Monday, October 13, 2008

Daily Polls

Real Clear Average:
Obama - 49.8%
McCain - 43%

Toss Up States:

Ohio: Obama +2.9
Florida: Obama +3.8
Nevada: Obama +2.9
N. Carolina: Obama +1.2
Missouri: McCain +.4
Indiana: McCain +3.8
Colorado: Obama +4
W. Virginia: McCain +2.2
Virginia: Obama +6.3

Points of interest:
The above states all went for Bush in 2000 and 2004
A Democrat has not won the state of N. Carolina since Jimmy Carter in 1976


jakelabrec7 said...

i think that obama will end up winning the election due to the fact that a lot of people just dont like palin. i also think that obama will get assassinated a few days after he enters office so biden will end up being president in the end is what i think.

BaiJiXie 1 said...

Obama is winning by much bigger percentages in the states usually around 4-6 percent,while McCain is only winning by 0-3 percent. Obama is winning in more of the listed states than McCain as well. And to mark the pinnacle of this feat, he won the state of N. Carolina(a achievement not attained since Jimmy Carter in 1976) However, it is quite ironic that Bush,being a republican, had previously won all the listed states, while the states during this election wished to differ.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the big change is happening because people have realized that they made a mistake. i think that they have seen that Bush is not doing a realy good job so they have changed their voting stragety, mostly due to the price of gas. however, i think that the people have changed their votes because they have relized that there are many more problems in America because of the president that was elected.

LeenaAlSouki_1 said...

I hope Obama wins. He'll be a great president. This just goes to show that people are tired of Republicans and the way they handle things.

isaacpena7 said...

Well I am very glad to see that Obama is winning so far. I can't wait to finally get a democrat into office.So far with all the republicans we have been getting into deeper debt and more wars. Hopefully Obama is good on his words and ends all this violence and money Crisis. We as Americans need to be in prosperity and happiness not anguish. November 4, 2008 will be truly remarkable.


amber obregon 2 said...

Alot of people are voting for Obama even those who were republican are now voting for the democratic side. Must prove more people agree with Obama and his choices on becoming president.

han yu 4th said...

wow!!Obama almost own this game.If McCain lost,well basically that's not his fault.Beacause right now U.S. have economic crisis,and Bush is president.Many people lost their house.This economic crisis is realy helpful for Obama.People hope a new president help them.Iraq war,economic,etc.Bush did preety bad.People lost confidence for Republican,so they need a new choice,Democrat!!That's the reason for obama owing this game.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

It seems as if Obama has a slighter chance of winning than McCain. When waching the Ohio men/women voters in the presidential debates, it seemed as if they were more interested in what Obama has to say than McCain.

stoney-7th period said...

well i think the reason obama's wining thelection so far is beacuse it seems like he does more reaserch than Mccain does.

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

It doesn't look good for republicans at this point. Obama has won over nearly all the swing states and has a huge amount of support from the democrats. I think this is mainly because people are tired of having and old republican in the white house and everyone, even republicans, are ready for somthing different. The fact that even North Carolina, which hasn't been democratic since 1976, is leaning toward Obama, shows the overwhelming need for someone new and someone with different, reformed ideas. I think that Obama's numbers will only continue to rise.

Caitlan Marie said...

I think that Obama will win, though I'm not necessarily sure it will be a good thing. Until recently, I tried not partial to any candidate in particular; I tried to be unbiased and try to look at the situation from all sides. But now I can help expressing my own personal views.
I don't agree will all of what McCain says, but I believe that his experience with the war and with politics stretches a lot further than Obama's. I also disagree with Obama's taxation plans and his idea to pull out of Iraq. Many people say that he has good ideas and has made a lot of effective promises, but I question whether or not he can keep those promises. Many presidents have been known to go back on their word once they reach office once they realize things haven't worked out like they hoped. That is always the bad side about politics; candidates tell the public what they want to hear so they can gain their trust and approval. But once they get what they want and gain power, there is always some way in which they change things. By then it is too late and there is nothing anyone can do.
I predict that is how it will be if (and most probably when) Obama gets elected as president. He is just a bunch of talk and once he tries to build "reform," everyone will see that. I'm trying to be realistic. McCain is clearly the better choice, but many people have been blinded by Obama's "I can relate to the average American" quip. Maybe after another four years of social/political/economic upheaval, people will see the difference.

AntonSoriano2 said...

Going into the final strech of the election, I think Obama will win. Obama is winning the states that were voting republican in 2000 and 2004. Obama is also winning by a much larger percentage then McCain. In my opinion, I think the only reason McCain is losing is because no one wants to see another republican in the white house. People are listening to Obama more than they are listening to McCain.

Estevan Ramirez3 said...

i think obama will when because people are tired of the republicans messing things up.
And because no one knows where Palin came from and dont really like the fact that a women will be the V.P. if mcCain wins

Michael Johnson 4 said...

It seems to me that Obama has been doing well, getting the young voters on his side, staying cool in the debates, and using Bush as a reason to not vote for McCain. Now statistics show that Obama is winning, though not by too much. Hopefully the polls will stay the same by election day and Obama will be our next president.

AustinRittenberry4 said...

You can look at almost any presidential race in the past decade or so and see that many "upsets" have occurred. Many times the underdog pulls through by the end of the race even if he wasn't the leader through out the majority of the electoral race. I still think this race is in the air, call me cliché' but it ain't over till the the fat lady sings

jorycage2 said...

i think that obama is goiomg to win because more people respect what he is doing and thats why he is winning

divyavangipuram1 said...

Obama is clearly winning, and by a long shot. He's got almost every state, and in my opinion, there's nothing that McCain can do anymore. Obama's set to be the next president, and he has the percentages to represent it.

hsomepjj said...

i think the Bradley effect will happen.

mirandamartell7 said...

I really think that Obama will win this election because 1. Hes African American 2. Hes a democrat and so far the republicans have done nothing to help anyone! 3.Unlike McCain Obama knows what hes doing.

tyler schovanec 2nd said...

I think obama will win the election by a large margin due to the fact that people are getting tired of the Republicans, in particular, George Bush. However, it will be interesting to see if Obama can close out, as that is his weakest point.