Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Haiku of the Day

Katrina Iraq

Wall St. and Nine Eleven

Who could do better?


WadeBrown_1st said...

My haiku for the day:

George Bush, Delano
Lincoln, Washington, Jackson
Who could be better?

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that the past eight years have been less than perfect. Hurricane Katrina really exposed the government's inability to provide quick responses for large scale disasters. The mismanagement and lack of leadership that ensued further highlighted the government's failure to properly respond to Katrina. The current financial crisis has shown that the current administration has really been unable to stop the economic regression that has gripped the country. The bailouts of large corporations by the federal government does not provide for long term security. The unity felt after 9/11 has gradually dissipated with a misdirection in the escalation of an unwarranted war in Iraq. With this war becoming the longest war in American history, Washington is in desperate need for change. Whether it be Obama or McCain (Obama), let us hope that the next four years will be just a tinsey bit better than the previous eight.

samanthapiercy1 said...

I think that everyone can agree that Bush has not been the most successful president in our nations history, but, just as this haiku implies, he has had the odds stacked against him for most of the past 8 years. So many things have happen since he was elected that are completely out of his control (Katrina, 9/11). I definitly believe that Bush hasn't handled most of the events that took place during his time in the oval office but I also think that Bush may not have had the odds in his favor to begin with.

kaylagarcia_1 said...

Poor George Bush. Even though I disagree a lot with the way he's handled these issues, the fact is, he still dealt with them the best way he knew how. And yes, he did handle some of these issues very stupidly. I wonder what any of us would've done in his position...natural disasters, terrorism, etc. I thought high school was stressful. But having to run a country being blown apart by every imaginable thing, geez, that's gotta be brain damaging.

nickmarmolejo3 said...

Wow! Obviously no one can do any worse than Georgie. He has destroyed our economy and we soon could be in recession. The value of our dollar is decreasing and our debt has skyrocketed since he became president. Katrina showed just how slow his reaction time to these type of events are. He disregarded all warning of this catastrophic event and it had more effect on our nation than was necessary. Iraq has felt like an ongoing war in which there is no real point to fight for. It has almost become natural to the american community because we are so tired of hearing all the lies of how we need to free the iraqi people and make peace in the east, but we all know it is bologna. September 11, 2001 is surrounded by so much cotroversy and mystique that no one knows what to believe so we all just believe what Bush told us what happened. He did have a good plan in mind when he decided to attack the "Terrorist", but he just did it to gain support from the American people when we needed it most. Of course no one can do worse than him. Hopefully! So we all hope that whoever becomes our next President will do a much better job than Bush did in eight years in office.

Caitlan Marie said...

The past eight years have definitely not been kind to George Bush. The way that he has handled Katrina, the war in Iraq, and now Wall Street have certainly caused most of Americans to turn against him. However, it isn't his fault that those things happened-he had no control over them-but it is his fault for the way he took control of each situation. We can blame Bush all we want for this nation's misfortunes, but in a way it is our fault too. We are the ones who elected him in the first place, and we are the ones who reelected him when the time came. It is our fault for electing an inadequate leader as much as it is his fault for being inadequate.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

It seems as if Bush has finished his time in the White House and people are wondering,"Will the next president be better? Who's to say, I find myself asking the same question.

hsomepjj said...

Colin Luther Powell

who could be better?