Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And in the 806

State transportation officials surprised the city Tuesday morning with a $15 million I Owe You.

Steve Warren, an area director for the Texas Department of Transportation, said the department did not have the money - less than 38 percent of the project - for overpasses where Fourth Street and Slide Road meet Loop 289.

Department representatives had said as recently as Jan. 22 that construction would begin later this year. But Warren said he realized a week later that department officials working to cut costs had marked the Lubbock project expired.

That could lead to more local dollars committed to the interchange and another project. Or it could mean a top roads priority that already has caused the city some controversy will languish for several more years.

"I thought the $15 million was a done deal," Mayor Tom Martin said after the meeting. "It's a done deal, but they just haven't identified where they might get it in the next 10 years."

The Northwest Passage projects, more than $150 million in improvements to roads around Loop 289 and Slide Road and Fourth Street intersections, has always struggled for state financing.

Negotiations in 2008 led to the department's $15 million commitment toward a $40 million project to build an overpass for Slide Road at Loop 289.

Lubbock purchased in October a large, locally historic home that stands in the median of Slide Road north of Fourth Street to make room for a wider roadway as part of the project.

The city sold the home to local firefighter Mike Haggard in January for $500 - Haggard will spend hundreds of thousands more to move the building west of town.

But the Texas transportation commissioners, faced with a shortfall in gasoline taxes and federal highway contributions, canceled in late December the type of funding that supported the $15 million state pledge to the project, Warren said.

He did not realize he had not read the memo explaining the decision until last week, he said.

"They basically told us the funds we thought we were going to be getting aren't there anymore," Warren said. "The commitment is still there to that Northwest Passage project. I just can't give a time frame of when it will become available."

Lubbock and the department will instead pin their hopes for fast construction on the economic stimulus plan U.S. senators approved Tuesday.

The legislation that headed into conference committee included an estimated $1.5 billion in discretionary road funding for the state.

The metropolitan planning organization hoped to position the Northwest Passage project and another project widening West Loop 289 to six lanes for the money. The combined projects would cost $58 million - the city and planning organization would contribute more than half.

But that still relies on Congress and, later, transportation commissioners approving the funding. Without that money, the project could stay on hold for three years.

"All of these things are if, if, if, if," Martin said.


Anonymous said...

local exciting.

First off: the city has been planning on improving the Loop for a long time - the house in question on Slide should have been moved or demolished ( I would say 'let's move it') months ago. To widen the Loop is an enormous undertaking for Lubbock - and the project, understandably, is being postponed for lack of funds. What a surprise.

2nd (and lastly): it's nice that Texas is getting a dandy 1.5 billion USD for roads from the stimulus package, but it bothers me that that the overall TRILLION dollar package from the Feds is going to add to our already ludicrous national debt.
Unfortunately, I'm not an expert on national debt issues. But I'm not stupid - so I'm going to throw it out there that I completely disagree with the Obamanation stimulus package.

At least some of the money is coming to us. Oh wait - it is our money, in the long run. Plus interest.

BonnieFanning1 said...

There are so many construstion projects going on right now. It is going to be frustrating to have to put many of these spread out projects on hold. It would be great it they could finish up at least a portion of these projects and get them out of the way. However, with the economic crisis, construction projects are not at the top of the list. Especially when so many job losses are taking place. Everything is just so "iffy". Many are unsure of what may actually happen with all the construction.

Rachael Henderson said...

I think it is so ridiculous that they are going to draw this thing out even more than it already is going to be. It has been years since this project has started and the idea of just stopping right in the middle of the project is just really agrivating! And if they are even thinking about spending more money, more of our tax paying dollars, to stop and start a project that should have been finished years ago they have another thing coming to them... no reelection for them...making promises they cannot keep is not the smartest way to keep a job.

AaronHellman03 said...

This is absurd. Why did they not put aside all the funds they needed before they started this construction? Or at least have a stable account to draw them from. This current "project" (more like annoyance) has already caused an abundant amount of headaches, car collisions, and annoyances.
The needed funds will, however, only cost each Lubbock resident less than $20. I would gladly pay more if it expedited the construction.
In a closing thought, i will gladly be leaving for college next year so i have little time left putting up with Lubbock politicians' mistakes.

