Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slammer 4 Txtng

FEBRUARY 17--A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl who refused to stop texting during a high school math class was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, according to police. The teenager was busted last Wednesday at Wauwatosa East High School after she ignored a teacher's demand that she cease texting. The girl, whose name we have redacted from the below Wauwatosa Police Department report, initially denied having a phone when confronted by a school security officer. However, the phone was located after the girl was frisked by a female cop. The Samsung Cricket, the police report noted, was recovered "from the buttocks area" of the teenager. The student was issued a criminal citation for disorderly conduct, which carried "a bail of $298," and had her phone confiscated. The girl, who was barred from school property for a week, is scheduled for an April 20 court appearance on the misdemeanor rap. (4 pages)


jessica casarez 7 said...

that really sucks for that girl ha! i would hate if i got arrested for texting, except i wouldnt be stupid enough to keep on texting after being told to stop, and i would be wayyy to scared to lie to a cop just cause im a big scaredy cat. But would texting during class be classified as "disorderly conduct"? i dont think so, i think that it was reasonable to get a fine for maybe lying to the cop, but for txting during is more of a school type discipline to deal with, like of course the suspention or iss or something like that you know!?

Anonymous said...

this an open and shut case of childish behavior.

the rules say (I assume they are comparable to LHs' policies) that you can't have a phone out at school. this chick did not have an emergency, or she would have gladly admitted to having a phone, instead of 'officer, i ain't got no phone! you be crazy!'

know jailtime seems harsh, but i would measure to guess that she's a repeat offender because of the police intervention. The fact that she outright lied to the cops is more reason for her spend some jailtime than the refusal to give up the phone!

I think it's necessary that school administration's should crack down harder on chilluns' cell phone policies - and jailtime might just be the thing to make them care more about long as it doesn't happen to LHS before we graduate :D

joshochoa54321 said...

so this is what the world is coimg to, arresting people for texting. i understand that you cant text in school, i do agree that they needed to take it up but i kinda think jail is pushing it. there had to been some type of dire importance in this, but if she had just been talking to one of her friends in another class, thats understandable.

SarahEdwards1 said...

My question is: why wasn't her phone simply confiscated in the first place? That would certainly cause her to stop texting. This may possibly be one of the most insipid articles I have ever read. The cops shouldn't have been involved in this situation- texting is not against the law. Disciplinary action should have been carried out by the teacher; the law getting involved was over-kill.

SarahEdwards1 said...

This may be one of the most insipid articles I have ever read. My question is: Why didn't the teacher simply confiscate the phone in the first place, which is the action most likely to be taken by most school districts. Getting the cops involved was certainly overkill. Disciplinary action should have been taken by the teacher, not by the law. Texting is not against the law. It seems to me that this teacher needs to grow a backbone.

jakelabrec7 said...

haha this is just hillarious. i think that the girl was stupid to not just give them the phone though.

ash.flee_09 said...

WOW! That is absolutly rediculious that the girl wouldnt give up her phone or at least put it away when asked to. What is really that important that she had to continue texting? Was is really worth the outragous fine, school suspinsion and frisking? I believe that she should be punished for her constant disobidence and lies toward school and government officals.

andrealuker4 said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! This, I must say, is a tad intense. I agree that texting in a classroom can be rather insulting to the teacher. But nevertheless, calling the police on a child because of a text message conversation is way too extreme. What happened to sending kids out in the hall, or ISS, or lunch detention, or something along those lines? Honestly, it more harmful for the child for not engaging into the lecture. I mean, come on, every student that has the text message ability will use it in classrooms. Yes, it was immature of her to not just hand over the phone in the first place. Although, the reason for the no text messaging rule is to prohibit distractions, but I think the teacher created more an issue than the student's actions. Ridiculousness!

CortnyCognasi03 said...

As I type this blog entry, I am sitting in the school library with my friend Mr. Brilliant Will Stewart and, according to this blog, deserving to be arrested for texting.

It is ridiculous that a 14-year-old girl should have to post a $298 bail for refusing to stop texting during a school math class.

I understand that schools do not approve of texting or cell phone usage during class but I think this situation was taken way too seriously for such a minor offense.

I don't understand how such drastic measures were used on such a small act of 'disorderly conduct'. Why not just give the poor girl ISS or something?

