Tuesday, February 24, 2009

California State Congressman Introduces Pot Bill

State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, announced today he has introduced legislation to legalize and tax marijuana in the state of California.

AB 390 would require that all sales of marijuana be made by licensed sellers and that sales be taxed $50 per ounce. It would also forbid sales to anyone under 21.

"With the state in the midst of an historic economic crisis, the move towards regulating and taxing marijuana is simply common sense," Ammiano said at a morning news conference at the state building on Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco.

Ammiano said the law, if passed, could generate more than $1.3 billion in much-needed revenue for the state.

"California has the opportunity to be the first state in the nation to enact a smart, responsible public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana," he said.


jakelabrec7 said...

haha i think that if they did this there would be a lot more college students in in california. i think this is really stupid though i know that people already do weed. it is just like alcohol though, some people already give it to kids under 21 so what makes them think that they wont do it for weed too? there will just be way too many problems if they do end up legalizing it. so i just dont think that they should.

BonnieFanning1 said...

California is a mess right now. (billions of dollars in debt) The people that engage in smoking marijuana will continue to do so. The state might as well profit from it. Do you think the assemblyman was under the influence when he introduced this?

SarahEdwards1 said...

The issue of legalizing drugs (such as marijuana)has been a subject of heated debate in Time magazine and other sources of news. However, I feel that Assemblyman Ammiano is on to something brilliant. By standardizing and overseeing the sale of marijuana, the government of California could help to alleviate the increasing crime rate in poor, urban areas of the state in a cheap way by cutting out drug dealers and greatly reducing the demand for smuggling. The argument is that marijuana is a drug and should be restricted because it causes impairment; well, alchohol also could be called a drug because it causes impairment. The regulation of marijuana would help to keep California safer.

briansmith3 said...

First off, that estimated revenue is ridiculous- he is probably suggesting this bill to be resourceful because of the fact that the state of California has a huge marijuana problem. Now about the bill itself, I think that a policy for the control and regulation of marijuana is a good thing to have, but with the purpose of this specific control of the sale of pot, I'm not sure if there is an equal trade off between the revenue generated and the societal effects of having high people driving or at work...

matthewcastro1 said...

The legalization of marijuana would be pretty dumb. Yes, the U.S. would get plenty of tax money for it, but at the cost of what? You could say that, it would eliminate illegal drug selling, but it wouldnt underage kis would still buy it. You could say that it'd be safer, but would you wanna be on the road with someone under the influence, or more hard drugs on the street. Since marijuana might be legalized, that might mean an increase of harder drugs since the demand for marijuana wouldnt be as high. We would be seeing alot more pot heads on the street.

Lauren McVay, 1 said...

It may be "common sense" but what kind of healthful decisions are we promoting? Though I can see the other side: if people are going to sell and use marijuana regardless- why not legalize and make a profit? I'm just not sure that promoting the use of this drug will really be beneficial. Most likely all the profits will be negated with the increase of health problems that will presumably rise due to the misuse of the drug.

However, if and when we nationalize healthcare, I guess the government and or state of California could refuse to authorize the treatment to marijuana abusers that they themselves helped to create...

Lauren McVay, 1 said...

It may be "common sense" but what kind of healthful decisions are we promoting? Though I can see the other side: if people are going to sell and use marijuana regardless- why not legalize and make a profit? I'm just not sure that promoting the use of this drug will really be beneficial. Most likely all the profits will be negated with the increase of health problems that will presumably rise due to the misuse of the drug.

However, if and when we nationalize healthcare, I guess the government and or state of California could refuse to authorize the treatment to marijuana abusers that they themselves helped to create...

KatelynWatkins1 said...

This guy is a genius. Whether you smoke pot or not, it's common knowlege that it could create huge revenue if sold legally, and that people smoke whether it's legal or not (especially in California). In the midst of the economic free-fall we're in, this could be a very smart idea. It's less dangerous than alcohol, in the sense that driving skills are better maintained and violence isn't a side effect, and it's better for you than cigarettes as far as carcinogen intake. Way to go assemblyman with the creepy earring.

JA7 said...

that is really freaking stupid. people will only save their money buy it. you.re only giving them a reason to be stupid. we need to put the criminals where they belong.

AndrewGarcia02 said...

