Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do Over

So apparently there was enough Constitutional concern about the flub of the swearing in that the two got together again and did it right.....



AaronHellman03 said...

I think its unnecessary. Hes our president, what difference does it make if one word is off? I glad they did it discreetly. I would not want my tax dollars to go to another $150 million dollar ceremony.

AntonSoriano2 said...

Pretty funny, I personally don't think that Obama did not flub it enough for them to redo the swearing. Very weird

joshochoa54321 said...

no matter what happened at the innaragtrion, Obama is still presdient. even thought he did screw up a little bit, they may have just wanted to do it for safe keeping, even though it wasn't all his fault. i think that this will go on david letterman's stupid president clips

Anonymous said...

Although it is defined in the constitution that the president is required to take the oath of office before actually taking office, it says nothing about saying the oath correctly word for word. It may be a comfort for some to hear that President Obama has retaken the oath of office but honestly the redo was unnecessary, as President Obama would be President by 12 pm that day anyway. Sorry but Obama's presidency is legit no matter if he fumbled his words.

AnaMendoza1 said...

Its a small mistake. Honestly, if i were about to run a nation, all eyes were on me, and it was like 10 degrees outside, i would have peed my pants. Give the guy some credit. He makes a mean speech. One party foul isnt the foreshadowing of a stumbling presidency. hopefully.

BonnieFanning1 said...

Having to do the swearing in again might have been a little ridiculous, but there are people out there who would have made a big deal about it if it hadn't been done. But give him a break, is he going to not be president because they accidentally made a mistake? I think not. On a different note, I was surprised by Joe Biden's remarks toward John Roberts. Fortunately, Obama had enough class to silently reprimand him.
Oh Biden...

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

Well these presidents, including Obama, actualy pay attention during the oath, they want to be sure that they get into the White House properly. Noticeing small errors shows that Obama will actualy look more into detail with important documents.

Mr. P said...

There was really nothing said about it other than a host of a FOX News show that was questioning whether or not Obama was "legally" the President since he messed up the oath.
A guest on the show then said that if it ever went to the Supreme Court, there would be at least one Justice that would say he was President. Maybe the Chief Justice who administered the oath?

Anonymous said...

That was really funny. But he really is already the president, it wouldnt matter.

Manuel Ordaz 01 said...

I thought it was pretty funny. Usually at events like the innaragtrion they go over everything a million times. There are people (like FOX) who try to blame Obama for doing it wrong. Everyone makes mistakes and for Obama making one mistake is not that big of a deal.

mirandamartell7 said...

Seriously, come on now he took the oath and hes now president. U cant do anything about it now whats done is done. Obama is still our president no matter what, and hes not even the one who messed up. Roberts has done how many oaths now??? that doesn't he think when he pauses that's when its Obamas turn???!!! DUH!! that's common sense people!!! I couldn't even remember half of what he said he was going waaaay to fast. And come on if you were about to be president and your standing up there and almost everyone in the entire world is watching you, don't you think you would be nervous too????!!!!!

cynthiacastillo3 said...

Come on give the man a break! I believe that there is no reason to be so concerned about a few mispronounced words. I mean he was in front of appromimately 2 million people about to get sworn into as the head of a powerful nation. You honestly think he isn't going to be nervous? i personally think that the redo was just a waste of time. It does not mean that his presidency will be horrible just because a flub.

bryahdaniels3 said...

Those people at fox better calm down, because barack is president and it's nothing that they can do about it. I was personally surprised at our new president for getting up there in front of everybody with out a bullet proof vest on. I think that goes to show how much america has progressed since martin luther king jr times. So in my opinon he could have studdard throught the whole thing, the only thing that matters is that he got it done.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

i also think its unnecessary for all this extra stuff. Either way hes still our president. Yea he messed up but the first time it wasnt his fault it was the other dudes for pausing, the second time it was his fault but everybody makes mistakes.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

I also think this is unnecessary for all the extra stuff. either way hes still gonna be the president. Yea he messed up but who dosnt and the first time it wasnt even his fault it was that other dudes fault for pausing first, the second time was obamas fault but everybody has mistakes.

amandamills3 said...

I don't really care that he did it again. I mean, I guess it is comforting that he took the time to do it again and get it right, although he's not always gonna have a do-over so I hope he starts getting things right the first time. The error wasn't even that bad, probably just a result of nerves, and if someone taking office wasn't atleast a little nervous to become president, I might be worried.

Personally, I find it pretty funny that Fox news anchors were debating whether Obama was president or not because of this error. That is a bit of a stretch. Give it up already...

SarahRhoades1 said...

I appreciate Obama's attention to detail and his perfectionism when it comes to his occupation. I think it reflects a certain attitude that might work in favor for the nation in the long run: an unwillingness to settle for less. If he expects that much of himself, I think he shows promise to be a conscientious leader for the country. In the position he has assumed, one can never be too careful.

RobertHiggins01 said...

