Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God Bless the Brazilian Legal System

SAO PAULO - A Brazilian judge awarded $2,600 in damages to a man who sued a store for not replacing his faulty television set, ruling that it was an "essential good" needed to watch soccer and a popular reality TV show.

The customer took Casas Bahia, Brazil's largest furniture and home appliances retail chain, to court for "moral damages" inflicted by not being able to watch television.

"In modern life, you cannot deny that a television set, present in almost all homes, is considered an essential good," ruled the judge from Campos, a town north of Rio de Janeiro.

"Without it, how can the owner watch the beautiful women on 'Big Brother,' the national news broadcast or a football game," the judge quipped.

Brazilians are passionate soccer fans and are currently following the ninth season of the local version of the popular reality TV show "Big Brother."


Lauren McVay, 1 said...

Wow! That's crazy! I wonder what would happen if someone pulled a stunt like that here. Would the court rule that an unreplaced television is "cruel and unusual punishment"? I heard someone say once that when architects discover our homes thousands of years from now they're going to wonder what kind of god lived in a box with antennas that we all worshiped in the center of our living rooms. Sadly enough, that's probably fairly close to the truth. We're too busy watching "reality TV" because real relationships are too high maintenance for us to deal with. What would we Americans do without our T.V.s for a week? Could you last? I challenge you...

Lauren McVay, 1 said...

Wow! That's crazy! I wonder what would happen if someone pulled a stunt like that here. Would the court rule that an unreplaced television is "cruel and unusual punishment"? I heard someone say once that when architects discover our homes thousands of years from now they're going to wonder what kind of god lived in a box with antennas that we all worshiped in the center of our living rooms. Sadly enough, that's probably fairly close to the truth. We're too busy watching "reality TV" because real relationships are too high maintenance for us to deal with. What would we Americans do without our T.V.s for a week? Could you last? I challenge you...

andrealuker4 said...

I'm so glad that Brazil has their priorities in order. I should tell my dad that removing the tivo at our house is going to inflict "moral damages" upon me.
I think it is quite ridiculous that the legal system has gone so low that a business owner is having to go to court because he doesn't have a television set at his own store. The plaintiff left his house to shop. When he left, he chose that his errands were more important than soccer and pretty girls off of a lame reality show. Why should business owners cater to everyone's needs/desires. It's an impossible feat and if they choose not to have a T.V., that's fine if they are willing to lose clientele. They should make such decisions themselves and not be forced to do so by court.
First, it was hot coffee and now it's not having a television. Why is the legal system embracing the stupid?

KatelynWatkins1 said...

"Back in New York, we lived in the country, with no sidewalks or streetlights... Here, when you looked out the window, you saw other houses, and people inside those houses. I hoped that in walking around after dark, I might witness a murder, but for the most part our neighbors just sat in their living rooms, watching TV. The only place that seemed truly different was owned by a man named Mr. Tomkey, who did not believe in television. To say that you did not believe in television was different from saying you did not care for it. Belief implied that television had a master plan and you were against it. It also suggested that you thought too much. When my mother reported that Mr. Tomkey did not believe in television, my father said, "Well, good for him. I don't know that I believe in it either." "That's exactly how I feel," my mother said, and then my parents watched the news, and whatever came on after the news.
- David Sedaris, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.

Pretty soon, everyone will stop reading, and they won't teach their childen to read, and then we'll have to rely on the media to tell us what's true! Oh, joy!

BonnieFanning1 said...

This is strange. I cannot imagine
suing someone because I missed part of a soccer game or a relaity show. However, people are able to sue for some bizzare issues. It's a store. If you believe that television shows are essential to everyday life, it would be best to stay home so that you can guarantee it will not be displayed on a "faulty television". This judge obviously has a passion for soccer and the women on big brother.

matthewcastro1 said...

I think it is pretty funny, that they consider a TV an essential good. What is this world coming too? But its pretty ridiculous just because you missed one episode of Big Brother, who even likes that show? Apparently the man who wants 2,600.