This is way over the top and I hope the judge agrees.

matthewcastro1 said...

Wow, this is the most ridiculous article i have ever read. The student is stupid for not stopping, her boyfriend could wait 50 minutes for an "i love you" text. The school is ridiculous for arresting the student, and charging her with disordely conduct. Can you even search a student for a cell phone? Kids these days..

Kirsten Alvarez 1st said...

She should have just given up the phone in the first place. Then if she still refused, get the principal involved. That's what they are for! Then if they are unable to get her under control, is when police could get involved. The girl should have just given up the phone and paid the 15 dollars (or however much the school charges). Instead she now has suspension, court date and a fine. REAL DUMB!

KatelynWatkins1 said...

Totally didn't post for Andrea Luker. T'was probably Caitlyn Linden, as she is Andrea's BFF.

Anywhoo. This article makes me laugh. 1) The Samsung Cricket sucks. 2) Send the girl to the office, give her a pinkslip, whatever. But to call the cops? Woah. I mean, I'm not saying her openly defiant attitude about a subject that has no real connections with beliefs/ideas/moral standards (fight for your right to party maybe?) is okay, but still. A little harsh. That's no W of MD in her butt, just a super lame phone.

cynthiacastillo3 said...

That is outrageous!!! I would assume that phone usage rules in Wauwatosa are somewhat similar to ours.So why do they have to bring law enforcement? The phone should have just been confiscated;and the girl should just be punished with in-school-suspension. I don't believe that texting on a phone is considered a misdemeanor. I mean yeah texting while in school is disrespectful but there was no need for her to get arrested.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

This is retarted. Let the school deal with school issues and let these cops deal with something that is actually worth their time. Are you kidding me??? They are taking this way too far. If they want to teach her a lesson, take her phone for good. But really? They're going to send her to jail? Wow what is the world coming to when people are texting in class. I think were on the brink of Armageddon!!!!!

Ralph Molina 7th said...

This is retarted. Let the school deal with school issues and let these cops deal with something that is actually worth their time. Are you kidding me??? They are taking this way too far. If they want to teach her a lesson, take her phone for good. But really? They're going to send her to jail? Wow what is the world coming to when people are texting in class. I think were on the brink of Armageddon!!!!!

Dorian Rosas3 said...

okay well for one she shouldn't have had it out in the first place but come on now we are all teenagers and we all know that we aren't going to stop texting just because a teacher or an administrator tells you to. She should have just let them confiscate her phone, she probably would have got it back anyways but to have been given a citation for texting seems a little harsh to me. But...she shouldn't have lied to the cop either. I don't know i guess it can fall two ways but if it were me i would have just gave up my phone.

MelodyStone4 said...

That's crazy. for one thing why does the teacher have to get the law involved with this. The girl should get in trouble for not listening and get her phone taken away but seriously, jail and bail? thats stupid. The question i have for the girl is was whoever you were text, were they worth all this?

alexgorelov7 said...

i think thats just retarded, getting fined just for texting, i guess it was partly her fault, for texting after she was asked to give her phone up, but would that really be classified as disorderly conduct?

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

I can't believe that someone was arrested for texting. That is just weird. If this keeps up, every teenager in the US will be arrested for texting. I like mr perrys idea for the cellphones confiscate them and put them in a huge metal shredder.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the girls fault for not just giving up her phone. But i also think that they took it to far. It shouldn't be called a disorderly conduct. It seems overrated about having your cell phones. I think they should just raise off a little bit. It's not really that serious.

diamonddavis1 said...

This is the funniest and at the same most gross thing I've ever heard. I mean seriously as teenagers we go to extreme measures to not get our phone tooken up, but she took it way to far! I mean cops were called out, and getting arrested... she let it go way to far.

patreaferrell1 said...

Now that was really stupid for her to put her phone in her butt I'm really now, you must love your phone that much to put it in your butt. Ok now as for her going to jail just because she refused to stop texting, really unneccessary. just give the girl ISS.

stoney-7th period said...

ok they just took it to far this time..... I would have been ok for the teacher to send her to the office but calling the police was just uneccisary. they ought to be ashamed of their self.... (as my grandmother would say)

elizabeth_hendrix_4 said...

