Tuesday, October 21, 2008

If The World Could Vote

I thought this was an interesting map


What do you think the reasons for this might be?


JordanGutierrez1st said...

The reason maybe that people think that our economy is better off in Obama's hands rather than McCain's. It also could be that some people think that nothing is going to change if McCain takes office and that he'll be just like Bush. I think people see Obama as a person who can lead this country and make changes.

henrylawson3 said...

Obama is interested in repairing ties and reforging alliances with countries that had abandoned us due to our foreign policies. McCain however, is going to continue the same policies as the present administration which would further alienate us from the rest of the world. Therefore any country that still recognizes America as a world power is going to want a leader interested in diplomacy as opposed to the same old song and dance.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

i honestly think that this might be very bad sign. Many of the countries that have a strong dislike of our country also strongly want Obama in office. I'm very hard pressed to believe that some countries such as Iran, Russia and China that had a majority for Obama really have our best interests in mind and may think that there is some benefit to having Obama as president.

JeremyTow01 said...

This map was very, very intriguing.
Note: all countries were also given an appropriate amount of electoral votes according to it's population (China= 1900 electoral votes!).

The reason for the world swinging so heavily toward Obama could be debated, however I think one of the major reasons would be his opposition to the universally unpopular war in Iraq as well as his offer to be an advocate for more peaceful national affairs.

This map also displays the amount of worldwide approval and respect the election of Obama could produce for America, a respect that has been lost for nearly a decade.

Lauren White 2 said...

I think that in general Obama is liked by other countries so much, is basically because most of them (such as Iran) don't have our best interest at heart and would like to see a muslim President take charge. Or maybe another reason countries seem to favor Obama more is because he seems to be all gongho for foreign relations and what-not.

Mackenzie said...

I think that many people want Obama in office because he is a more eloquent speaker than McCain. Because of that he is pulling more people, even Republicans, to his side. (Also he probably remembers how many houses he owns. Ha) That's why i really think that Obama is going to win, because he has a way of speaking and a charisma that draws people.

CatWiechmann6 said...

I personally thought that that was hilarious. I think that people think that there would be more change if Obama was president. And if McCain was president it would be just as if Bush was president.

chriszias 3 said...

The reason is because the world is worried that since McCain is a republican he will be the exact same as George Bush. The world really dislikes President Bush so they believe he will have the same policies as him.

bushbenjamin01 said...

Shows the rest of the world has some sense. America's foreign policy these past few years has been similar to what you would find in a preschool; if we don't like you, we wont talk to you. This kind of diplomacy has tainted our foreign policy under the Bush administration and has ruined America's image to the outside world. America needs to realize, and realize fast that it is not the only player in the game, countries like China and India are waiting to jump in and take the lead at every opportunity they get. Our refusal to sit down and simply talk with countries like Iraq and North Korea has allowed countries like these to follow down a path that the U.S. nor the rest of the world are comfortable with. Obama's declaration that he would sit down and have a diplomatic talk with these countries has earned him stern reprimands from many. Does this make sense? Is sitting down with a nation with whom we have differing opinions such a taboo? Or have politicians and the Bush administration adopted a policy of ignorance? I think this map shows what the rest of the world thinks.

samanthapiercy1 said...

I think the reason that the world is resoundingly pro- Obama is fairly simple. Bush has been in power for the past 8 years and the world (for the most part) is not a huge fan of the this country's actions in those eight years. The world is looking for a change, just like much of America itself is looking for a change.

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

This map was very interesting to look at. I think some reasons that almost the so many people want Obama as president is because no countries favor the war and they know that if McCain wins, the war will continue. Also, they probably realize that not just the U.S. is in danger with the economic crisis and that if the wrong person becomes president, they may suffer from it even more than they already are. I think in the end the reasons for the majority of people wanting a Democrat goes back to Bush because no one wants the same things that Bush did to happen again.

komalparikh1 said...

I think that all the other countries are Obama fans partially because he is more publicized than McCain. It's obviously going to benefit these other countries if Obama is in office. I think a lot of countries stereotype Republicans and think that McCain is going to end up like Bush. They don't look at the whole picture sometimes.

Ashley said...

This is a very interesting map. Not quite sure how I feel about it. I would love to know the reasoning behind the distribution of votes. Who gets to decide how third world countries would vote?
I think the main issue here is ignorance. When asked, even most Americans can only give you a few slim reasons to vote for their choice candidate. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but I strongly believe education is a giant factor in this map. Education both for the wolrd and right here at home.

divyavangipuram1 said...

I think that this map is a very good portrayal of the world's trust in President Bush. Like the new ad from the Obama campaign, McCain may not be President Bush, but he has agreed with 90% of everything President Bush has endorsed. The whole world, other than a few coutries in Africa, have seen the impact of President Bush's persidency, and are afraid that McCain will mirror Bush's actions. Obama is a new face, and believes in completely different things, such as the ending of war in Iraq, which puts him in the brighter light, as opposed to McCain.

!xobile said...

Obama rules....
i think Obama is better candidate than McCain, and he is a Democrat.
America is a world power so the world wants to have a powerful leader like Obama.

behnam arzaghi 4th said...

Mozambique, Camaroon, and Syria are all 100% obama right now. i thought that was kind of enteresting. i think this map is a perfect illustration with the worlds frustration with Bush's current foreign policy, and they see McCain as a continuation of it.