Well, the mess up was something that major conservatives used. Obama had to do it again because conservatives were claiming that he wasn't president.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

how unnecessary. first of all the question of fault isn't even clear b/c obama was speaking so fast the chief justice didn't have any time to speak or correct himself. the two even laughed about it later in the evening so a re-do really wasn't needed. and dont you think it could be some what of a good thing that they messed up. it shows that they are both human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us.
ohh and i would love to have been on the scavenger hunt of the white house w the obama girls. the freaking jonas brothers were at the end! hahaha

g.i.joe nathan said...

I may be incorrect but apparently, at 12:00 noon on January 20th Barack Obama was legally President whether he was officially sworn in or not.
But I suppose to be safe, so that no one can say "he was never really president", it was good that they re-did it.
(I was there! :D)

Mike Onion 3 said...

I think that everyone makes mistakes and it is ridiculous for him to be scrutinized for one word, he is our president and that shouldn't matter. But it is still pretty funny.

diamonddavis1 said...

I don't understand why they would redo the oath, I mean I wouldn't have even noticed the mishap if they hadn't made such a bid deal about one word being out of place. Obama said the oath and that's all that should matter, it just goes to show that everybody is human and we all make mistakes.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

Even though he messed up, either way, he will still be our president. Barack Obama doing that one little thing causing him to be sworn in again is a little bit over dramatic. It's not as if he messed up that he can't be president. Now that would be bizzare.

KatelynnDabbs_1 said...

You would have to be extremely bored to find fault with Obama's original oath. A pause and a misplaced word should not be what stands in your way of being president. I am glad that they did it discreetly if there had been a flub this time the Armageddon predictors would have had a field day.

MenakaYadav3 said...

HAHA. I love this. Amidst all the excitement and pride surrounding that historic day, we have to worry about the recitation of a couple of sentences? I'm pretty sure the oral oath of office is not going to prove that he is, in fact, our president. I also enjoy the speculation over whether this was some sort of revenge because Obama opposed reinstating judge Roberts. Nothing says revenge like tripping up the president in front of millions of Americans.

Oh, and apparently the beautiful performance we heard on TV by YoYo Ma and Itzhak Perlman was a recording. It so wasn't a legitimate performance. It makes me feel uncomfortable--I want a do over.


Aztec_king90 said...

Really? I see that there had to be no reason to redo it. It was good enough for me. We all screw at times. Poeple are just making a big deal out of nothing. I liked how he was 15 mins late to the prayer servie that morning too. Becuase it's nice to know that our president is human too. haha ;)

matthewcastro1 said...

He shouldnt have to redo the oath, fumbling on a word is nothing to be made into a big deal. Knowing that millions of people were watching i think i might mess up too...

ChrisHidalgo01 said...

Pretty embarrassing, but hey, I'd be too nervous to even speak. I wish Obama luck, hopefully he'll pull this nation together. Kinda spent a good deal of money on the afterparty though.

amber obregon 2 said...

i think people are making this such a big deal when it was a mistake anyone could have made.

amber obregon 2 said...

i think people are making this such a big deal when it was a mistake anyone could have made.

MeredithFields3 said...

When I watched the Inauguration, I didn’t really understand why John Roberts decided to just go by memorization unlike when they were swearing in Biden. Either way, I think it is a little bit silly that they had to repeat the oath because the word faithfully wasn’t put in the correct place, since the overall meaning remained the same. I never realized it was tradition to repeat oaths because of slight mess ups (Coolidge and Arthur)… does the first oath just not count? Maybe a little bit unnecessary, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to repeat it again.

Lauren White 2 said...

I think it's kinda stupid they made him swear in again. It wasn't that big of a flub, I didn't think it mattered all that much.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it was a good thing that they went back and did it over again to get it perfect. This is making sure that all of the proper and correct words were in the swearing in. Indeed this was a very costly event I believe it was right to go back and get things right.

baylessdrum3 said...

I can't remember if I actually sent this comment or not, so I'm going to again. sorry-

I think the fact that the president noticed the minor flaw is impressive. Especially since he must have had his mind on so many other things at that time and millions of people were watching. I think this shows that he really does care about the responsibilites of his office.

SavannahWood4 said...

I think it's unnecessary. Seriously, it isn't a law that presidents have to swear in perfectly, or with a bible. Let it go. He's technically president. This was all a big waste of time; he got the gist of it. Good enough.

Rachael Henderson said...

Haha, I think it's really funny that they actually made him re-do his oath, when in actuality, it means the same thing either way. Plus, cut the poor guy some slack. Upon the millions of people that were staring at him at the time, millions more were watching him on TV. I'm really surprised this has never happened before on the account of knowing all those eyes are watching and criticizing your every move. Also, did he really have top say “congratulations…again…” now that was just unnecessary and quite embarrassing.

CatWiechmann6 said...

I don't think that it was that bad. It wasn't his fualt. He shouldn't have to redo it.

benjaminfincher1st said...

I think that under the certain circumstances, our new president did a fabulous job. I mean come on. It was like 10 degrees and he was outside for at least a few hours. He was being sworn in as the President of the United States of America and this was one of the most anticipated inauguration days in presidential history. Plus, his speech at the end made up for the misunderstanding.