Monday, January 25, 2010

Highways For Hitler?

It's a small sign igniting a big debate. An official state of Colorado Adopt-a-Highway placard announcing that a one-mile long stretch of US Highway 85 is sponsored not by the Boy Scouts or the Lions Club, but by the Nazi Party of Colorado.Members call themselves the National Socialist Movement. They are inspired by teachings of Hitler, believe interracial relationships and homosexuality should be crimes, and they want to start a separate all-white country.
The Adopt-a-Highway program, they say, is a good PR move for them and a recruiting tool."We want to let them know that we're here and we do good things," Unit leader Dean Lane told FOX 31 News. "We're upstanding citizens, try to be good people, and try to portray ourselves that way.
"When the Nazi's first applied for the stretch of highway just south of Bromley lane in Brighton, the Colorado Department of Transportation called to say thanks, but no thanks. But the law, it turns out, was on the Nazi's side."
Courts around the country have allowed white supremacists to sponsor highway signs," says Anti-Defamation League Director Bruce DeBoskey. So although the Anti-Defamation League couldn't be more opposed to the Nazi movement, it advised the state to put the application through.
"To have our freedom we have to have all kinds of speech, and this is a case where hate speech is protected," DeBoskey said. "This organization stands for hate. It's a white supremacist group. It is a neo-Nazi group."
CDOT says the Nazi's have yet to actually pick up any trash on the road. And officials will be watching to make sure the group fulfills its obligation. CDOT will also pull the group's sponsorship if it creates a distraction or hazard on the road.


ElizabethGrimmett3 said...

wow. think about how boring it would be to live in an all white country....yuck. don't get me wrong- i am generic white...but i just dont see how anyone would think that would be a good idea. think about all of the colors you would be missing out on- not to mention the racial discrimination....
did these "nazis" think about all the people that would be driving on their highway? are they going to try and only let the whites drive on it? I don't think they thought this through....

Anabel Reid 4 said...

Ummm.... this is outrageous. I am for free speech and equal treatment, but this one is pushing things a little too far. Plus I don't think that the group that had the sign put up in their name is all that concerned with equal rights! This is upsetting simply because it sheds light on those who are out there who ACTUALLY hate other people.

Holly Myrick 1 said...

This is definitely an ethical dilemma, freedom of speech vs. immorality seems to be the case. But this is a country in which we are allowed to speak freely about anything and everything. I suppose if they think that these beliefs are what's right, it's the same concept of a group who thinks interacial communications and homosexuality are perfectly fine. The exception proves the rule.

Dawson Land 8th Period said...

I'm unsure as to how I feel on this issue. One part of me says that as a country we must be politically correct and allow all people, regardless of their views, express themselves. The other half tells me that this is horrendously wrong and morally corrupt. How can we let such a radical group, of, in my opinion terrorists, advertise themselves in such a public manner? But would I not be a hipocrite if I still believe that I have the right to proclaim my faith as publicly as I wish? I do not know. I just hope that the public doesn't respond byfinding favor with this group.

LucianoAguero8 said...

Well, in the argument over what is free speech, the Nazi's lucked out. They are just using the highway as a billboard for their movement, but they must fulfill their obligation to the state and take care of the highway, so until that stops, they can keep their free hate speech.

Anonymous said...

wow what has our world come to? the group as a whole is horrible and i don't support what they stand for. its sad that that those ugly words are now on the highway. but they do have a right just like everyone else to freedom of speech.

Higgins C.D. said...

Wow seriously? The fact that Nazi's adopted a highway is almost surreal. What makes it even funnier is that the "adopt a highway organization" actualy has a regulation that stipulates that they have to allow the Mazi's to adopt a strech of highway. As unorganized as the government can be at times it's amazing that in some cases they can be as nit-picky as to ensure "adopt a highway" rights to white supremacy groups.

zakarybalderas4th said...