AaronHellman03 said...

This is absurd. Why did they not put aside all the funds they needed before they started this construction? Or at least have a stable account to draw them from. This current "project" (more like annoyance) has already caused an abundant amount of headaches, car collisions, and annoyances.
The needed funds will, however, only cost each Lubbock resident less than $80. I would gladly pay more if it expedited the construction.
In a closing thought, i will gladly be leaving for college next year so i have little time left putting up with Lubbock politicians' mistakes.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy if people are going to get something very expensive done then they should put that money away then for that cause. I believe that they should be given a time limit on the pay process. In any case this is a mess.

Kirsten Alvarez 1st said...

This is a prime example of why the nation is going to a recession. There seems to be no responsibility when it comes money for projects or anything else. I do not believe that the money for the bridge was there at the beginning and just disappeared now. The money was never there. Same as the banks, if the person your giving a loan for a house is getting paid at minimum wage with three kids, my bets are thats not a smart loan. Yes Lubbock needs new road in places but dont start construction if you don't have the money. That's just stupid.

diamonddavis1 said...

I think that the whole project was a waste of city money. I mean teacher wages are being cut, police department is the same, we don't have enough to be trying to build a 6 street highway. Do we even need one? Seriously this should have happened a year ago, I'm surprised that state funded us for this long.

joshochoa54321 said...

i so not think that it was such a smart idea to borrow money from lubbock because even thought the economy is really bed right now, lubbock is not broke, but if the state keeps on borrowing millions of dollors from lubbock, we will have no money for the freeway, any other expanions wanted to be made for lubbock, and some other major buissess will not find it important to be in lubbock

mattdotray3 said...

All this construction is getting a little rediculace, and I still don't understand what the purpose of it all is. What Lubbock needs to do is stop trying to expand in every direction, and try to clean up downtown. We need a place where people can spend an afternoon and walk around. All I see downtown is a bunch of abandoned buildings. I'm going to go off subject a little and make a few more complaints. First of all, Lubbock needs a much better bus system. I don't know if whoever is reading this has ever looked at the bus schedule, but it is awful. It doesn't reach half the places anyone needs to go, it comes about once every thirty minutes, and it doesn't even run on Sundays. They act like the whole city of Lubbock just stays at home on Sundays. They also need to make the city a lot more walking friendly. I road my bike everywhere last summer, and I can't tell you how many times I had to ride in the street or go out of my way just to get from point A to point B. Another key issue are the homeless shelters. I know there aren't that many people in this city that need a place to sleep, but a homeless friend of mine who I talk to at Day Break about three times a week tells me it is pitiful because it is so crowded. They even restrict the number of nights you can stay there per week. I'm sorry, but Lubbock is going "Nowhere as fast as they can." I thought I'd hit you with a Replacements quote.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

This article is kind of depressing. I mean I don’t think that Lubbock has truly realized that we are in a recession. I guess we thought that we would never see it happen here, or at least I didn’t think so. This recession is finally impacting us in our community. This construction has been going on for years and for it to be delayed makes me worry what could happen next. I guess I know that it will get worse before it gets better. Hopefully we can get some funding and things will be a little bit better.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

This article is kind of depressing. I mean I don’t think that Lubbock has truly realized that we are in a recession. I guess we thought that we would never see it happen here, or at least I didn’t think so. This recession is finally impacting us in our community. This construction has been going on for years and for it to be delayed makes me worry what could happen next. I guess I know that it will get worse before it gets better. Hopefully we can get some funding and things will be a little bit better.

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

I think the whole idea wasn't well thought out before it was put into action. It only seems natural to make sure you have $150 million secured before you start a 150 million dollar project. During the recession, things have been relatively normal in Lubbock, compared to lots of other places in the US. This might be somewhat eye-opening for some of the government officials in Lubbock. Nobody in Lubbock is going to support even more local money going toward this project. They don't seem to have a solid plan at this point.

jillchen3 said...

