Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Will American's Sacrifice?

Obama's inaugural address warned of sacrifices and "unpleasant decisions" ahead, but did not offer detail. What specific sacrifices--who gives up what--are needed over the next couple years to meet the nation's problems?


stoney-7th period said...

well i guess wat he's tryin to say is yes he's gonna make mistakes and he wants this country to bare with him but he'll be alright..

Dorian Rosas3 said...

The citizens of the United States don't need to hold on to their money, instead they need to be spending it. in order to get out of a recession we can't be holding onto it. As a whole we the people need to be more responsible with our money and don't get ourselves in debt because that effects us as a whole. For example, don't buy a house if you know you don't have the money.

CatWiechmann6 said...

I don't think that some people are going to be as willing to sacrifice some things as others. But I hope that they come to realize that the sacrifice is going to be better for our country.I think that for some people it will depend on what it is. But I can't wait to see what Obama does to fix all the problems that Bush has called.

mirandamartell7 said...

Obama is not perfect, no1 is. So yes i know that hes going to make mistakes we all do its natural we cant help it. And if he makes a mistake fine what presidents hasn't of course its gonna happen. So if he does make a mistake, who knows whats gonna happen, but i know he didn't do it on purpose. Its a hard job to run a country that has a lot problems going on right now he cant do everything by himself. If we have to make sacrifices then so be it we all have to make a sacrifice sometime in our life but its for the best.

MelodyStone4 said...

Sacrifice means different things for different people. For some people sacrifice would be to take all the money they are hoarding and go out and spend it to better our economy. For others that means only spending the money that you have. In the end we all have to have some sort of sacrifice to fix our problems.

brookemccallon3 said...

"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred." Already, many men and women have sacrificed and bravely served our country in order to protect us all. Not only the ones in uniform, but there families and friends have as well. As rough as it can be, these people continue serving for the love and dedication to their country, and will continue doing so. That is sacrifice in itself. "Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age." Most, if not all, have been somewhat effected by this tragedy of our economy. In order to restore our nation to its strong capacity, we will all have to take some burdens upon ourselves- being pay cuts or inflation on groceries-all of us will suffer or triumph together. "Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet." Many of our weaknesses are highlighted here, which needs to be done in order for change (which we so desperately need) but we also have to remember that we are still the strongest country, with freedom to show for it. It will take time and sacrifice on the part of all Americans, but I for one am willing to do so.

JessicaGatica3 said...

I think to get this country where it needs to be there will be many changes and some will be better than others. I think we just have to listen to our new president and hope he knows how to get us back on track. Whatever he decides to do we should support him and just see what happens with everything.

patreaferrell1 said...

As American's there are some things that we need to sacrifice. There are things that we are going to have to give up, and as American's we need to work together to achieve that goal, and that goal right now is to make it out of this reccession.

CortnyCognasi03 said...

Obama is right to say sacrifices and unpleasant decisions are just around the corner. Due to the current condition our economy and country are in as a whole, something has to change in order to turn the situation around. However, it won't necessarily be easy and some of these problems may not be fixable in the next couple of years alone. One thing is for sure though, these next few years are going to be rough for just about everyone in one way or another.

ashleyledesma7 said...

Of course Obama is right.
There are going to be things people are going to have to sacrifice, but i mean just as long as we don't under estimate him things will fall into place. Yeah he'll make mistakes, but i mean thats fine, beacuse of cousre nobody's perfect and im pretty sure in the end he'll make up for it.

JaredRauch1st said...

Most people know i dont much care for President Obama myself, however i do believe that some sacrifices will be necessary in the years to come. That Said I belive that americans should keep being Americans and keep consuming. And maybe even our new President can sacrifice his smoking habit...

Ralph Molina 7th said...

When he says sacrifices i think that he is talking to the wealthy class of America. He is trying to be Robin Hood by taking more taxes from the "wealthy" class and taking less from the poor. So for some members of this "wealthy" class that he decided is from a $250,000 a year income, there will be major financial sacrifices. When he says that there will be unpleasant decisions he is saying that he is going to have to make somebody mad. Nobody can make our whole nation happy. He WILL have to make unpleasant decisions. That is not the question, nor is the question "what decisions". The question is who is going to be effected by them? Someone is always going to be upset by a presidential decision. It is just common sense because there is not one issue that everyone in the united states agrees on.

Anonymous said...

Well American's do make sacrifices and President Obama is an american. All he is saying is that he is going to try to make a change but its going to take time. It's not going to happen in a couple of days.