Do I even have to point out how terribly ironic it is that a nazi group is trying to gain good PR. We are talking about the very facton responsible for World War 2. They want to be seen as good people doing good things yet they follow the teachings of a man who put the state of the free world in jeopardy. What is good about hating those who are different from you and believing their way of life is wrong and even a crime. Their endeavor is so ridiculous its almost funny. I look forward to watching them fail.

Sarah Steinmeier Period 8 said...

While I could not support the Nazi movement any less, I find it slightly disconcerting that CDOT is planning to monitor the Nazi Party's obligation to clean their stretch of highway with a closer eye than CDOT will be monitoring any other group. It is the government's place to protect its people from physical dangers, not make moral judgments about the acceptability of ideas. This Nazi organization has not, thus far, acted on their radical opinions; therefore the government cannot interfere with its actions. In the eyes of the law the Nazi organization is identical to any other political party and it has the right to be treated thus so, no matter how disgusted the public may be by its principles.

KateKobza8 said...

According to the first amendment, the Nazi Party does have the right to their freedom of speech even if their ideas are impolite and bogus, but I don’t like the idea that they should be allowed to sponsor highway signs for PR, especially when their views portray a strong hatred for other US citizens with equal rights as themselves.

BrittanyBurks 8th said...

The Nazi group should, in my opinion, should be able to be a part of the adopt a highway program. However I think, due to the history behind our countrys involvement with Hitler, the group should be required to participate under a different name. Just the word Nazi on a roadway could cause an extreme amount of distraction and angry from the public.

IsmaelJimenez3 said...

In all fairness it is just another form of freedom of speech, the group can portray their beliefs and morals and use this 1-mile stretch of land as a recruiting tool if they wish but as long as they keep within their boundaries and dont force anyone to induct theor beliefs into their own lives then there is nothing wrong with it. many other organizations whom represent some disputed topic as this can also use this to their advantage but in all essence it doesnt matter if its there, others will have to see it in other places and different ways. Hey, as long as tey pick-up the trash, who cares.

JasonWilkes3 said...

I agree that they have the right to the freedom of speech. It's crazy that people like the nazi group would push it. I don't agree at all with what they are doing, but by law they have the right to express their opinion. This is a catch 22 all the way. Hopefully they will forget to clean the road and they can kick them out ASAP.

Fernando Salazar 3rd said...

This Neo-nazi group seems be making a big deal of being denied their rights. They claim that because they have equal rights as everyone, they should be allowed to sponsor the highway. Does anyone else see the irony in this ambition? The same group trying to get their so called equal rights is adamant that others who are not of the same race do not have these same rights, even if they are as basic as marriage.

KatieRoberson8thPd. said...

The idea of racial supremecy is, in my opinion, just about the most unintelligent thing anyone can believe in. Anyone who says one race should dominate and subject all others to discrimination and harm is completely warped. Their hate is based on nothing more than antiquated beliefs and and idiotic fear of anyone different from themselves. They have publicly aknowledged that they agree with and condone Hitler's teachings of violence and genocide. If they don't believe in the rights of the thousands of people they discriminate against, then their own rights should be questioned.

KateAufill3 said...

I almost hate myself for saying this, but they have every right to be there and post whatever hateful, nasty things they want. That's one of the cons to our freedom of speech. Just as an equal rights support group could adopt that stretch of highway and post happy things, this group of people can adopt it and post awful things. From a logical standpoint adopting the highway was a smart move for this group because it will get their message out. From a moral standpoint I wish we could just kick them off the highway. And I hope they're stupid enough to ignore their duties and get removed legally.

Laura Xu 8th said...

While I personally do not advocate granting the Nazi Party this stretch of highway, it legally has every right to it. If the Nazis are deprived of the opportunity to Adopt-a-Highway, then they are, likewise, deprived of their freedom of speech. I am in no way a proponent of the Nazi Party, but I do believe in the First Amendment. Moreover, I admire the Anti-Defamation League's advice to Colorado to put the application through, for although they are strongly opposed to the Nazi Party, they believe that retaining freedom of speech for all is more important. Hopefully, however, the Nazi Party will realize that its PR move will be to no avail and abandon its sponsorship.

