Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Haiku of the Day

Global warming is
God just holding us tighter
Tina Fey is gold


HenryEkwaro-Osire1 said...

I think McCain made too hasty of a choice when choosing Palin as his running mate. It's evident that they have not worked together very much: they disagree on several environmental issues. First of all, McCain does believe global warming is man-made. Second is the issue of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in Palin’s home state of Alaska. Palin is for it, while McCain wants to keep the refuge off-limits. I believe that the only reason McCain picked Palin was to desperately try to get the vote of all those disappointed Hilary supporters.
If global warming is the cause of "God hugging us tighter", then he's hugging us a little too tight for my comfort.

Mr. P said...

Thanks for the comment. By the way...the quote was from Saturday Night Live.

Anyone want to out Haiku me?

g.i.joe nathan said...

McCain will not raise
Female pay in the country
Obama will help!

I don't know if that out-haiku-ed you, but hey-I like it!
