Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Electoral Map - If Election Was Today


Michael Melendez 2nd Period said...

"GOP House candidates struggle against McCain drag"

Chris Shays of Connecticut, the last Republican in the House of Representatives from New England, is used to running against the partisan tide. But this year, the wave might be too high for the Republican congressman to overcome.

Shays is just one of many GOP candidates trying to win by outperforming Sen. John McCain's underwhelming performance in congressional districts nationwide.

McCain, R-Arizona, trailed Illinois Sen. Barack Obama by 21 points in Connecticut's 4th District, according to an October 13-14 SurveyUSA poll for Roll Call newspaper. A just-released University of Connecticut poll and a mid-September survey by the Democratic Feldman Group also had Obama winning by at least 20 points. By comparison, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry won the district by just 6 points four years ago.

Recent public and private polling shows Shays either tied with or trailing his Democratic opponent Jim Himes. In 2004, Shays got 6 more points than President Bush, but the congressman will need a significantly larger number of Obama voters to cross over this year.

McKay said...

I am sure this makes you very happy.

cindymedina-3 said...

It is interesting to see which way American citizens would vote if the election were to take place during this point and time. This chart actualy tells us a lot about a state and its people. It shows us what opinions and preferences the people of that state have by the way they vote. They are going to vote for someone that sides with them and for someone who would benefits them. This also tells us where, as a whole, a state stands as a part of this great nation.

Mr. P said...

McKay -

I can neither confirm nor deny that I smiled when I saw this map.

Caitlin Linden 4 said...

Let me mention the acorn conspiracy. Is Obama really all that much better than Nixon? I saw a recent PBS special, and I don't think so. Obama is totally manipulating the system, he is recieveing funds from foreign nations, and counting the votes of illegal immigrants and convicts. Obama is screwing the whole system over to be president, sure. So what next? Why is everyone so okay with this?

Chelsea Hearn said...


stephanieschmidt3 said...

This map is very intresting because it shows us what might really happen if the election was today. Also its funny to see the states and how there views changed from the last election by just seeeing who they voted for.

isaacpena7 said...

Oh wow this is very interesting. As of this Map Barack would win by a long shot:) this is very good to see and it does indeed show a lot of the state's state of mind, which shows quite a bit of democrats, Haha:)

Anonymous said...

Im really happy because obama is doing good. Good luke mccain. You're gonna need it. hahaha!!

Caitlan Marie said...

For the past few weeks, it has been very obvious that Obama is going to win the presidential election. Though who knows? People could change their minds the morning of Election Day and everyone might start voting for McCain. An unlikely situation, but in American politics, you can never really predict the outcome.

courtneycox3 said...

so basically if the election was today Obama would win. ya, McCain has "re-done" his campaign but i think the election is just too close and he doesnt have enough time to make up all those votes...i guess we will just have to wait nd see what will happen if Obama becomes president. hopefully he can follow through

Andrew Sweet 3rd said...

I'm not surprised at all; Obama is for sure gonna win. It's interesting to see the separate views throughout the US, and where the Rep and Dem support is; especially with how widespread McCain's supporters are, but it's not gonna help him at all.

WadeBrown_1st said...

I think we can make a comeback, either way i want someone to win so that we'll be able to start winning or losing.

mariimalagayo3 said...

At first glance it looked like more Red.
Then I went back and counted the states. I thought it was pretty interesting to see who would win if the election was today. There were a few yellow states, so those would factor in as well.I'm curious to see if any of this changes when the election actually happens.

g.i.joe nathan said...

Caitlin-McCain gave a speech at an ACORN CONVENTION.

That was two years ago. Barack Obama's tie to acorn was thirteen years ago.

Michael Johnson 4 said...

It pleases me to see that the democratic vote is dominating the polls. Though, I have heard on the news that some polls are created biasedly. On the news, it said that some polls were shown leaning heavily towards Obama, and others show that it is a close race (maybe the polls saying it is close were shown on Fox).

han yu 4th said...

Obama get most of east,McCain get most of mid and west.DEM get 320 and REP have only 155.That's imbanlance.DEM get 165 more.DEM is owning this game.l don't think REP have any more chance.Who can give people more benefits,people will give that people more vote.

Estevan Ramirez3 said...

Its nice to see that the majority of america is voteing for obama

jamesmahan4 said...

I think it is interesting to see what states would vote for who if the election was today. It shows what kind of people live in the states and what their opinions are

JenniferMcCandless1st said...

As of right now, the Democrats seem to be ruling the United States map. Although Democrats do have the lead in the number of states at the moment, the Republicans seem to have taken over the larger states in the nation. With quite a few states that have not chosen, the election can still go either way.

AntonSoriano2 said...

Obama is truly winning this election. it is amazing to see how much of a lead he has.

Yvonne Rojas 4 said...

I'm so excited :D I hope he keeps this up

alexkoontz1 said...

I find it funny that this map shows that Obamba is favored 2 to 1, but most people still say that its anyone's race. Of course, this could be due to the natural bias a pole gets because of its location, but which way?

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

Well, like I had predicted, most people would vote for Obama. For the reason of him stating to get America back on it's feet or because there is a first for this nation. All I can say is, hopefully he can get America's economy and environment back in order

amber obregon 2 said...

i think that even though the map shows that obama is doing good that it can change when it comes down to the main thing(election) it could be mcCain who did better but who knows til the day comes.

NickLiman1st said...

This map really is quite astounding.
It just proves that no matter what McCain does, he will not win this election. If anything, these petty attacks that he has launched against Obama will only allow him to lose voters.

JA7 said...

I believe that more people are going to vote for the Democratic party because they are afraid that John McCain is going to die in office and Sarah Palin will become the president. For some reason, people are afraid to have a female president.

ericasanchez3 said...

I think its great that, if the election were to take place right now, Obama would win. Its pretty interesting to see what everyones opinion is as of now. I hope Obama wins