TaylorMiller1 said...

This is totally valid as far as the law is concerned. It sucks that our free speech in America has to be extended to quacks like these, but if it weren't We would be holding a double standard. Plus its one highway. Its not like people are going to support this group because of one piece of road. This is definitely going to bering them publicity, but the very bad kind of it-you know?

madisonmelvin1 said...

I agree, I believe in the first amendment but I don't believe in what they are doing by wanting an all white country is right. Without color to our society we would be boring and wouldn't have as many pastimes as we do now. Maybe they will forget to maintain the road and give another charity something to actually benefit from.

Anonymous said...

I feel really split on this. My head says that giving them freedom of speech is the right thing and it's what equal rights among all Americans. But my heart is very strongly opposed to this moral corruptness. Why would people who only believe in a certain area of America advertise their group to all types of people who travel that road. On top of it they are not even trying to keep their reward by cleaning their highway. They could at least try and work for this publicity.

Anonymous said...

If this Nazi group thinks that they will convince people to join their cause by adopting a highway for one mile, they can. However, I know that when I'm driving on the highway, I don't really pay all that much attention to the Adopt-a-Highway roadsigns. If this is the way they think they can recruit new members, I feel like they are sorely mistaken. The ones who will join their cause from this small highway sign probably already share white supremecy values, and I greatly doubt that this sign will convince others to join. I know that I'm not tempted to join the Boy Scouts just because I see that they take care of the highway. As much as the Nazi has a right to Adopt-a-Highway, it's not going to do much more than offend people. But actaully lead to a separate all-white country? From a simple highway sign? That's ludicrous.

MichaelHarper1 said...

The fact of the matter is that neo-Nazis are American citizens and they are within their rights to adopt a highway. By depriving said Nazi's of their rights is sinking to their level of hate filled discrimination. The State of Colorado is obligated to grant the group their highway. It's not the state or for that matter the national government's job to regulate the morals of it's citizens, and to do so would be a great injustice no matter what the situation. That being said if it were up to me the Nazi's would go home highway-less, but thank god I don't make the laws.

lauravillalobos1 said...

It's interesting to see how the Nazi Party of Colorado can technically hide behind the First Amendment. I mean hey, I'm all for them cleaning their adopted section of the highway, but to use this selfless act as a means of recruitment and PR is really upsetting. Why would you want to illustrate you're upstanding citizens and then obviously contradict that by wanting to form a separate all-white country? In my opinion they might be really eco-friendly but Nazis, you suck.

Yudi Zhang 4th said...

one thing for sure, i'll never drive through that highway, i'm for free speech though. what's wrong with those people.

Yudi Zhang 4th said...

one thing for sure, i'll never drive through that highway, i'm for free speech though. what's wrong with those people.

ClaySmith3rd said...

The Nazi group has the right to adopt this piece of the highway so long as they fulfill their obligations to pick up trash and what not. Until they fail to do so there is nothing anyone can do about it.

ClaySmith3rd said...

The Nazi group has the right to adopt this piece of the highway so long as they fulfill their obligations to pick up trash and what not. Until they fail to do so there is nothing anyone can do about it.

AmandaOlivarez3 said...

Although society looks down on such a racial group, every citizen in U.S. has the freedom of speech and has the right to voice there support.

Eric said...

As crazy as it sounds, even the National Socialist Movement is allowed freedom of speech in The United States. However, I believe that by allowing white supremacists to build public signs anywhere, let alone the side of the road, the government is promoting racial inequality. You're basically putting up a sign that says, "If your not white, we hate you."

JoshGarcia1 said...