Mr. P said...

Come now...let's be realistic. It is the Brazilian version of Big Brother. Think Big Brother mixed with Carnival!
I would be curious....

Anonymous said...

Um i think that this was a waist of a trial. Television is not an essential part of life and you do not need it to live my proof people lived without it for years. If this man is so passionate about the real world or what ever show it is he should go out and get in it. If he loves soccar so much he should attened the games.

Lauren White 2 said...

That is unbelievable! I so want to go live in Brazil now. But I really think that telivision isn't that important.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

that is very unusual. I never thought that Brazil was that obsessed with tv. now i know that all of us probably watch a good deal of tv but we wouldn't bring a lawsuit to court like that ever unless watching tv was your job. All i know is that if Brazil's government thought of it as an "essential need" then by all means do it. but that is still ridiculous

RobertHiggins01 said...

Since the T.V became a mainstay for household appliances, the world has gradually ground itself into ignorance. Before T.V, there was the industrial revolution, progress in social conditions, and general extensions and revolutions in the world. T.V has HELPED bridge the communication gap, but then it only shows us things we want to see. Who wants to watch the real world when we can watch MTV's "The Real World". Think of all the songs that could be written, paintings that could be articulated, inventions and cures that could be discovered. Alas, no, we have to watch Big Brother, America's next top model, and A Shot of Love With Tila Tequila. Some PBS would be good for the plaintiff. Heck, a book might even do him good.

"Wait Rob! Don't you work at a T.V station?!"

amandamills3 said...

This makes me laugh, but I guess it's something akin to the law suit against Mc Donald's for serving hot coffee. People can get away with anything these days. It just makes me sad how self indulgent society has become (me included) and how bogged down by material things we are. I hardly watch tv, not that I don't have my technological vices *cough*cell phone*cough*, but I hardly miss it. With reality tv staging a takeover of television, nothing is worth watching anyway. I am just afraid that the world will become so technology dependent that we will lose our humanity. Anyway, it is amazing that the Brazilian legal system can turn out a case like this. Really makes me feel confident in the direction the world is taking.

jakelabrec7 said...

this is hillarious that the owner actually had to pay the person money because he didnt have a working tv set in his store. i think that the judges decision was also completely wrong just because they dont really have to have a tv set in their store.

AnaMendoza1 said...

I'm pretty sure Brazil needs their soccer. If I was brazilian, i would watch soccer all the time...But also, i would be 5'7, skinny as a model and have a gorgeous sun tan. but in america, we are fat. so i think they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Chris Shute 1 said...

Finally!!! Someone gets something right. If only our legal system would grant me money for "damages" if Best Buy didn't fix my computer. It's sad because it will never happen here. Is there really something wrong with watching TV....alot of it? There are certainly worse things out there for kids to become a part of.

Chris Shute 1 said...

Finally!!! Someone gets something right. If only our legal system would grant me money for "damages" if Best Buy didn't fix my computer. It's sad because it will never happen here. Is there really something wrong with watching TV....alot of it? There are certainly worse things out there for kids to become a part of.

Manuel Ordaz 01 said...

Thats is kinda wierd that you can get rich by missing out on a tv show. I understand with the man that missing a show or a soccer game sucks but i mean they do show reruns! The man needs to just grow up and stop whining.

cynthiacastillo3 said...

How Crazy!!! Why would someone go through all that trouble just for a couple of BORING tv shows? It is hilarious that even the court, the most fair and just, believes that the a tv is considered an "essential good". Come on get real people! Isn't it obvious that the man went to store for something more important than an episode of Big Brother or a football game? However, when it comes to my mother depriving me of my cell phone and ipod, i must say that it is an essential good, but i would never sue her for something so stupid.

CatWiechmann6 said...

That's crazy!!! I can go a day without seeing my favorite TV show. If i miss it i can go online and watch it or just ask a friend. I think that this just shows how much peoples lives revolve around TV. But then again those Brazilians are crazy about soccer.

AndyHerrera03 said...

