Wednesday, October 8, 2008

GOP Peddles Economic Snake Oil

Suddenly Republicans are against market values?
From the Wall St. Journal

OK, let me get this straight: The central axiom of conservative Republicanism is that government is inherently corrupt and can't do anything right.

Over many years of ascendancy, conservative Republicans have filled government agencies with conservative Republicans and proceeded to enact the conservative Republican policy wish list -- tax cuts, deregulation, privatization, outsourcing federal work, and so on.

APAnd as a consequence of these policies our conservative Republican government has bungled most of the big tasks that have fallen to it. The rescue and recovery of the Gulf Coast was a disaster. The reconstruction of Iraq was a disaster. The regulatory agencies became so dumb they didn't even see the disasters they were set up to prevent. And each disaster was attributable to the conservative philosophy of government.

Yet now we are supposed to vote for more conservative Republicans because we learned from the last bunch of conservative Republicans that government just doesn't work.
That is the advice of Sarah Palin, Republican vice-presidential nominee, in last week's debate with her Democratic counterpart, discussing the dread prospect of universal health care: "Unless you're pleased with the way the federal government has been running anything lately, I don't think that it's going to be real pleasing for Americans to consider health care being taken over by the feds."

Conservative misrule, prompted by conservative disdain for government, proves that government cannot be trusted -- and that the only answer is to elect another round of government-denouncing conservatives.

"Cynicism" seems too small a word for this circular kind of political fraud. One reaches instead for images of grosser malevolence. It's like suggesting that the best way to recover from pneumonia is to stand in the rain for three hours. It's like arguing that the way to solve nuclear proliferation is by handing out weapons-grade plutonium to everyone who asks for it.

Consider also the perverse incentives that such a logic would establish. If we validate Mrs. Palin's thoughts on federal bungling by electing her to the high office she seeks, we are encouraging her to bungle everything that comes her way. After all, by her thinking, such bungling will not discredit her doctrines but rather confirm them, demonstrate the need for more Sarah Palins down the road. We will be asking for it, and it's not much of a stretch to predict that we will get it.

In the three-ring circus of conservative blame-evasion, however, that's only one act. Over in the House of Representatives, a new breed of Republican idealists spent last week dazzling the faithful by taking a bold stand against the Wall Street bailout. The administration's plan was a "slippery slope to socialism," declared their leader, Jeb Hensarling of Texas.

One might have admired their pluck but for the breathtaking opportunism of their own counterproposal, the "Free Market Protection Act," which is described on the Web site of the Republican Study Committee. True, it is not a "slippery slope." It is a headlong stampede over a precipice, a running leap out a skyscraper window.

It starts by calling for "voluntary private capital" to solve the problem of bad mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Several sentences later it asks for a "mandatory" fee to be levied on all MBS, good or bad, and apparently without regard for whether it's held here or overseas, where American law doesn't apply. I asked William Black, the University of Missouri-Kansas City professor of economics and law whom I quoted last week, what he thought of this scheme. He replied, "This is significantly insane as a matter of finance -- and unconstitutional as a matter of law. This clause would cause a world-wide financial panic were it implemented."

Back at the study committee's Web site, I see conservatives call to "Suspend 'Mark to Market' Accounting." Suddenly our "free-market protection" gang has decided it's unfair to make companies value their MBSs at . . . the market price. Somehow the all-seeing market has gone irrational, and so companies must be allowed "to mark these assets to their true economic value," meaning, one might say, to mark them however they please, a practice that, to put it shortly, is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Space prevents me from discussing the plan's provisions to temporarily suspend capital gains taxes and repeal the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act. But I will note that, in discussing the derring-do of Mr. Hensarling and his hard-core colleagues, the New York Times chose to refer to them as "populists" -- friends of the common people. As an indicator of the confused state of our political discourse, the signals don't flash any brighter than this.

Years ago, conservatives realized that to destroy the legitimacy of your adversary's concepts is to destroy your adversary. Today we are surrounded by the wreckage. Much depends on our success in rebuilding.

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So what are your thought about this editorial?


ClaireBurrus1 said...

This is pretty much true. Why do we keep going in circles? In a way, whomever we elect always does the same thing. No matter what their original plans are, we always end up in the same spot. If something doesn't work the first time around, don't you think we should be trying something else? Our country is in a big mess and anything we do just might not help. We need someone who actually knows what he/she is talking about.

KelseyClark01 said...

Although I agree with a lot of opinions in this article, I must argue the point about the Republicans mistrusting Gov and treating it as thus. When the United States Gov was first established, it was established, in a state of paranoia. The founders were more concerned with what they could prevent the gov from doing as opposed to what they would permit it to do. This mistrust of Gov isn't to say that Gov is an untrustworthy establishment, it just to say it’s a powerful establishment and has been used abusively countless times in the past. The fact that Republicans keep it at a distance from everyday life is only a reflection of those fears. Whether or not it’s effective in certain circumstances, I believe their reasons for mistrust are justifiable. After all, it is this mistrust that checks and balances all the different parts of government. “Conservative misrule, prompted by conservative disdain for government, proves that government cannot be trusted -- and that the only answer is to elect another round of government-denouncing conservatives.” It isn’t the government that should be revered, but rather the people. The fact that Republicans don’t put all their faith in the Gov is the age old system of belief the founders shared. When doubt and mistrust cease to exist is when a socialistic environment starts to form. I’m not well versed in political history and I’m not sure who will lead us down the rabbit hole, but all I know is that we’re falling down it and fast. Whoever is elected next will be known for how they approached this current economic situation and hopefully, regardless of party, they do it right.

han yu 4th said...

snake Oil!!!!!!!!!!T
Snake oil in everywhere.Sometimes federal goverment need say some lie.Because they need cover something like goverment corruption.That's why l don't like speech or debat.You don't they said turth or lie.If they solve some problem about this nation.That's better than any speech or debat.So l just care what are did,not what are said.Goverment realy need a nice plan for this country not snake oil.

behnam arzaghi 4th said...

i think that this editorial shows perfectly the hypocracy that politicians imploy to snare voters into giving them their vote. and i think that this applies to both parties, not just the republicans.

richmond lee 1 said...

I don't know how any conservative can back these ridiculous plans. Now I'm no economic prodigy, but if the last regime's plan hasn't worked, then how is electing more people who represent the same crap strategies going to solve the problem? I'm not saying Obama's ideas are completely foolproof, but what he's said so far just makes more sense.

ErikTough4th said...

I think that the republicans finaly realize that what we have been doing in the economy isn't working and that we need to take a diffrent aproach if we are to save it. With three digit swings I think any body would change their mind.