All of this seems funny to me. The reason being that if someone does not like something they complain about it and spread it around and then people talk about it and the issue gets so much publicity. It would really crush the spirits of this Nazi group if no one even noticed them, but people talk and their little stunt gives support to other "National Socialist Movement" supporters in other areas across the U.S. and the people who want this group to go away have just given them a boost.

JoshGarcia1 said...

I find this pretty funny. The reason being that when someone does not like something they complain and tell people about how much they don't like it and them it spreads. This is exactly what this group wants, it would really crush the spirits of this Nazi group if no one even noticed them, but people complain and moan and now this Colorado "National Socialist Movement" has gotten what they wanted because of the people who don't want them to succeed have just helped them out. And yes they have the freedom of speech just as much as anyone else.

NatalieChapman1 said...

This group of Nazi's or white supremacists have a right to their freedom but they live in a country where everyone is created equal and is very diversified. They are intitled to their opinion but that doesn't mean we have to agree with it. The Adopt-A-Highway people have a predicament where they must abide by the law and let them be apart of the adopt-a-highway program but they must live up to their obligations and take care of that piece of highway.

KimberAdcock1 said...

I don't agree with what the Nazi group is doing, but because they live in America they do have freedom of speech. Are the Nazis going to try and control who drives on their highway, or are they just trying to make them seem like good people? After all the Nazis have done to openly show their hatred to certain people... I think it would upset a lot of Americans to have the Nazis own part of the highway and have a big sign with their name on it.

IshanJayawickrama4 said...

The Nazi party has their right to freedom of speech like everyone else. Although I do not agree with their views I think they should be allowed speak their views as long as they are not harming anyone and performing their duties on the highway.

Katie Beth Gallagher 1 said...

I think that under the constitution, they do have the right to express their beliefs and adopt a highway no matter how much we disagree with what they stand for. However, I do think it is a good idea for CDOT to be keeping an eye on that highway and if the sign becomes a hazardous distraction to drivers, they need to do something about it.

BreonneDavis1 said...

I feel like the nazi's should not be able to purchase a part of the highway. This is a good program and everyone should take part in it but the nazi's are not a group of people that i want representing the United States. People of all races make up our country and the nazi symbol on a highway goes against everything the U.S. stands for. The goverment wouldnt want a black or mexican supremist group represent the country like this. Everyone is created equal so nothing of this sort should be posted on a road everyone is allowed to drive on.

ClaySmith3rd said...

The Nazi group has the right to adopt this piece of highway so long as then fulfill their responsibilities of cleaning up trash and what not. Until then, there isn't anything anyone can do.

JakeShelby1 said...

Well, it makes sense. The first amendment allows for freedom of speech no matter what organization you're in. Yes, it does seem a bit outlandish that a neo-Nazi party is actually trying to do something for the good of the humanity and the environment we live in. But hey, I'll let them do their thing and I'll do mine. End of story.

Joseph Waugh, 8th said...

HOW DARE THEY SAY THEY ARE "Upstanding citizens." It is quite contradictory of them to say they do, "good things," when they wish for bad things to happen to certain individuals. I am all for feedom of speech and all, but there is a fine line between using their freedoms to express their opinion and using it to castigate. I personally find it offensive. Laws should be regulated to keep the furthering of hate and abuse away from the public. America is all about diverse unity. It would be un-american for anyone to start disagreeing with the fact that America is made up of all different types of religions, races, and other types of things. The day everyone listens to these "good people," is the America perishes and falls.

CaitlinCampagna4 said...

As an American everyone, including the Nazi party, is protected by the Constitution. This includes freedom of speech. Even though I do not agree with what the Nazi party believes in, they are still allowed their freedom of speech. As much as it saddens me to see such a group attempting to portray their message to a wider range of people, I still personally feel that the Nazi group should find a different was to spread their publicity.

davidgutierrez3 said...

As much as I hate to admit, they have the right to do this. But if people think they should be allowed to do this because of freedom of speech and equal rights then why can't homosexuals and other minorities be treated equal as well?

