Thursday, January 14, 2010

Robertson on Haiti: "Swore Pact to the Devil"

PAT ROBERTSON: And, you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, "We will serve you if you will get us free from the French."

True story.

And so, the devil said, "OK, it's a deal."And they kicked the French out. You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other. Desperately poor. That island of Hispaniola is one island. It's cut down the middle. On the one side is Haiti; on the other side is the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, et cetera.

Haiti is in desperate poverty.

Same island.

They need to have and we need to pray for them a great turning to God. And out of this tragedy, I'm optimistic something good may come. But right now, we're helping the suffering people, and the suffering is unimaginable.

KRISTI WATTS (co-host): Absolutely, Pat.


wilsonvillegas8 said...

The Haitians need love and support. They don’t need disdain. Pat Robertson hosts the 700 Club; it’s a Christian news show, and he’s made several contemptible statements on his show. This accident in Haiti is not about a supposed deal with Satan. It’s about a natural disaster and helping over two million people in need of immediate aid. This isn’t the time for scornful remarks about the people damaged by the earthquakes. The Dominican Republic is not what I would call healthy at all. There are almost half of the citizens under the poverty line, and most of the money is stuck in the pockets of the upper class. The Dominican Republic might claim prosperity, but only a few people are prospering. A preacher shouldn’t make shoddy comments. Jesus had compassion for those who had lost loved ones, the poor, and those in need. Pat Robertson could take some notes from Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior.

Anonymous said...

woah.? that couldnt have seriously happened. eh, God doesnt turn his back on people, people turn their back on God. Look at the world in the past 50-100 years, an extreme tailspin if you ask me. And look at me, im not doin too much to help pull it out of this crash, probly just pointing it straight in the ground. Well not for long... so back to what i was saying. Don't blame God. Also... just thinking here, has anyone read at least a lil of the "left behind" series, apocalypse genre. If you have, remember that huge earthquake?? I didnt find anything in Revelations on a huge earthquake, maby i just didnt look hard enough. But yeah, a huge earthquake just happened... just a thought...

Joshua Harvill 8 said...

The idea that the Haitians deserve the plight they operate under is not only offensive, but untrue. If Robertson means that the Haitians sold their soul to the devil in the sense of trading one dictator for another he may be right, but on a religious plane nothing could be further from the church. As far as telling them to turn to "God" in their time of plight, I say they should do nothing of the sort. Just look where that has gotten Israel. To insinuate in any way the Haitians deserved the catastrophe and death they are now facing is the epitome of immorality. Maybe Mr. Robertson should take a quick gander in the Bible and lean to no judge.

Jennifer said...

I wish that Pat Robertson would have skipped the whole beginning and left it at "Right now, we're helping the suffering people," because that's really all that was necessary. I'm not suprised, however, because it does reiterate the things I hear everytime I pass by his show: that God will shower you with blessings and give you hordes of money if you send all your money to support their ministry. I can't honestly remember God ever saying that.(And the scripture they use to show that He has, has been widely used out of context.) Haiti doesn't need our denouncing them or thinking they deserve this. Haiti needs our compassion and caring and concern. When they have that, maybe they'll even see Jesus through us, as He is- caring for the destitute and lost- rather than deciding they deserve what they get, because we can't decide that. They're still our brothers and, while we should have been there before now to help and minister to them, we are now and we have another opportunity to help a hurting people.

JamesD'Cruz3 said...

As cool as it would be to know that God still actively punishes devil worshipers, there is no way that is the case. He is basing this belief off of a myth and frankly, if it is true, then the devil needs to work on his people skills. Really, if you are going to attempt to recruit people to your cause, at least make it look like you care. Even I, a mortal, would at least make sure my grouped recruits don't complain too much. I would give them a discount or something. In the end, if this is true, the devil should probably look into his management...and probably do something about those horns. They are a give-away.

EthanEarl3 said...

Sigh... Just another obnoxious Christian making the rest of us look bad if you ask me. Whether you believe this was caused by supernatural forces or not (which I don't), you have to wonder what Robertson was trying to accomplish by saying this. The only thing I can come up with is that it's supposed justification that Haiti is beyond help. The Bible I know says that no one is beyond help.
Theology aside, all Robertson's statement did was help distract from the real issue which is that millions of people are in desperate need. In a time when there is almost universal support for the people of Haiti, we have Robertson, a supposed Christian, passing judgement saying that they deserved it. It makes me sick.

JoshGarcia1 said...

I think those who realy need help should recieve it and if you give help you should just do it and not wonder how these people got into the situation they are in and if the truly deserve help. I dont know where this guy got the idea that the Haitians made a deal with the devil, if you ask me hes just crazy. I also think that its funny how nobody cared about Haiti before this earthquake but now that they are in the spotlight everyone wants to help. Before this event Haiti was in extreme poverty and nobody cared. There are people all around the world and even in the U.S. that need help but nobody helps them because nobody would know that they did so they dont.

SamanthaDeLaCerda3 said...

Ok first of all who does this guy think he is that he can pass judgement on other people. Really this man is beyond crazy for saying this. Whats happened to them was an unfortunate incedent and should not be labeled as a misfortune that waz brought upon them. Basically, if he says this natural disaster was caused by the "devil" than that would mean that all the other disasters that happened in the past years were also the work of "satan" or some other either, which is in no way true. Honestly, i think hes and idot for saying what he said.

AllieHogan8 said...

I find it very interesting and almost ironic that Haiti "swore a pact to the devil" and now their country has been under such turmoil. Throughout history countries that have gone against God have faced many problems, so it seems to be pretty clear that you shouldn't go against God, and you especially shouldn't put the fate of your country in the hands of the devil.