That's crazy, i'm not going to say that i've never texted during class, but goodness no one is worth getting arrested for. I think there is more to this story than is being told because being arrested for texting is a bit extreme. But the students lack of respect for the teacher is aparent, although the situation could have been handled better, I bet people in that class will think twice before texting.

CatWiechmann6 said...

That is so stupid!!! She got arrested for texting in class and then dening it. If everyone who denied things got arrested there would have to build more jails. I think that this just shows how teenagers lifes revolve around texting.

AndrewGarcia02 said...

Good for them, if the student disobeys what the teacher says, then lies to the police, she should be arrested. If people are going to be that stupid, they deserve that. I feel bad for her parents though.

Unknown said...

Public education, no child left behind. This is why we lose to other countries in standardized testing. She obviously doesn't care about learning. I understand that education is important in a democracy, but still there has to be something better. I think passing the test administered to immigrants seeking citizenship should be a requirement to voting.

Of course this law would have other side effects it would deprive the republican party of most of it's votes. Joking of course.

Chelsea Hearn said...

Thats pretty stupid to get arrested for something like that,i probably would have stopped textin if i was told to stop.
But calling the police is unnecessary.
All they need to do was just give her iss or call her parents im sure the texting in class would have seized!!

Michael Melendez 2nd Period said...

How dumb was she I mean come on that was immature of her. She should of figured what the consiquences of her actions. Ha well it's to late for her now. She was reacting to them as if they were trying to take her life or something ha. Well thats pretty much all I got to say about that.

AaronHellman03 said...

Thats absurd. Does the school not have a disciplinary system in place to punish a student who blatantly ignores a teacher to break a rule? Ind stead they feel it is best to leave it to the police department to deal with their students? Its too ridiculous to wrap my mind around. I am scared to see the punishment for wearing a hat in school and not taking it off when someone says to...

AntonSoriano2 said...

That's hilarious. Wow. i never get caught texting. I can see this being disorderly conduct i guess for lying to the cop. Jail time seems a little extreme though. lol it was found in the ''' buttocks area.''' I wouldn't have lied in the first place.

DanieSaldana4 said...

This is ridiculous. She's fourteen, of course she is going to be defiant. Okay yes she girl shouldn't have had her phone out during class but to call the police and get an almost $300 fine is pretty extreme. People pay less for traffic tickets. All the teacher had to do was take up the phone, or seeing as how she denied having a phone, just send her to the office. Seriously, if the girl was texting in math class do you honestly think she's ever going to use said math skills in everyday life? I highly doubt it. I only hope LHS doesn't get any ideas about this type of thing.

MenakaYadav3 said...

First of all, am I the only one alarmed that her phone was recovered from the "buttocks area"..?

I'm not really sure what Wauwatosa East High School's electronics policy is (maybe LHS's $15 is to their jail time and $298?) but her disrespectful behavior is enough to justify her punishment.

I'm not really sure what to say other than this girl is obviously very unintelligent and I fully believe that stupidity should be punishable by law.

KodwoPanford03 said...

I don't believe texting in school is as much of a problem as some make it out to be but I definitely agree that students should put up their phones away as soon as they are asked. I really don't understand what she hoped to achieve by lying but she deserves whatever punishment she gets because she ignored her teacher and then lied to the security officer.

SavannahWood4 said...

Wow...arrested for texting? That's a first. I could understand texting while driving or something that put other people's lives in danger, but texting in math? That's ridiculous. Yes, it's bad that she lied and wouldn't give up her phone, but jailtime? Geeze, if this keeps up, every teenager is gonna be in juvie.

Chris Shute 1 said...

Really? This seems a little ridiculous. I know that texting in class, disobaying a teacher, and lying to the police are all against the rules...but jail time?!? That seems way too harsh to me. Isn't that why we have ISS in the first place? True, anyone stupid enough to lie to the police deserves to be arrested but I think there are better ways of handling this than arresting the girl.

WillStewart4 said...