Haha Really to tell you the truth, I've caught myself watchin a few soccer games or "futbol" as all the other countries say. I'm actually lookin forward to watch Mexico vs. USA on wednesday. it's at 6 pm on ESPN or Univison. ^_^ So I kinda agree with that brizilian guy. But still, I probly wouldn't sue the place I baught the tv from for missing that one game. haha I'd might be upset abit, but nothing that big!

bryahdaniels3 said...

Wow i sure wish that would have been me pocketing 2,000 dollars for something as absurd as that. I could sure use the extra change right now. I bet that that man who sued the furniture store was just really lazy because if the set was messed up he probably could have tooken it back and got a different one. Maybe i will sue someone over something as crazy as he did and win... who knows right?? maybe i'll win

mariaolascoaga1 said...

This made me laugh so hard while I was reading it. I cannot believe that they actually got money out of this. Its not that I think the idea that television should be considered "essential good" is ridiculous. Nowadays, it is very important to own a television in order to keep up with the world around us. What made me laugh was the arguments that they came up with. They could have at least said that that television was essential for news and educational purposes, but instead they used soccer and the "beautiful women on big brother" as their arguments.

jillchen3 said...

wow this is so ridiculous, but i guess you find crazy judges everywhere. Essential goods are food, clothing, and shelter. Not a television set. I don't know if the man broke the tv himself or if the store was at fault in selling him a broken tv set but still, "moral damages"? Reality shows like big brother are anything but moral. That's why people like to watch them so much.

AntonSoriano2 said...

WOW............ pretty funny. i didn't know it was an essential good to watch soccer. Well Brazil and soccer go so well together.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

hahahaha thats pretty funny but it really shows what america and the rest of the world is coming to by way of tvs and entertainment. i could totally see someone from minnesota dont that when they missed a vikings game. crazy northerners. and who cheers for brazil anyway?!? psh...

benjaminfincher1st said...

I wish our society thought that television was an essential good. Then it would be okay to admit how much t.v. I watch on a daily basis. I mean Big Brother is not all that great, but were talking about the Brazilian version.

DanieSaldana4 said...

Honestly, that is pretty ridiculous. Television is a luxury not an essential. There are better ways to spend time, it's something most people like to call a book!! I like t.v. just as much as the next person but I think I could do without it. Anyway I thought Americans were bad about their precious T.V. but I guess watching T.V. epidemic is just another epidemic.

mirandamartell7 said...

Wow that's interesting. Hmmmmm i wonder what wound happen if that did ever happen here??? Really makes you think huh. In a way i kinda agree with it cuz i do believe we need t.v. how ever i don't think its that big of a necessity there is other alternatives other than t.v. we don't need t.v. we want it, there's a big difference. So i think its kinda stupid what he did but that's just me.

mattdotray3 said...

haha. I'm pretty torn on what to say. On one hand, I think it's pitiful that a man would take a large chain like that to court just because he can't watch a game or that reality show that I have never even heard of. I mean, come on. Go to the library and get a book or play with your children. But on the other hand, if for some unfortunate reason I would have missed a viking game this year, I would have been pretty ticked off. Especially against the packers.

Matthew Hester 1 said...

This is hard to believe that anyone in the world can seriously side with someone suing a company for not replacing a faulty television... and the thing is it didn't happen in America... If that judge considers a tv an essiential good then i wounder what else he considers essiential goods?

jessica casarez 7 said...

dang man, to tell the truth I'd do the same thing, i love watching t.v., i mean yeah it kinda means I'm lazy, but i cant live without some of the shows i watch. In my opinion this guy had kind of a good point, but was a little over dramatic, but hey who isn't at times right!?

nataliarangel4 said...

Oh my gosh thats retarded. They consider televison an essential good?!?! I guess, that is rediculous and messed up. The owner of the store had to go to court just because he didnt have a television set at his own store gosh. Brazil definently has a different set of priorities then us.

AnaMendoza1 said...

