Wednesday, April 1, 2009

U.S. Moves Fleet - Prepares for N. Korean Launch

The US and Japan yesterday deployed anti-missile batteries on land and sea to shoot down possible debris from an intercontinental ballistic missile North Korea is expected to test in the next few days.

Japan's upper house of parliament unanimously passed a resolution today urging North Korea to scrap its plan, saying it would "damage peace and stability, not only in Japan but also in north-east Asia".

South Korea also planned to dispatch its Aegis-equipped destroyer, according to a Seoul military official who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.

The US defence secretary, Robert Gates, said America had no intention of shooting down the missile itself, which satellite photographs show is sitting on a launch-pad in Musudan-ri. Pyongyang says the launch is intended to put a satellite into orbit, but any such ballistic missile testing or development is banned by a 2006 United Nations resolution. Two US warships armed with Aegis anti-ballistic missiles left ports in South Korea yesterday to monitor the launch, which experts say could take place as soon as Saturday.

Japan has positioned its own missile boats in the Sea of Japan and positioned Patriot missile batteries around Tokyo. More US-made Patriot missiles arrived in northern Japan yesterday to be transferred to bases there.

Japan previously hinted it might try to shoot down the North Korean missile, but has since said its missile shield is only there if the ICBM disintegrates and debris falls over Japan. If the launch is successful, the Taepodong-2 missile will drop its booster stages to the east and west of Japan as it rises through the atmosphere.

Gates told Fox News at the weekend the US did not plan to shoot down the missile. "If we had an aberrant missile, one that looked like it was headed for Hawaii, we might consider it, but I don't think we have any plans to do anything like that at this point." As contingency measures were being put in place, the US and Japan spearheaded a diplomatic effort to stop the test. The issue is already casting a shadow over the runup to Thursday's London summit on the global economy.

Japan's prime minister, Taro Aso, agreed with Gordon Brown on Sunday that if the launch goes ahead, the UN security council should consider taking action against North Korea. Barack Obama will discuss the issue with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, on Wednesday. China is seen as having more sway over the regime than any other nation, but Pyongyang has a history of defying Beijing.

A Washington thinktank, the Institute for Science and International Security, published commercial satellite photographs which appeared to show that a cover shrouding the missile for the past few days has been removed, leaving it glinting alongside its gantry at the launch site. Launch preparations come with the health of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-il, a source of speculation. There have been reports he has suffered one or two strokes, raising the question of who in Pyongyang is making decisions.

A launch could unravel on-off negotiations over the country's nuclear programme, under which Pyongyang agreed to dismantle reactors at Yongbyon in return for fuel and other economic aid.

The North Korean foreign ministry said at the weekend that "even a single word critical of the launch" from the security council would be interpreted as "a hostile act".

"If this is Kim Jong-il's welcoming present to a new president, launching a missile like this and threatening to have a nuclear test, I think it says a lot about the imperviousness to any kind of diplomatic overtures," Gates said.

But he added that there was no evidence that North Korea had mastered the science to use its plutonium stock to make warheads small enough to fit atop a missile, or reach the US coast with an ICBM.


Unknown said...

North Korea is a very unpredictable country. This has caused problems in the past and will continue to do so in the future. I think it very likely that North Korea will overstep its bounds whether by accident or on purpose. The fact that Kim Jong-il is ailing is also not a good sign. When he dies, if the new leader has not established himself, it could lead to factionalism and armed combat in the country. This conflict could slip over into neighboring countries or even the U.S. North Korea must not be trifled with, and I believe it best to leave them to their own business unless the country becomes torn by internal conflict or unless people from other countries are harmed.

KodwoPanford03 said...

The best move at this point, in my opinion, is to monitor the situation without interfering. By interfering a conflict could be started that would be unnecessary. However, I hope all the other nations are truly prepared if something goes wrong or it proves to be something different from what North Korea claims it is.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

I think it is probably a good idea to prepare for some sort of threat just in case North Korea actually tries something, but i believe there is a good chance it won't be necessary. On the other hand it is a good idea to remain wary as they say any word against it would be considered a "hostile act." their determination is a little bit frightening in my opinion.

JA7 said...

I think that it was a very smart move to send some destroyers to N.Korea. They have been hostile and communist for a very long time now and if we don't want a war on our hands then we're doing to do something about it. N.Korea has been making threats against Japan for a while, so being the country that we are, we're going to send at least a little bit of protection . It's not very widely known, but we don't have freindships with other countries, we have interests, and in Japan we have some "financial" interests. So we are deffinetley going to protect our people, and our interests, whether they be financial, or economic.