Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bored? Join the TBSC!

The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition (TBSC) is using both state and federal money to fight game style.

If you feel like defending your border while cruising the is your lucky day!


Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

I want to becom a real American and patrol the via Internet . This is pretty funny that we can report any suspicious activity while sitting in our living rooms. I will probably do this over the weekend because of how funny this is.

MeredithFields3 said...

Wow, that's an interesting idea. Although I can see how it could be more efficient to enlist the public in patrolling the border, the whole idea of having online cameras open to anyone and everyone just seems a little bit strange to me. Haha, I like the descriptions next to each video cam:" During the day watch for subjects on foot carrying large bags." Maybe "virtual stake outs" are the way to go, but it is just kind of sad that anyone who doesn’t do border patrol for a living has the time or inclination to spend hours watching video of the U.S. Mexican border.

KaralynneParent4 said...

hahaha. That is funny. I am not a US citizen so I don't think it is really fair for people who are illegal in the country to not have any trouble with immigration because as long as they stay under the radar they are fine and don't have any problems, but if you are actually in the country with permission you have to file all this paperwork and alot of other complicated things, which sucks, but if you wanna be in a country that isn't your own you should at least follow their rules and regulations like all the other immigrants.

g.i.joe nathan said...

Oh my gosh, this is soooo ludicrous. The way this country has become towards immigrants is so hostile its unbearable. I don't know much about immigration laws, but there must surely be some other more diplomatic way of solving this problem than asking Americans to sit at home on their butts and look for little digital immigrants.

RobertHiggins01 said...

man, i want my minute and 30 seconds back.

VictoriaGarcia4 said...

uhhhhhhh....this is very funny. There most likely will be alot of people who use this as a form of entertainment. This same people just might actually do the job...i guess. I'm really not supporting this idea though. Go figure!

Manuel Ordaz 01 said...

This is too funny! If I do decide to join the TBSC I would like to get paid for it.

Ezequiel Savedra 7 said...

Why is it so hard for The United States just leave "immigrants" alone. They have done no harm to them. Yes, they might be in this country illegally, but hey do more work for this country. For example, Jobs- immigrants work there butts off for not even a well supported check for there families in order to put food on the table. Most illegal immigrants have to hide in the shadows of a higher man? Whatever, immigrants hide so there family will not be caught and have to go back to their country. They come to find peace, shelter, and dignity for their family. Why should they need patrol? Border patrol for drugs is alright, but not to shoot or harm a human being with a different color for their skin. So for this blog i think it is wrong to do all of this for one or more immigrants.

Lauren White 2 said...

This is a very ..... interesting idea. But it's also rediculous!!!

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. I actually thought it was a joke when I first saw it. The kind of people who will actually commit their time to watching the borders from their computers are the kind of people who would set up something like this in the first place: narrow-minded republicans. If an immigrant can get a job and keep a job even when Americans can't then they deserve it. I don't think people should waste their time with this.

TaylorShofner4 said...

Man, what a cure for boredom! Staring at a live video feed of nothing in the hopes of seeing an immigrant. Pretty creative idea actually. Don't have enough manpower to patrol the border at all times? Harness the power of the internets and protect America from the horrible dangers of immigrants! They took our jobs! All the good jobs too!

I guess I really don't know what else to say other than kudos to the border patrol guys for being lazy.

They took our jerbs!

TaylorShofner4 said...

Man, what a cure for boredom! Staring at a live video feed of nothing in the hopes of seeing an immigrant. Pretty creative idea actually. Don't have enough manpower to patrol the border at all times? Harness the power of the internets and protect America from the horrible dangers of immigrants! They took our jobs! All the good jobs too!

I guess I really don't know what else to say other than kudos to the border patrol guys for being lazy.

They took our jerbs!

Anonymous said...

This cool i could be doing this right now. i mena in some ways this is sad but i thing it nice that they are taking some actipn on this.

Anonymous said...