All right, I already commented on this one, but I dont know if it went up so im typing another quick version of my previous comment just to be safe. I think that people from Brazil are skinny enough to sue for not having television. They are hot and more than likely go out 100 times more than Americans do. The majority of our population is fat, therefore we should never sue for not getting tV. we should be out more.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

Ha thats funny sueing even for tv. I understand that you can get bored without tv but there are a whole lot of other things you could. i dont think its fair.

katelynmcpherson1 said...

So I am pretty sure this is ridiculous. All I have to say is that technology is a blessing, but can obviously be a curse as well. I mean 70 years ago, there wasn't television, and the people than were FINE. If anything, they were much more intelligent. I do agree with's all going to become where we just all sit in front of the T.V. to get what we need. So suing because of a missed soccer/reality show...can't say that I would do the same.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

The fact that the brazilian legal system is this obsessed with tv is crazy. Even though we are also very obsessed with tv, at least we don't have to bring in our legal system to fix problems that have to do with faulty tv sets. But if the Brazillian government wants to be this obsessed with tv, i say let them.

i may be writing this blog twice because i can't tell if mine will be posted on time... this is just to make sure that it doesn't get lost or something

micahrivera3 said...

I think the whole thing is ridiculous. What kind of values does that teach. Now there will be people who believe tv must be a part of their life. Nothing extroardinary will ever be accomplished when people can't even get off their couch.

Will_Jeffery_03 said...

I think people everywhere are crazy.
you may think that wouldn't work here but what about that person who sued Starbux because she spilled her coffee on her lap and it burned her. DUH ITS HOT YOU RETARD! so now by law all cups of hot coffee must have a warning reading "warning, contense hot." well duh its hot! did you not just order a hot coffee?! or the person who sued McDonald's for making her kid fat. If your kid's fat then stop feeding the brat Big Macs for breakfast lunch and dinner.
My conclusion from all these and many more such retarded examples is that humanity is stupid. dispite our advances, our technology, our "brilliance". we are just plain dumb

Sarah Moore 2 said...

Really, that is a lot of money for a television set. Tehy should just have to replace it. The Tv is not that important what you don't see on tv you more than likely see on the computer. What moral damages can you get from seeing tv? i don't see any doesn't make much sense to me.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

Ridiculous! I would understand this more if the guy would have missed an episode of Ace of Cakes, but Big Brother and a Soccer game? pffffttt. In all seriousness though, it's really ridiculous how people will take absolutely anything they can to court. I think we should have a project where we all see who can bring the most outrageous case to court and get away with it. Now that would be some hands on learning lolz!

JA7 said...

People can really be dumb sometimes. I mean really, do you absolutely have to have a tv, why don't you just go to a freinds house and watch the game or just go to the game. Besides tv's are not essential to every household I mean there's always radio.

Michael Melendez 2 said...

Dude!! That is freaking cool I want to go to Brazil now. But its sort of ridiculous at the same time I mean come on $2,600 just because some random dude missed an episode on a TV Show called Big Brother. Which from my opinion is'nt a very good show but thats just so yeah.

alexgorelov7 said...

moral damages? whats that about, i think the Brazilians take thier football too seriously, if we pulled a stunt like that here, we would probably get laughed at and thrown on the streets

WillStewart4 said...

That's awesome. I should move to brazil, because if i tried that argument with my parents they'd tell me to quit whining. I can't believe a court actually decided that. What does that say about our world that lack of tv causes "moral damges"?

amber obregon 2 said...

wow that is dramatic..i dont think that is worth sueing but thats my opinion...

StephaniePleasant4 said...

I really like this story. I know as bizarre as it sounds, I understand where this Brazilian is coming from. They love them some soccer and not being able to watch it should be a crime. I know I would have done the same thing if I was over in Brazil too. Unfortunately we live in America, where this sort of thing wouldn’t make it to court. I find it funny and just that he got compensation for missing his favorite shows on T.V. It kind of makes me wonder if the judge got paid off or if he really emphasizes with the boy and would sue for the exact same thing if denied his legal right to his “essential goods”.