I think that a bill like this could be good and bad. On one hand, it would be very beneficial to the state to get money, and to lower the crime rates in the state since a majority of crimes are based off of drugs.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

Well this guy has a point...but it just kinda depends on what is worse in your opinion, pot or an economic recession. Personally i think that this is not smart. Pot is a bad thing no matter what age you are. I think that if California passes this it will be an amazing turn for the worse. I think that if we are going to turn to things like this that there are plenty of other, non-drug related things we can use. Look at Michael Phelps. When he smokes pot it is horrible. Do we want it to stay that way or are we just going to make it a decision. I think that legalizing pot is a bad and dangerous idea, even worse than the recession.

HannahLambVines_1 said...

I think he's got something like a good idea going. I mean, considering the affects of marijuana vs. alcohol, isn't pot relatively safer? Not to mention the revenue.

Also: the guy in the background wearing the red beanie looks HILARIOUS.

KodwoPanford03 said...

It's great that the state of California is finding new ways to bring in money in such tough economic times. I don't see many others states following them but it seems like it could turn out to be a good thing. It surprises me that no other state has created a tax to make money off habits like this.

Rachael Henderson said...

Umm...is he serious? Why in the world would you want to make pot legal? Also does he really think people are now going to turn over a new leaf and start honestly paying the tax on their drugs? I do understand the use of marijuana for medical reasons, (being that it is not addictive) but making the jump to maybe putting in the hospitals to making it available to the general public over 21, is absolutely insane! College kids already get into enough trouble as it is, and saying that it is okay to smoke pot will just further spur them on to a lifestyle that nobody wants. The fact that it is being taxed $50 will not go over well, and he wants to bring in new revenue of $1.3 billion…how silly of him! I think this man was smoking pot when he wrote this bill.

brookemccallon3 said...

We all know that illegal drugs, such as marijuana, are very commonly used and accessible especially in California. Honestly, it might as well be made legal and taxed. There is no use in how often it's sold it not be used for the state revenue. Marijuana is always going to be grown, distributed, bought, and smoked- there's really no preventing that process, so you might as well be making some money off of it California. “I’d like to see it taxed and regulated and looked upon as nothing more or less dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes,” Willie Nelson says-you just can't argue with a legend.

g.i.joe nathan said...

This is a very logical plan of action. Marijuana should not be illegal--it's not like it being illegal stops people from doing it. It, just like alcohol, is a substance that can be used in moderation or abused. Even in abuse situations, what a person decides to do to their body and mind is completely in their hands.
Hopefully, this can help the California's deficit and then the United States as a whole.

MelodyStone4 said...

I can understand wanting to charge alot in tax for it but 50 bucks? i dont know. it might now be that bad of an idea. It would make some people happy with it being easier to get but it would cost more too. so who know what would happen. I would say this would either have a really good ending or a super bad one.

jillchen3 said...

I'm not sure, but this could be a good idea...it depends on how much illegal marijuana costs per ounce. If it is cheaper to buy marijuana legally from licensed sellers, obviously people would go for it and generate mass revenue for the state. I don't think that if marijuana is legalized, there would be more drug abuse. People want what they can't have, and engaging in illegal activities is a high in itself for some. Marijuana sold legally would probably have lower chances of being impure and more dangerous to smoke than illegal marijuana. But you never know.
One thing for sure though, is that people under 21 will continue to buy/sell/smoke marijuana-legal or not.

jillchen3 said...

I'm not sure, but this could be a good idea...it depends on how much illegal marijuana costs per ounce. If it is cheaper to buy marijuana legally from licensed sellers, obviously people would go for it and generate mass revenue for the state. I don't think that if marijuana is legalized, there would be more drug abuse. People want what they can't have, and engaging in illegal activities is a high in itself for some. Marijuana sold legally would probably have lower chances of being impure and more dangerous to smoke than illegal marijuana. But you never know.
One thing for sure though, is that people under 21 will continue to buy/sell/smoke marijuana-legal or not.

cynthiacastillo3 said...

Honestly, i believe Assemblyman Tom Ammiano is on to something brilliant. Legalizing drug (such as marijuana) could very much boost the economy of California, as well as reduce the crime rate. However, underage children will definately find new ways of obtaining such substances. Since the number of drug dealers will reduce significantly, i believe that many will act out as a way of showing their disappointment for losing their business as well profits, which would maybe cause violence and havoc in California.

amandamills3 said...