It seems like lubbock will never finish all the construction that they've started. I don't know why it has dragged on so long, i'm sure building highways do not take this long in other cities. Now because of bad planning and sloppy decisions the construction will be further delayed...when will they finally finish? in another 10 years? No one could have predicted the economical crises but i think lubbock was too ambitious when they decided to build so many new roads and change up the city so much when they knew that there might not be enough money.

nataliarangel4 said...

Wow this is crazy. COmmon sense comes into play with this. If they needed alot of money for a projet they should have saved up and put the money they needed aside before they stated constuction. DUH. There are too many constuction projects going on right now i think its kinda good the project is being put on hold. They need to finish the projects that are in progress right now before the start new ones.

StephenVelez3rd said...

This is just bad judgment. The city should have had a back up plan for where the money for this project would come from. Now they are stuck with postponing this project and frustrating drivers even more with construction. This is just bad planning at the wrong time.

AndrewGarcia02 said...

I think that they should have set the funds aside before they started. Not just kept using the funds that they thought they had.

briansmith3 said...

I think that the City of Lubbock needs to calm their jets when it comes to construction. The management of most construction sites is inefficient, just like you would assume. It's always "one guy working and two guys watching," just like it always has been. I also don't think they should fret over a lack of funds because there's supposed to be money for these kinds of things in the new stimulus/spending package. I also thought that selling and moving that Rip Griffin house was ridiculous and unnecessary. And I don't know why the mayor is the one talking about any of this. because he most likely isn't the person in contact with TexDOT.

SavannahWood4 said...

I think they should go for it. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but we're in a recession. Seriously, throw some money around, give people some jobs. Don't drag this out even more, especially after all the work already put into it.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

There is way too much construction going on at once for anything productive to happen. What Lubbock should do, is concentrate on individual areas, like downtown like Dotray said. I'm sure construction would be completed faster, and even possibly run a lot smoother. Our economic situation however is just slowing this down to the point where we just have to kind of leave it off to the side.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

all of this road construction is frustrating and ridiculous. out of all the 120+ streets in lbk they are actually working on mine day and nite. and we cant even get down the street between 8am and 2pm! i think the idea of the marsha sharp freeway was a great idea (i use it almost everyday) but they should take it all in little sections or parts, not try to work on the entire thing at one time. and now they want more money?! i thought they raised all the funds before they started.....

benjaminfincher1st said...

Lubbock has been working on this same road project for years and they are having to put it on hold? This is crazy. Lubbock is already one of the easiest places to get around. Why do we need add-ons? There are much bigger problems that the city of lubbock should be worrying about. Teachers pay is down, homeless shelters are some of the worst in the state, and downtown sucks, just to name a few.

jaysehulett4th said...

"He did not realize he had not read the memo explaining the decision until last week, he said."

I like this guy he seems very

AnaMendoza1 said...

I don't even go out there by the marsha sharp freeway by jones stadium. its way too ridiculous and i dont really think that lubbock needed so much construction in the first place. And now to put it on hold just shows how much we didnt need it. good thing i'm going to college! yes!
and every time i try to sign in, it says my password is different!

matthewcastro1 said...

Yeah this has already taken forever to build, and waiting even longer is so dumb. YOu would figure they would already ahve the money set out for these projects, but i guess not.

JenniScott3 said...

Although, yes, it would be nice to have a freeway east-west across Lubbock, the years of trouble caused by the construction make it more trouble than it's worth. Why can't the city, county, state, or whoever else wants to take control of the project, make sure there is enough money to finish the job before it is ever started. I understand that sometimes there are unexpected expenses involved, but the base expected budget should be raised and set apart before anyone moves so that we don't have to deal with all this construction being dragged out for years and halted in the middle just because of a lack of funds.

gloria sanchez said...

I understand Lubbock is in the process of growing but seriously can one project be finished. In this reseccion Lubbock hasn't been hit as hard as other cities, but with big porjects and the lack of responsibility we are heading that way. Projects such as theses should be financialy planned way ahead of time. Without a stable account this whole process has become a gamble.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

I really hope they don't put all these roadwork projects on hold. For the last couple of years the constant road construction in Lubbock has made driving not only tedious, but also often dangerous. Constantly changing which lanes can turn which can go straight, and getting rid of lanes altogether. I also agree that alot of people have been irresponsible with our tax money, just throwing it at problems. So I believe they shouldn't hold off on the road work

KodwoPanford03 said...