Ksenia Kolesnikova 8th period said...

As much as I am against the Nazi Party, I understand that they have the right to do this. I also agree with some people and say that they should change their name to something less controversial. This would help matters for everyone.

Yashvi Shashtri 8th period said...

As outrageous as this whole situation is, the organization does have their freedom of speech...sadly. I don't agree at all with what they are trying to accomplish. This is wrong on so many levels.

ClaudiaTorres1 said...

Hmmm, really makes you think. Well i guess they have a freedom of speech and the rights to do this, but i believe it is wrong also because of what they believe in. I guess as long as their not making people into Nazi's it's all good, oh and as long as they pick up their trash.

LaneLewis3 said...

Yea, these guys are neo-nazis. But we cant stop them from doing this. And i dont know why we would. Its not like this is some stepping stone to power. I seriously doubt theyll ever get anywhere pushing socialism in america. So let them have their 2 seconds of fame, then just let it die.

NikiParikh8 said...

I completely disagree with the Nazis viewpoint and their beliefs. I believe that their beliefs are absolutely disgusting, but they have the right to express them. Like the Americans who are allowed to express interracial communication and homosexuality as their beliefs, the Nazis should be able to express their beliefs also. They are protected under the first amendment to the right of freedom of speech. Although most people do not agree with the Nazis beliefs, they are still citizens of America and get the same protection as others.

JustinGonzalez1 said...

This is pretty crazy. Why would nazis want a part of a highway anyways? But I think they shouldnt be granted the highway. They shouldnt be able to show their racism out on the road. yeah there is freedom of speech but thats going way too far. People shouldnt have to look at that sign of nazism. They are obviously not planning to do what is needed to have that part of the highway. So i say take it away from them.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, oh crap where do you find this Mr. Perry? If they clean up the highway then let them. If they dont, then kick em out. Simple enough,

SOC3 said...

I find it amusing that the article says "the Nazi's have yet to actually pick up any trash on the road." TO me it seems that this Nazi group is abusing the right to free speech in an attempt to get attention. The group says that they try to portray themselves as good people. But in my opinion what kind of "good" people think others are worth less then them based on skin color. They are legally allowed to sponsor this strip of highway but morally they shouldn't be.

Tess Lehn 8th said...

Although I do agree with free speech this is still crazy! The matter of the fact is, that they arnt even picking up trash on top of everything. I think that even getting them involved is only going to cause trouble, instead of helping. They are more intrested in the publicity then helping the enviroment. if it was up to me I would remove them from the adopt a highway program.

Stephen Garcia_3rd said...

Free speech is one thing; this is one step short of a hate crime. No group should be allowed to publicly preach racial discrimination and spread hate like this group of people does. Groups such as this hide behind the first amendment and demand equal treatment then turn around and spout BS about how they're racially superior.

ChrisJohnston3 said...

It's kind of funny how the only people who seem to exercise their right to free speech are people like the Nazi party and wacked out fundamentalists. Unfortunately the law is on their side. And if the government tries to do something about it then I'm sure the Nazis will take it to court. That would be an interesting case. "Colorado vs The Nazi Party" I'm not saying it will go that far in fact its very unlikely, but still lets pretend that CDOT forces off the highway even though "hypothetically" they have been clearing trash and keeping there obligations, and then lets say that they actually find an attorney willing to support them and then somehow manage to get the case into supreme court. Then the judicial system has to decide, Should they force the Colorado government to allow them to continue to care for the highway and keep advertising their Nazi ways on the grounds of free speech, Or should they not? If they choose the first then the United States government will be supporting fascism and will get a ton of flak from American citizens as well as possibly other governments. This may also start a chain reaction causing other hate groups to follow the same example. Sort of like how back when people began suing fast food businesses because of there own obesity. Maybe suddenly The KKK will adopt highways and who knows. However if the government decides that they can't then they risk going against the constitution. This is all hypothetical of course. what will probably happen is that they get kicked off because of there inability to maintain the highway or something else. I seriously doubt they can keep up what there doing for very long, but you never know. It makes me think of that scene in the Blues Brothers. "Colorado Nazis....I hate Colorado Nazis"

Tejshri Gohel 8th said...