I think this bill could significantly increase state revenue in California, but I'm wondering if the illegal marijuana trade will still go on even with "licensed dealers" available. I think they overestimate the amount of money that would be brought in by this change because the high taxes and age limit on the drug will deter some "customers". It makes sense though: if alcohol is legal and marijuana is already legal "for medical purposes" then why not go all the way. I doubt many other states will be able to go this route, but more power to California for pioneering the pot bill.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

bahahaha this is kinda a genius idea. was he on some when he thought of this?! now i know drugs are bad but when you look at the numbers of how many people buy the "goods", the money coming back to the state will really see a difference.

hayleeduke2 said...

... Everyone smokes in California;
You can practically buy it in a vending machine. They are making it rather expensive i must say, but people will get what they want one way or another. Taxing it is just going to put more people in jail for not haveing a liscense to sale.

Michael Melendez 2nd Period said...

I think legalizing marijuana will lead to consequences.I mean espcially with the crime rate down in California its going to go off the charts if they legalize marijuana. I think it's stupid but hey thats just my opinion about it.

AnaMendoza1 said...

I have to say...there is no weed good enough to be worth 50$ an ounce. I mean seriously? Whether its legal or not, you have to be retarded to dish out that kind of money for any kind of weed. No matter how strong. That bill is retarded. and cali doesnt need a bigger drug problem.

andrew villafranco 7th said...

I believe that this man has a very smart economic plan for his state since California already has medical marijuana legalized and being that most of America's potheads are in California it would be a smart plan to increase your states profit and possibly help raise you out of debt.

Chris Shute 1 said...

OK, this sounds all fantastic but there are some major flaws. First off, the majority of people who smoke marijuana are going to be under 21 years old. And who would want to spend MORE for drugs when they could get them, without tax, from thier drug dealers? There arn't many 60-year-old retirees lounging around smoking pot. That being said, I believe this bill has potential to help California, but they shouldn't rest all hope on it. And the guy in the beanie standing behind the senator looks like a complete pot-head. Just fyi.

elizabeth_hendrix_4 said...

Oh goodness, well i think that they make good points for wanting to legalize marijuana, there would be less crime and more revenue.Also if it's legal do people get to smoke it in public places? People would be walking aroung high and it would not be a good thing. There would be an increase of tourism in California, but if they legalize it then other states would have too also, because they would be smuggling it across the California border. Well anyway i look forward to knowing if this bill will pass.

gloria sanchez said...

The use of marijuana will never stop so why not make a profit. People under 21 will still find ways to get it, just like they do with alcohol. Now the $50 tax will probaly be the downfall to this plan. Dealers in the California area are then going to step up their game, begin to sale different types of drugs, and it could possibly be cheaper to buy marijuana off the streets. On the positive side crimes rates could go down. In most cases crimes are often commited because of a drug trade gone wrong. Taking out the middle man in selling marijuana makes it safer for the buyer, because street drugs often dont just have marijuana in it sometimes is other substances that make it even more dangerous. It also makes it safer for the seller as well. I personly think leagalizing marijuana could make the streets a little safer and make a positvie impact to the economy.

Mike Onion 3 said...

As everyone knows, the us economy is struggling pretty badly right now. This would be a creative way of making revenue and it would get 1.3 billion in tax dollars. This is smart because alot of people use weed so might as well tax them for it and make it legal. This will only help stimulate the economy and help us get back on track.

mattdotray3 said...

I agree with Katelyn Watkins, but for the last statement, I think it is a mole not an earing.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

This is a pretty good idea. People are going to smoke pot anyway, just as they have for years. Why not use that to benefit the economy? This could even lower the crime rate. Overall this is a good idea.

AntonSoriano2 said...

You should not legalize marijuana ever!!!!! I can see a lot of problems rising from the legalization of marijuana and other drugs. I think there are a lot more negative results from this idea more than positive.

mirandamartell7 said...

I think it is funny how Pot is going to be legal now. I can understand for patents and all to calm them down, but to be able to buy and not be out in jail is to funny.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

I like the fact that someone has finally stepped up and thought of legalizing marijuana. I mean the government has never been able to control it, and regardless people are going to do it. They might as well make a profit of it. With America in a recession people need to start thinking outside the box and find a way to increase jobs and revenue. If this law is passed and California makes a general profit then I think that there will be many other states that follow this example.

AprilGuerrero3 said...

I think that this would make alot of money and lower crime rates because alot of crime is for drugs. I think this might actually work.

alexgorelov7 said...

i agree with jake, there will be a mob flowing into cali, and eventually it will get out of control, so it would be really stupid to legalize marijuana just to make a state profit