There seems to be much confusion that could have been avoided with better planning. I think it would be so much better for the city to set aside all the necessary funds before beginning a project if that was possible. If not, they shouldn't begin so many projects at once. It's great to build additions to the city but not with many you don't have and when there will be unfinished portions that will add confusion which sometimes I see results in wrecks etc.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

i also think that this is stupid how are you gonna stop construction when you already started it. They should jus pay for parts and let them finish it in parts it would be easier and quiker now we gotta wait longer for the roads and all the contruction going on in lubbock.

JessicaGatica3 said...

So i really hate construction. I live where there is a lot of construction happening and it kinda is just a nuisance. Reading this article made me mad knowing know they really dont have funds. Well maybe right now they should just finish the sites they have started and then after that deal with stuff that actually needs help instead of trying to fix Lubbock's roads.

JaredRauch1st said...

Lubbock would not be Lubbock without construction. We all know this. So its not surprising to find out that there is a money shortage/miss communication/whatever they are calling it in their C.Y.A file. All these new over passes are good for getting across town quickly, but are not completely necessary. And im pretty sure we dont need to waste money on "beautifying" them with molds of wind mills or paint. This is probably why its getting out of hand in the first place.

patreaferrell1 said...

What is the deal about this thing!!! Why would you want to stop in the middle of a project that really needs to be finished already. They need to get this done so it will be out of the way already. Who knows when this construction will be over maybe when I graduate from COLLEGE!!!!!

miguelsmith7th said...

Local government officials are once again being negligent of their duties that they were hired or elected to do. It seems obvious that the funds for this project were already appropriated but were misused or borrowed to fix some other prior mistakes.
It is inexcusable to mark a project as "expired", and expect taxpayers to do without the improvements they have already payed for - or fork up more money to get the job done.
This negligence reeks of "The Peter Principle", which states that workers rise to their level of incompetence, and too many civil servants are not doing their job properly. This incompetence is similar to the transgression of the state inspectors in charge of the district where the Plainview peanut plant's salmonella problem has put many people's health in jeopardy.
Our "I Owe You" has the taxpayers over a barrel that is in need of pork barrel spending.

CortnyCognasi03 said...

Did they not put money in a fund going toward all of the construction or were they just hoping to spend as they went?

This is the reason for the economic crisis, people aren't thinking things through.

All I know is that it is going to be so frustrating to have all of these alredy started projects put on hold due to carelessness.


MelodyStone4 said...

This is ridiculous. We have so many things going on already. We really need to just finish this project and out it behind us instead of making it longer. Of course if we had already finished it then we wouldnt be dealing with it now in this economic down time.

VictoriaGarcia4 said...

Obviously we are all getting fed up with the construction, and the thought of this project on an extended timeline is not a great thing. It is upsetting to think that the funds aren't exactly all available(maybe maybe not),but other then that, we have to accept that Lubbock isn't exactly number one on the long list of government duties in the state of Texas.

Sarah Moore 2 said...

It is a shame that the state can not keep track of it's money.They need to fix that problem on their own.We started this freeway and we should plan to finish it.Lifef amy not be fair but people shhould try to make it as fair as possible ecspeciall in sit uations like these those were our funds and they should continue to go towards us!

SarahRhoades1 said...

This is ridiculous. Why didn't they make sure they hand the funds before they started the project? I wouldn't start a project I only THOUGHT I could finish. I'd want to know I could finish it before starting it. You'd think we could expect the same kind of sense from the people who handle our tax dollars.

Now we're all going to have to wait until the half-finished job gets done; in the mean time, we'll all just have to take care while driving, since this problem won't be fixed any time soon.

Aztec_king90 said...

I think it's kinda dumb how they didn't get the funds before the started these projects. If they really like their jobs they would be good at it and not make dumb preventable mistakes like this.

Anonymous said...

They are taking to long on the loop. I think that they should have been done already. They are taking to much time and money.