Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Track the Spending

The White House has launched a new Web site dedicated entirely to the 1,100-page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which President Barack Obama signed into law Tuesday.

The site explains how the $787 billion will be spent and promises Americans that they can track every dollar contained in the package. The ambitious plan, which aims to create 3.5 million jobs while shoring up the country's infrastructure and services, is historic in scope. It's also the first major test of the new administration's efforts to ensure government transparency and accountability.

The Web site features links to the full text of the act, as well as breakdowns and explanations. It also contains a presidential memo explaining that the Office of Management and Budget is developing new guidelines to ensure that all federal agencies meet new requirements to track, audit, and award the funds quickly so all spending can be posted on the Web site.

The site currently breaks down the funding by category, showing that the largest portion ($288 billion) will go toward tax relief, while $144 billion will go to states and localities. About $111 billion is slated for infrastructure and science.

The Web site promises visitors that they will be able to track spending by state and congressional district once the money begins to funnel out through federal agencies. Visitors will be able to access maps, charts, graphics, and a searchable database. They'll also be able to see who has won contracts for programs funded by the stimulus package.

In a statement released by the White House, Obama said that his Cabinet and staff will set up management, oversight, and disclosure for unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency, while asking state and local governments to follow suit.

"With so much on the line, it's time to begin doing things differently," he said. "Ultimately, this is your money, and you deserve to know where it's going and how it's spent."

In keeping with what appears to be a new norm, Obama also promoted online engagement by saying he encourages all Americans to watch how the money is spent and send in comments and questions.


Kirsten Alvarez 1st said...

I think this is a good idea in theory. Obama is right on the fact that it's the people's money that is being spent with this package and that tax payers deserve to know where it is going. If this online page works, and holds companies as well as businesses accountable with the money they will be receiving, that would be amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! is impressive. I'm surprised to see that so much money is spent on tax relief. It is understandable that Americans should receive occasional tax breaks, but considering we are in such an economic depression, is it responsible to give away $288 billion dollars in tax relief? It is strange that under the category of State Local and Fiscal relief state's cannot raise taxes? How are states supposed to get money for programs then considering $288 billion is being given to individuals?

AlexisMarkwell3 said...

I am extremely impressed with Obama so far. I believe this website is an excellent plan and will get many more Americans involved in politics and the economy. This plan shows off Obama's sincerity in becoming President and the good intentions he has. I think this country needs some serious change to improve and Obama is the one to bring about positive change.

briansmith3 said...

I like this idea of showing tax payers where there money is going in an easily accessible method. I'm not sure if this is the first attempt of providing the layout for any sort of Act, but this particular case is definitely a good time for a simple (I say simple having not looked at it) website to demonstrate where the ambitious plan's intentions are heading. Maybe they'll start a facebook group or an Iphone app that will go along with it. ($.99 at the app store could help out, right?!)

Ralph Molina 7th said...

Well i have to admit im not really sure what to think about this one. There are definitely many arguments that say that this is the most idiotic thing ever, but i have to admit he is trying to do something that this country needs. And that is more jobs. It is hard to stimulate an economy while your unemployment rate is going up daily. so once again i dont know what to think about this. I dont know if this is the right step or not but all i know is that i am glad that he is trying to solve this problem. Now as for the website...very impressive. I think that it is good to usher in some thoughts of trust for our government. I think he is right that this is an example that people have the right to know about. It is our money and it shows that he really believes in this plan and that he thinks it will work.

JenniScott3 said...

I think this is a really good idea. So much of the time, there is alot of news coverage about a bill getting pushed through, or a bailout, or a recovery plan, but after about a week no one hears about it again. Plus, other spending gets tossed into the mix as the main spending gets passed. With this site it lays out exactly what is going on and where the money is going. I think right now this is one of the things that Americans want. They want to understand what is going on and be confident in the government and the economy. By being able to look and see where every dollar is going to pull the U.S. out of this recession and how all the money is divided, Americans will have a better feel of what is happening and there will be alot less criticism, rumors, and rediculous stories about how the money was actually spent.

Mike Onion 3 said...

This is a very good idea by new president Obama. This allows the people to be up to date on what the government is trying to accomplish by tracking every dollar spent. It allows the citizens to appreciate what is happening for the country by seeing all of the jobs, tax relief, and other things taking place. Great work by Obama.