This cool i could be doing this right now. i mena in some ways this is sad but i thing it nice that they are taking some actipn on this.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

This is really dumb like if the U.S had enough money to be waisting on the border seriously! The only reason they should use them is for drugs, but to me i dont think that immigrants arent really a harm all they do is do the work that white people dont do and they do it quicker.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

Wow, this is really funny, I want to help save America. I'm sure some people really will watch this religiously, but I'm kind of sceptical of whether it will really work. By the time you call in and the boarder patrol arrives, whoever was there would probably be gone. Also, I think that this shows how we have become too hostile to our neighbors in Mexico immigrating, protecting our country from illegal immigrants from our computers.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

Wow, this is really funny, I want to help save America. I'm sure some people really will watch this religiously, but I'm kind of sceptical of whether it will really work. By the time you call in and the boarder patrol arrives, whoever was there would probably be gone. Also, I think that this shows how we have become too hostile to our neighbors in Mexico immigrating, protecting our country from illegal immigrants from our computers.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

Wow, this is really funny, I want to help save America. I'm sure some people really will watch this religiously, but I'm kind of sceptical of whether it will really work. By the time you call in and the boarder patrol arrives, whoever was there would probably be gone. Also, I think that this shows how we have become too hostile to our neighbors in Mexico immigrating, protecting our country from illegal immigrants from our computers.

Dorian Rosas3 said...

Okay this just seems stupid to me. You have to be really bored if you just want to hop on to the internet just to look up immigrants. come on now you have to have something better to do then that. Without some of those people their is alot of stuff that wouldn't be getting business like for example: construction...everybody knows that most of those people are immigrants! I think it's a waste of time.

DanieSaldana4 said...

What I really want to know is if these cameras are on BOTH borders of the U.S.? If the U.S. is going to set up cameras on the Mexican border then they should install them on the Canadian border too. This country has forgotten about that border, don't they know illegals come from Canada also? They are so quick to stop the illegals from Mexico why don't they do the same for Canadians. It's like we don't want immigrants coming to this country anymore when this land wasn't really ours to being with it belonged to the Native Americans!! But I guess we've all forgotten we're ALL immigrants.

DanieSaldana4 said...

What I really want to know is if cameras were installed on the U.S. Canadian border too? Why does the U.S. forget that illegals are capable of coming into the U.S. from Canada? If cameras are going to be used to catch illegals coming from Mexico it is only fair that cameras be used on the Canadian border. It is getting to the point where American no longer wants to be a melting pot and we shun the idea of immigrants but we forget this land wasn't ours to begin with...It belonged to the Native American. In reality we are all technically decendants of immigrants...I guess it's really easy to forget where we each come from and that diversity is what makes this country great.

benjaminfincher1st said...

since i am on the internet all the time, maybe i should join this tbsc group to help keep the illegal immigrants out of the us.

CortnyCognasi03 said...

How crazy would it be if people were really paid for doing this.
I've always wanted to fight terror, especially if it's video game style. Not really.

I don't know what kind of person would actually do this though, it's really ridiculous. In all honesty, I think this is a pretty sad thing to do in one's spare time. I think we should leave the border patrol job to the ones who actually do it for a living.

CortnyCognasi03 said...

How crazy would it be if people were really paid for doing this.
I've always wanted to fight terror, especially if it's video game style. Not really.

I don't know what kind of person would actually do this though, it's really ridiculous. In all honesty, I think this is a pretty sad thing to do in one's spare time. I think we should leave the border patrol job to the ones who actually do it for a living.

amandamills3 said...

If you spend your free time doing this, I am going to find you and give you a hug because
a) you obviously have absolutely no life and
b) you must have a lot of anger toward the world.
This makes me laugh. I really really really do want to know if anyone actually does this. Oh geez...sometimes I think the government just does things to make me giggle.

JA7 said...

This just seems dumb to me. We do have a boarder patrol unit that pretty much does that exact thing, we don't need a whole bunch of people calling in and saying "Oh my gosh there's people climbing over the fence on the boarder". We already know they are, what we need to do is set up checkpoints all along the boarder with actual military enlisted, and say "If you see anyone trying to cross over, shoot them." That will solve the whole problem. People won't want to come to America after they see how actually heartless we are. If you need to get out of the country then go to your own freakin government and say "I want to leave" if they don't let you contact our government, we'll help you. Just do it legally.

baylessdrum3 said...

umm... wow. Well, atleast computer addicts but will have something productive to do. I kind of want to watch it and then catch someone and then have a really cool story about how I caught someone trying to cross the border.

The whole idea is a little ludicrous, but it certainly is cheaper than having a patrolman there twenty four seven.

AprilGuerrero3 said...

I think that this is funny and crazy! But I do think that alot of people will use it. I dont really like the idea though

Anonymous said...

Is this a joke? I don't like the idea, it's tormenting to have to watch the border and not be able to do anything. But I have to say whoever or whomever came up with this idea is borderline paranoid or genius. While border patrol sleeps American keeps watch! I'm skeptical to throw my support to the TBSC because of what it stands for. We should not spy on people crossing the border because with the current system of immigration it is very difficult to gain access to America legally.

