deal with that. But i do think that he was very strategic and in doing so he was able to regain many of the votes that were once a sure thing for the republicans. He did work very hard for the position that he is in now, but i don't agree with what he is planning to "change" about the country.

eliseodeleon1 said...

When I first discovered that Obama had won the election, I was in really surprised, and I thought to myself how he could have actually pulled it off. Although I supported Obama, I didn't think that it was possible for him to win. I figured that McCain would win since most people thought that he would be the safer choice. Apparently I was wrong, and I'm glad that the people were able to vote for change. After reading this article, I can clearly see how Obama was actually able to claim the win. The Obama campaign had a strategy, and they were able to carry it out effectively. Hopefully Obama will be able to carry out his promises and change this nation for the good of the people.

Anonymous said...

Although Obama has succeeded in being elected as President, he has many things to repair in and for the country such as the war in Iraq, economic crisis, and national debt. If he remains true to what he said his plans are, he should be able to fix the problems that our nation is now in.

alexkoontz1 said...

It seems as though Obama did not try to attack the opposing campaign as much as he had tried to get non-voters to vote this year, clearly evident in the rise in number of voter turnouts. It might be that he won because the election was so close, so that many other people who would regularly not vote tried to do so to help obama.

Ling Y Li said...

I was a fan of Obama, I really gald he was win this election. Just like the politics was kind like hte game,and the winner know hoe to play withit. But the future for this powerful country was not like the game easy, the economic crisis was the biggest the problem for the Obama, also the war in the Iraq,and the jobs, tax and so on. All these things never have the end.

jamesmahan4 said...

Now that Obama has been elected, he has alot of things to do. With our economy in a crisis and with us being in alot of debt. I think he will do a good job as President.

aNa Villalobos 4 said...

It's really interesting how strategic politicians must be in order to find success. After reading Hardball, I found respect for politicians that I wouldn't have found, it takes more than what I realized to make it.
Obama's campaign grasped this by reaching for those who usually wouldn't vote for him instead of concentrating on those who would. Also, the economic crisis appears to have offered a strong foothold.
Obama's eloquence has also been a strong advantage with messages containing hope of the country we had been 8 years before. The only thing that leaves me a little concerned with Obama is his avoidance in answering directly; some important questions we've asked have been answered in an evasive manner.
All we have to do is wait to see how our country will fare with him.

TanliSun01st said...

The Obama campaign and advisers are the ones who made his presidential election a success, and of course the weight of Obama's influence were also a crucial factor. I remember back when McCain choose Palin as his running mate, the Obama advisers didn't know what to do. McCain's choice is obviously taking away the women voters from the democratic side. But luckily for Obama, Palin's influence was short lived. I think Both parties played this election very well. But it is really Bush's 8 years in office that turned off people to support McCain.

Ezequiel Savedra 7 said...


I am a little glad that Obama won the election he played by the rules and in the end he was the one to say check mate with an honest win. Go Obama and great relationship with the people.