Wednesday, September 24, 2008



chriszias 3 said...

hahaha wow. In a very weird and humorous way he does explain some truth. The lending a dollar and then eight dollars showing up is what it seems our economy is going upon.

jessica casarez 7 said...

i think its crazy how the bank can make so much money assuming they get $8 for every $1 times a trillion is a crazy concept to grasp, and how the government is paying it all off with "good imaginary dollars" is making me have even more questions like, "if the government pays it does that make the government pay debt?, and if so why aren't we stopping it... can we stop it?"

!xobile said...

word of the day-"AaaaAAaaa" is more of an expression rather than a word. that expression is the basic state of mind most Americans are in.
Also loved the part when he states that our "backup plan" is in short "EPIC FAIL."
My favorite part was the face he made right after he finished reading the question for "Ask Uncle Jay." lol

Michael Johnson 4 said...

I enjoy the Uncle Jay clips. He does a good job of explaining the news, yet in a humorous way. But as for the economy, I'm worried. In my future, I would think that I am going to need to take a loan out of a bank, not just for college, but also if I were to start my own business. With the economy in the state that it is in now I fear I won't be able to take out those loans. And as for the fake government agencies that Bush will be creating to solve the problem, well, I can't blame Uncle Jay for calling it Epic Fail.

JenniferMcCandless1st said...

Well, yet again, this Uncle Jay character uses his humor to tell about our nations problems. Even though he pokes fun at our economy, he explained that if the banks give you one dollar and they expect two back and so on that it will turn into alot of money, even though it is really based on that one dollar. Him using humor and simple examples help people understand the problems in a better sense.

mariimalagayo3 said...

That made me laugh. But it was an interesting and inventive way of explaining the news. Effective too, since I did understand it, and didnt have any idea of what was going on before.
That's a scary concept though...

han yu 4th said...

LOL.This is very ture,bank lending their money to everyone,but now less people is saving money,they just borrow money and borrow money.And finnaly there r no money in the bank,people still borrow money from bank.That's why now bank increase their bank rate.Right now there is good news ,
• White House, Congress push for financial bailout deal
,goverment send 700 billion dollors to help these bank.l hope this is realy work.

wesmartin3rd said...

I guess that was a pretty darn good way to explain what's going on in the economy. I especially liked the acronyms at the end---EPIC FAIL---.The economy does have many problems these days and I suppose we can only hope that the people that supposedly know what they're doing are going to solve them intelligently.(But that might be a little too much to ask)

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

yea i think that i finally understand. the us jus keeps waisting money for things that arent even helping our economy like the war in irak. the us needs to look at the future to make sure they could repay and to make sure that what there gonna do is going to work. not like now that we have lots of things to worry about like gas prices the whole econmy and now how are gonna pay back our debts from the war

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

i think that it seems weird that by borrowing one dollar the bank gets confused and thinks you already payed back the dollar you have borrowed with interest making there be money that they think they have, but really have not gotten it. The video kind of shows you how wall street fell in a less boring way then the news reporters but still isn't fully accurate.

CadeidraJones7 said...

haha that was a funny video but in a way he was so right about America situation they will doing anything to get stretch out a dollar but when they see a piece of equiment they dont need they go on a rampage and spend evey penny they have and they mope about it when they dont have their money for their bills and utilities