Friday, January 30, 2009

Obama's First Bill

Barack Obama has signed the first legislation of his presidency: a bill that makes it easier for workers to sue for wage discrimination. The law counteracts a Supreme Court decision, and is strongly opposed by business groups.

The new law removes limits on the length of time a worker has to file a wage discrimination lawsuit against an employer.

President Obama says the law sends a clear message.

"That making our economy work means making sure it works for everybody. That there are no second class citizens in our workplaces, and that it is not just unfair and illegal - but bad for business - to pay somebody less because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion or disability," he said.

Called the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, the law is named after a female Alabama tire company employee. The 70-year-old Ledbetter says, near the end of a 20-year career, she became aware that she had been paid significantly less than her male co-workers while performing the same duties. The cumulative pay gap allegedly totaled in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A jury found in her favor. But the case was appealed, and the Supreme Court eventually threw out the complaint. The court ruled that Ledbetter should have filed a claim within 180 days of when the alleged discrimination began. Ledbetter says she only became aware of the pay difference years later.

Ledbetter's case drew national attention, and Congress moved to craft legislation to give workers more time to file wage discrimination lawsuits. Last year, then-presidential candidate Obama embraced Ledbetter's cause; she addressed the Democratic National Convention and appeared in an Obama campaign ad.

"I worked at this plant for 20 years before I learned the truth," she said. "I had been paid 40 percent less than men doing the same work. I had the same skills as the men at my plant. My family needed that money."

Corporate America is not cheering the new law. America's biggest business federation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, says eliminating time limits for lawsuits will cripple the ability of employers to mount an effective legal defense.

"Voluntary mediation and prompt resolution of disputes are only possible when claims are raised in a timely manner," said Michael Eastman, the chamber's labor policy director. "The law's purpose cannot be served if plaintiffs are allowed to wait for years before filing a claim. The result of this legislation will be more frivolous claims against employers that will only benefit lawyers."

The Ledbetter case highlights that fact that some women and minorities continue to be paid less than their male or non-minority co-workers. The White House says wage discrimination is never acceptable, and is particularly harmful during tough economic times.

Do you believe this is a good piece of legislation?


elizabeth_hendrix_4 said...

I blelieve this is a good piece of legislation. I have heard about this in past years and thought it had already been resolved, this will make sure that there is equal pay for everyone. Even though the big corperations are not happy about it, because now they are going to have to pay thier women employees as much as they do their male counterparts. I find it rediculous that men recieve 40% more than a women doing the same job, i bet the CEO of that company is a man.

elizabeth_hendrix_4 said...

I beleive this is a good piece of legislation, this will be good for anyone being discriminated agains in their workplace to recieve what they earn. I find it dishearting to hear that just because you are a women you recieve 40% less than a man doing the same job, I bet the CEO of a company like that is a man with a heafty pay check. But also many of the people in these situations are not aware that they are being payed less, because you are not supposed to talk about your salary in front of your collegues.

briansmith3 said...

I do think this is a good piece of legislation because of the need for a fair economy. The story about Lilly Ledbetter pretty much denies any controversy about the bill, because that's just ridiculous.

allisonheadley3rd said...

I think that this piece of legislation is a really good idea to have. We are all equal and I believe that everyone should be treated the exact same no matter what age, race, or gender you are. It's just not fair to be qualified and not paid just like someone who is male or a different gender.

Michael Melendez 2nd Period said...

Yes I do beleive that this is a good discrimination. Because a file wage disrimination cannot go on forever, because they most likely just want to get it over and done with, whether or not if they win or lose.

And like President Obama said, "the law does send a clear message"

diamonddavis1 said...

Yes I believe that this is a good legislation. I find it absolutely mind blowing that anyone could do that. I thought that as a nation we were growing away from the idea of discrimination in the workplace, but I guess I was wrong. It does not matter if a person waits 10 days to file claim or 10 years, that money is still theirs. They worked for it and they deserve what they earned. Race, gender, or age should not have anything to do with it.

AndrewRiojas1st said...

I belive that this bill was a great idea. Wage discrimination is very wrong, your pay should be on how much you bust your butt and not your religion, gender, or the color of your skin. Chris Gardner (Pursute of Happyness) stated out homeless, but with his hard work and dedication he became a multi millionare. People look up to citizens like him and they do work try but with wage discrimination they can't amount to anything.

ChrisHidalgo01 said...

Yes I do believe that this is a good piece of legislation. Work is work, if it's the same job, it deserves the same amount of pay no matter what. There seems to be a bit more of gender discrimination that racial from what I have experienced. People should be fight against the unjustice that is discrimination. Good call Obama.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

I believe that this is a good bill because everyday discrimination continues no matter who says it has ended. Lilly Ledbetter is one of the few people that worked hard her whole life and for someone to not pay her the same amount as her male co-workers is injust. I believe there should not be a limit on the amount of time given to file a claim because just as she didn't know she was being robbed many countless other people are still in the same situation. I'm glad Obama is stepping up and starting somewhere to create equality in America.

AmandaCaughron1 said...

I think that this piece of legislation could bring up a lot of issues. We already have ignorant law suits like the guy who sued McDonalds for getting "burned" by their coffee. I think that discrimination due to "age, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability, etc." is wrong but there are people who are going to use it towards their advantage. This will make it easier to turn up with more McDonald-like law suites.

Rachael Henderson said...

I absolutely think this is a good law to have!! It is ridiculous that we (women) do the exact same job as men and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars less than our male counter parts. Besides, we are their better half...sometimes. I don't believe however that this is going to fix much, because some women are so put down in their work place that they don't want to voice their opinion in fear of termination--which no one can afford in time like these. Even though this is a great law and a big step for women, I don't think it's going to fix much...sad to say.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

I do think that this is a good law. It is totally ignorant to be paying a woman less than a man. It is amazing to me that we just elected an african american man for our president and we cant even have the common sense to realize that women are our equal????? But i guess it is safe to say that the CEO of this company probably voted republican because it makes him more money. I never thought i would say this, but nice job obama. Its a good start.

stoney-7th period said...

i believe thats this legislation really needed some thought and i guess obama came through with i feel that workers should not be discriminated on wage beacause its not right workers should be able to sue for wage discrimination.

taryahhereford7 said...

I think this is a good legislation. It keeps everything fair and i think everyone will be happy. if we're all equal people then we should all have equal pay right?

JaredRauch1st said...

i think this is a very safe move for President Obama. its intention are clear and ethical. Wage discrimination is a serious issue. i guess it's less of a problem now.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

I believe that the legislation is a good idea, but may go too far. The previous law unreasonably restricted a worker's right to bring an action against an employer for wage discrimination. The current law may be overly permissive in failing to set a filling deadline from the time the employee discovers wage discrimination. In determining wage discrimination, one must consider the job in question, and wether both parties are working the same amount of hours with the same level of responsibility. I believe to an extent that the bill is a good thing, but it could be manipulated and misused.

Sarah Moore 2 said...

This is a good legislation. In my mindd it falls under the treat others the way you want to be treated.You wouldn't want to be under paid why would you do it to someonelse. This will be great for workers

LINPRI2 said...

I agree with President Obama discrimintating someone because of their race,gender,religion,or age is very wrong. I am very glad that Obama threw out the law that you have to file a claim within 180 days of when the discrimination begins, because just like Mrs. Ledbetter you may not find out about the pay differance until many years after it is done.So yes i do believe this is a good piece of legislation