AaronHellman03 said...

brilliant. what is better way to get people to volunteer? let them do it while sitting on their couch at home!
this is so easy-a little ridiculous though. but if it saves the government money by having a permanent camera and not a human being on call 24 hours a day, im all for it. the more we can help lessen the pressure for more tax dollars, the better.

CatWiechmann6 said...

WOW!!! This is stupid! Asking people to report any "suspicious activity" while they are on their butts. I think that there is a much better way to stop illegal immigration than this.

brookemccallon3 said...

"Texas Department of Homeland Security will enable citizens and law enforcement officials to watch alleged crimes through the Internet as they occur, using surveillance cameras along the 1,200-mile border with Mexico. Texas officials expect the cameras to capture images of drug trafficking, trespassing, theft, rape and kidnapping, all common to border areas." That’s quite a big job and a lot to ask from untrained watchers on a live video feed. I understand lack of resources, but this seems a bit excess. At first upon reading about it, it just sounded like another source that contributed to our very over weight country then again the border is quite large. All I can picture is an old retired man sitting on a computer all day taking his internet watch duty very seriously.

joshochoa54321 said...

i think this is right thing but yet at the same time wrong because most of the people that come from mexico are trying to make a good living here, or at least better than what they had back in mexico. but at the same time, some of these people may be drug mules, killers, and theifs because there is a ddrug war going on in mexico and most people are trying to get out of there for them and their family's safty.

Anonymous said...

That will be cool to get paid for doing that. Thats an interesting idea. But this is really funny!!

patreaferrell1 said...

Now why would you post a job to be a sheriff while surfing the internet. LOL very funny to me. Now all the couch potatoes can have a real job while doing what they do best!!!!!

amber obregon 2 said...

wow that is really funny...also ridiculous..we really dont have the money to spend on the border but i guess we will see what happens

AmandaCaughron1 said...

wow i never thought it would come to this, but hey if they think this will help then why not. It couldnt hurt i suppose.

AndrewGarcia02 said...

That just sounds like it could end up to be like "Saw". However, it could encourage some youths to do something productive with teh internetz

mirandamartell7 said...

I think the u.s. should spend so much money on immigrants its really a stupid thing to do. Its hard to say how i really feel because there aren't any words out there that could express how i feel, i just think its a really stupid idea.

CatWiechmann6 said...

WOW!!! I think that this is just stupid. Having people sit on their butts and patrol our boarder. This just shows how lazy our country is!

ash.flee_09 said...

i believe if someone wants to come to America they should do so legally. Its only fair!! check this out...

$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs
such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of

$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the
American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies

$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and
Social Services by the American taxpayers.

$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

Millions of pounds of drugs,
cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from
the Southern border. Homeland Security Report.

The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be
between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41
and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'

In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to
their countries of origin.

Total cost is a whooping $338.3 BILLION A YEAR!!!

And we really wonder why our economy is in such bad shape????
Do illegals really help America?

Margie Tucker 1 said...

I think it's ridiculous how the public has to help with the immigration problem here in the States. Really?! Who would seriously sit at their computer and stare at their screen for an extended period of time and try to catch an illegal immigrant? ... can't the border patrol do their job? I mean that is what they are hired for...I just love how they are seriously asking the public to help with this issue, when this is in their job description not ours...whoever does sit there is stupid, simply becuase they are making it easier on the border patrol and they arent even getting paid to do what the border patrol SHOULD be doing. Ha retards!

miguelsmith7th said...

The United States needs to reform its immigration policies to accomodate the workers who are going to get across the border no matter what.
Helping to develop the economies of Mexico and other countries will keep people employed in the countries they were born in.
The poster, however, is politically incorrect and offensive to Mexican Americans. Perhaps some of these arrogant Texans forget that when Mexico owned this land they were the immigrants.

AntonSoriano2 said...

Lets fight illegal activities online... WAHHOO... very hilarious. I don't think anyone will be taking this seriously.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

Wow, thats just sad, you know, America was created by immagrints from other countries, just about everybody came from an ancestor immagrent. If you believe that being a real American means to keep out people that want freedom, thats fine by me, just dont let me know that your into that kind of stuff ok

allisonheadley3rd said...

Wow, propaganda anyone? I think this is utterly ridiculous. I mean it is a slightly good idea but portrayed in a bad way.