Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Uncle Jay


amandamills3 said...

Suddenly it has all become clear to me! I always knew the inner-workings of the economy had something to do with Michael Phelps. His smoking pot must be why everything is going so wrong!!!I solved it. I am so smarter than that geography professor from California! I bet Michael knows where Bin Laden is too.

Rachael Henderson said...

That was really funny! And just what you need to watch at midnight. I can't believe he compared michael phelps to the body of the economy and his “steroid use” to this awesome new plan implemented. I really like how he integrated the salmonela poisen peanut scare randomly into his speech about phelps and his 8 babies? I really like phelps better when he's not pregnant...not that it could ever happen...

andrew villafranco 7th said...

Haha this was very funny in explaining some of what is happening in our world today. It also does help you understand how bad our economic situation is. But his examples using Michael Phelps was hilarious.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

Wow that was hilarious!!! I never knew that michael phelps was that guy who was the first male to be pregnant. I cant wait to see his deformed babies. They'll probably be pot addicts. haha. well i do think this video was funny but it actually did tell us one thing that true.......that obama is already screwing up the country!!!!! ok ok i know hes already elected so i guess ill have to stand behind him now. Even though i dont like him he is the leader of our country and i respect that and stand behind him.

KatelynnDabbs_1 said...

i love the "hidden" images! it was very iluminating. it was kind of nice to see people who can make witty arguments and complete full sentences speak there minds about the gov. he actually made you listen to his argument instead of wish to beat your head in with a lemon.

KatelynnDabbs_1 said...

i loved all the "hidden" images, it was very illuminating. it was nice to finally see a person who can use complete sentences and and is witty to boot, speak about the gov. he actually made you want to listen instead of beat your brain out with a lemon.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

Hahaha, i now understand everything, seems as if this is whats all happening now, only in simpler form. Package. LOl, ths is good stuff right here

AaronHellman03 said...

Brilliant. Loved it. I just hope no one actually takes it seriously and uses it as a credible news source. I did agree a bit too much with him on congress's rushing of the bill. The future will tell i guess...

Chris Shute 1 said...

Hahaha wow. That "show" must be a pretty big hit. The sad thing is that he probably has a better grasp on political issues than the average American. We should beg Micheal Phelps to stop smoking pot and injecting peanut butter laced steroids in order to improve our economy.

mirandamartell7 said...

Lol!!!!! O wow this was really funny. It gave me a better understanding of what is going on in the world. I really like Uncle Jay, he makes things easy to understand, he makes fun of people but that's what makes it easy to understand. I really enjoyed watching this video.

Aztec_king90 said...

Haha That guy was hilarious! He brought humor and gov't mixed together and made something awesome! I do understand better tho! haha that's the sad part! Haha "Package"

CatWiechmann6 said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! That was so funny!!! It really helped me understand what exactly is going on in the USA. I think that it was clever of him to use things that we would understand to better explain what is going on in the USA.

ash.flee_09 said...

I love that! Although that was hilarious it was oddly acurate on our government. The comparrison between michael phelps to the body of the economy and his "peanut butter injections" to his new stimulous plan has to be the best personal oservation on todays economy.