Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin & SCOTUS

Before we judge, can you name a SCOTUS case other than Roe v Wade?

Is this going to cost McCain any political capital?


Michael Meledez 2nd Period said...

"I'm afraid Sen. Obama doesn't understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy," McCain said Friday as the two traded jabs over Iraq.

Obama shot back, "I absolutely understand the difference between tactics and strategy. And the strategic question that the president has to ask is not whether or not we are employing a particular approach in the country once we have made the decision to be there."

WadeBrown_1st said...

People come up blank all the time.
This is very understandable to me.
We're human and it seems that our minds give out at the worst of times.

WinifredConrad1 said...

I probably can't, no. But then again, I'm still a student. I'm also not running for vice president.

Ahh, failure is beautiful! Regardless though, no, this definitely won't lose McCain's camp any points.

People who support McCain at this point are going to vote for him in November. I don't think much can change that. Same for Obama.

I do think it's sort of funny, though... the only case she can name is Roe V. Wade... because that's the entire focus of her energy? No abortion? That's her platform? GRAND!

I sense reform... somewhere... in the distance... perhaps in the northwest... building bridges...

Crazy mavericks.

JordanGutierrez1st said...

No i dont think that it will hurt McCain in anyway. Its funny how she really never answers the questions that are beinig given to her. Just by watching that I was kinda confused just for the simple fact that she didnt answer the question that was given. Don't get me wrong there were times when I couldn't think of the anwser right off the bat but i didnt beat around the bush and make up something.

eliseodeleon1 said...

The only other SCOTUS case that I can think of is Brown vs. Board of Education. I think that she did know other cases, but she probably didn't know what they were about or if she agreed with them. She was asked wich other cases she disagreed with not which cases she knew. I dont' think this will cost McCain any political capital since most of his supporters are already commited to voting for him. It might have affected the opinions of undecided voters, but I don't think this will drastically effect McCain.

henrylawson3 said...

Sorry wade, but Palin, even though she would love to be just the "normal Joe Sixpack American", is held to a higher standard than the rest of us. When she decided to join John in the race for the white house she took on that burden. She b.s.-ed her way for a minute through that question and still couldn't come up with just one supreme court case she disagreed with. Now either she is a very agreeable person or she needs to take a government/u.s. history class. We can make excuses for her all we want but the fact is that America needs better than that.

TanliSun01st said...

This mistake made by Palin is not too bad. People are allowed to forget certain things at times and not know of the answers to some questions. But as a vice-presidential nominee, I think Palin should have known better. I think she needs to expand her knowledge of the current U.S. and world situations instead of saying the same thing over and over and over...Every time she speaks, it seems to me that she makes reference to the same over used ideas and publicizes the same over used answers.

g.i.joe nathan said...

why on earth can she not correctly answer ANY question thrown at her!?!?!
this is so scary - she might possibly be the next darn vice-president! she should at least know about more than one supreme court case!
being a cancer survivor and being 72 McCain has a likely chance of dying in the next four years!
what would happen if she was president?!?
i don't even want to think about that!
"It's like a bad disney movie!" -Matt Damon

Ashley said...

Funny, sad, and quite understandable. Put me on the spot and I probably couldn't give you my first name let alone what Sarah Palin did. We're human! If this hurts McCain then what is this election coming to? Of course this really won't and shouldn't effect McCain's campain.

Yvonne Rojas 4 said...

I honestly couldn't name one but then again I'm not running for Vice President here... And even if she would have named one, I don't even think she answered the question! I really doubt something like this won't hurt McCain's campaign.

alexiswood4 said...

This question sounds similar to something that would probably be on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". I understand that she most likely wasn't expecting to be asked a question like this, and if I were in her position, I wouldn't remember even though I took U.S. history last year...and was even good at it. Still, you would hope that a vice presidential candidate would be interested in supreme court cases...? This is pretty embarrassing for the Republican party.

amber obregon 2 said...

Well i understand in a way about her going blank because it happens but i think she should know what she is going to say and even be able to think about it fast.

kaylagarcia_1 said...

The day after the interview, I think I watched this same segment 5 billion times on every single show on every single news network. You'd think someone who ran for a state governor office would know a few Supreme Court cases and be able to express some kind of opinion on them. And if not a few, at least having knowledge and opinion on one case wouldn't be too much to ask. C'mon ONE case?!

Her slip up didn't hurt the McCain's campaign that much I think, but it did put her in a bad light. She's the new kid on the block in the race, her mistakes are going to be amplified. She proved she could hold her own in a debate, but she's always so general in her arguements and she needs more facts to support her stand. We have to think of her as being the next President, should McCain win, because VP is as close as you can get to President. If she doesn't have the basic knowledge and facts of American history including court cases that shaped what we are today, and she doesnt already have an opinion on them, then how can we expect her to learn from past mistakes and help push America to be better in the future?