They have the right to say what they want but they're asking for something ridiculous which just steps over the line.

Tejshri Gohel 8th said...

They have a right to say what they want but being such a controversial group, it's hard to give them what they want.

NadiaSari-Sarraf4 said...

Although I find it absolutely outrages that the Nazi party would like to create an all white country, the party does have first amendment rights. If and when this party breaks this amendement barrier is when further actions should be taken to silence these bogus desires for an all white country.

Mario Parras-8th said...

Well everybody has their right of freedom of speech, and their right to believe whatever they want, but this is simply trying to get attention that they feel they "deserve". They are taking things a little to far though...

clarissabaker3 said...

As Americans we have to respect the freedom of speech right that our country was built on. We all have different oppinons. Mine is that this group is completely wrong and I disaprove of their message. Just as I have the right to post this message and other anti-nazi groups have the right to adopt stretches of highway as long as they are not physically harming others we have to repect their rights.

TheresaTokar3 said...

Until this group does something physically drastic, i do not see any harm from it other than pushing people's buttons. They're expressing their right of freedom of speech on a sign, which in my opinion not many people will read in the first place. I think people would be more concerned about finding signs of the speed limit, directions, rest stops, historical monuments...etc. rather than the name of an adopted highway, I'm pretty sure most people just look past them, but if people do happen to read it this group will most likely face problems with other people also expressing their opinions but on their sign, such as graffiti, taking their sign down or littering.

AlexandriaPerez3 said...

So the Nazis adopted a highway,whopee!!! now they are thinking there voices can be heard even more,probably not, what they represent is dumb but hey that's them not me.I like that now they have a mile stetch to express there opinions is so much,it isnt and no one is gonna listen especially the history the nazis have.It's pretty bad since there are so many people driving on that highway,imagine how many upset people.I know they have the freedom of speech in the right to adopt the highway but still what they r representing is hatred against the U.S and they are doing this on the U.S grounds.Anyways I couldn't really care but hey they are cleaning up that small piece of highway,so clean away nazis no one cares.

SamanthaDeLaCerda3 said...

wow, the Nazi group sure lucked out with our country's "freedom of speech" policy. While i dont think that the country as a whole should support racist groups such as this one, we would be hypocrites if we didnt allow them to say what they want. Hate groups are always going to emerge in every type of situation and rather than giving them publicity by fighting against them, i think it might be better to just let them be, so long as they abide by the law. People are always going to have different views whether we like it or not

DavidHinojosa4 said...

This is ridiculous! This is just being a Nazi all over again these kids are being taught wrong! All races have at least one thing in common we are HUMAN BEINGS! You know its people like this that make Americans look really bad and seriously we are in a new day and age racism and crimes for one being different should not be punished. I think that this is just another scam for a town to try and claim being a Nazi is the way to go. Honestly people grow up there will never be such a thing as a single race or religion so just go along for the ride. And yes every race has contributed to society in one way or another so having only one race would just really suck.

Austin Jung 8th period said...

I don't really know what should be done about this. The Nazi party has every right to buy that strip of highway, but it makes me uncomfortable. With America's past history with Nazism I'm not so sure that this party should have any rights to recruit members in the United States. But of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and for them not to be allowed to express theirs would go against the 1st amendment. This is just a strange situation.

Lakendra Mitchell 8th period said...

I think that this is absolutely ridiculous. I know that it is freedom of speech and all, but like others have said this is going a little to far. I would never in my life say that i wanted to live in just one race driven community. Like others have said it will be racial discrimination against everyone. What is the world coming to that people will result to this?