I think this is ridiculous. Taking a 14-year old to jail for texting in class? How is this the business of the police? It's not like it was a weapon, so why were the police called? Were the teachers incapable of punishing her? Do they not allow discipline in schools in Wisconsin? And a bail of $298 seems a little "excessive" given that she broke school rules, not the actual law. This just goes to show that Cops have nothing better to do than try to turn every little thing they can into a big deal. I bet they wanted her to resist arrest so they could Taze her. She should not have been texting, but involving the Boys in Blue is a little over the top.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

this is absoultly ridiculous and really makes me laugh. hahahahah. now i know that schools these days really dont allow kids to carry their phones but why wasn't it simple taken up?? to charge her and then arrest her seemes a little harsh.

benjaminfincher1st said...

I think this story is a great example of how extraordinary means are used to control something high school administrators find a nuisance. Charging a student with the crime of disorderly conduct is essentially comparing a handle of vodka to a cell phone. It is quite pitiful that the administration would go to such means, perhaps they felt disrespected since the student was ignoring them. Regardless, I personally believe detention or something similar would be more appropriate for this student.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

I believe that this is a really good lesson for people. While having your phone taken up sure isn't fun, if you refuse its a good deal worse. I think that this is pretty funny actually, especially her attempt to hide her phone,, and I believe that the girl wasn't very intelligent to continue texting after she was told to stop. I also heard that this exact same thing happened at LHS recently. I guess it just goes to show that its easier to listen to the authority figures, even if they appear to be unjust.

TaylorShofner4 said...

Justice has been served. I fully support the arrest of this girl. But I think that the article title is a bit misleading. The issue isn't about getting arrested for texting. It's about getting arrested for disrupting a classroom, refusing to quit, and lying to security about it. Maybe this girl will become a better person after all of this is said and done. Maybe not. But this girl got what was coming to her.

Lauren White 2 said...

Wow. I all have to say is what an idiot! I mean seriously? Getting arrested for texting? That girl is really stupid. 1.For lying to the police, and 2.Just even having her phone out durring a test.

gloria sanchez said...

haha this is horrible... i bet she wont be texting in class anymore. I think the teacher handled the situation a little cruel, but then again this was probaly an on going problem he/she had with the student. Whats funny is the phone itself cost less than her bail. This teacher definately made their point and now i will think twice before i txt in class :D

gloria sanchez said...

haha this is horrible... i bet she wont be texting in class anymore. I think the teacher handled the situation a little cruel, but then again this was probaly an on going problem he/she had with the student. Whats funny is the phone itself cost less than her bail. This teacher definately made their point and now i will think twice before i txt in class :D

mattdotray3 said...

man, isn't that taking it a little too far? I do agree with the fact that she should be punished, but I don't know about all that. Texting has gotten a bit out of hand though, and I see people texting way too much. It is pretty funny though that they told us the sex of the cop, just so nobody thought anything dirty of it.

hayleeduke2 said...

That is insain that she wouldn't even put her phone away when asked to or do something with it. What is really that important that she had to continue texting? Is that really worth the huge freaking fine, school suspinsion? she should be punished for her disobidence and lies toward the school and government. geez!

Ezequiel Savedra 7 said...

This blog is hysterical because a young girl getting arrested at school for text messaging. I can understand other reasonable disciplinary matters but put on trial is over doing the cause! I just want to really know what the parents have to say about this. Are they upset? Laughing at the situation? Maybe...they are disappointed by how their daughters arrest was over a single "cell phone". Just imagine what other family members have to say about this. The cousins might tease her and bring out their phones and say, "I'm texting mom, but don't put me in jail i will put it away!"

aaronbrownpd3 said...

yayyyyy, Aaron remembered to comment on the blog TWICE in a row!!!!

anyway. That girl totally deserved it. I seriously don't understand why kids cannot behave in school, especially at our age. Yeah, a fine for texting is pretty harsh, but you shouldn't be able to break the rules and start a scene. It would have been so much easier to just give them the phone and accept some sort of small punishment, rather than throwing a fit.

StephenVelez3rd said...

Wow!!! Getting arrested for refusing to stop texting how stupid would you have to be. It should have never gotten to this point because pulic law enforcement never should interfere with the school disciplinary actions. But since the school lacks a backbone the girl got arrested and also got a handy dandy citation. That sucks!!!

AndrewRiojas1st said...

This is probly the most stupid thing I have ever read. Honestly who gets arrested for texting and refusing to give there phone? That's about just as stupid as getting a ticket for giving a cop the finger. They should have felt with that a lot better like, contacting her parents or something along those lines.

mirandamartell7 said...

This is just stupid. Ok yea she wasn't supposed to have her phone out and she should have put her phone away but getting the cops involved and then her going to jail???? What in the world...yea that's just stupid. Just take her phone away and never give it back, you don't have to waist your time on something so stupid.

Anonymous said...

i think this si something that all theenagers should read cause we dont relize how much trouble we can get in from this. Also, i think this was taken a little too far this girl should have stopped while she was ahead. But this is a wake up call for all teen texters in school.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

Haha thats stupid for both sides of the story, but after they tell u to give up your phone then you give them your phone plain and simple. But its also stupid searching for it and then sending her to jail for such a dumb thing they over did it with all the stuff.

AnaMendoza1 said...

yeah, that pretty sure she deserves to be arrested because she is obviously too stupid to give up her phone for probably just one class. Anybody who isnt willing to stop texting for even 5 minutes shouldnt even be in school. what a stupid stupid girl.

nataliarangel4 said...

Dang thats crazy! But i think they took it a lil too far with callin the cops and charging her with "disorderly conduct". The school could of handled this on their own. They could have gave her iss or suspended her. BUT she should have just gave up her phone like any other person she would have saved herself alottttta trouble. I mean its common sense your not supposed to have your phone on during school DUH.

ChrisHidalgo01 said...

This is pretty ridiculous, being charged a criminal citation for refusing to quit texting, it's a cell phone, why didn't they just take it from here, the police now days never have anything to do anything so they make up reasons to function in society.

JessicaGatica3 said...

I love texting so i would hate to be told to stop. I think it is crazy to be arrested well at least for something like texting. I think a fine or suspension of lisence is better punishment than being arrested.

Anonymous said...

Disorderly Conduct eh? It was wrong of the school to call the police over an incident as minor as texting during math class. I guess since corporal punishment is out of the picture (getting whacked on the knuckles with a ruler not fun so I've heard) calling the cops will have to do. ( According to this website after the girl was caught with her cell phone in her um-hm area, she gave the police several fake phone numbers off by digits of two. I guess the girl can appreciate a number like $298 dollars in fines then...

amber obregon 2 said...

i do not think that she should have got arrested for texting. I mean ya she should of gave the phone up when they asked for it but i still dont think it is a reason for arresting someone.

AmandaCaughron1 said...

I know that texting during class is disrespectful and against the rules that most school place upon their students. Is jail seriously the practical punishment for defiance against these rules? Why is texting any different from the other daily acts of rebellion that schools are faced to deal with every day? They took it to far.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

This article is so hilarious. This girl is obviously a text-a-holic. I don’t even know if that is a word but in her case it will be. It is because of dumb people like this that our state laws are getting stricter on the cell phone policy. In some cases cell phones are a good thing but the fact that she was probably texting one of her friends the gossip about the prior weekend. I wonder if she was texting her friends right before she put the phone in a not so shining place.

Sarah Moore 2 said...

Okay coming from a girl who is not currently in possesion of her phoneand has not been for a while do to grades , i think that this is extreme. Mabey iss or detention but she was just texting mabey if she brought a knife to school and was defacing school property. So to sum it all up this is stupid!!!!!!

baylessdrum3 said...

Doesn't this seem just a little dramatic? Go ahead and suspend the girl from school for breaking school policy and being a brat but don't arrest her. She wasn't harming the safety of others, and she is just 14.

cheyennehernandez4 said...

First off this article is really funny. On the other hand it is ridiculous that this even happened. She was arrest for having a cell phone.. really. Why would they call the cops? Can the school not handle this promblem on there own. No, they feel that we need to waste taxpayers dollars.

linpri2 said...

Omg are you seriously did she really get arrested for texting that is stupid of the school and her. First it is dumb of the school to get the police involved in this at all the teacher should have taken the phone and given her iss or something but having her arrested is going way to far. It's also very dumb of her i mean really who is that important that you have to keep texting and then lying to the police.So really i guess you can say she brought it upon herself.It makes you think is texting really that important??
Well i guess i cant really talk because I cant live without my phone!!!!

amber obregon 2 said...

i think both sides are wrong because the girl should have just gave the phone up but then i also think the teacher should not have gone too the extreme and get her arrested. i think both sides are wrong.