Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dems Hammer Romneys Swiss Accounts

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Mitt Romney's Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Island investments were hot topics on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, with several leading Democrats hammering the Republican presidential candidate about them in their speeches.

"Mitt Romney has so little economic patriotism that even his money needs a passport," charged former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland in his fiery speech Tuesday night. "It summers on the beaches of the Cayman Islands and winters on the slopes of the Swiss Alps. In Matthew, chapter 6, verse 21, the scriptures teach us that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. My friends, any man who aspires to be our president should keep both his treasure and his heart in the United States of America. And it's well past time for Mitt Romney to come clean with the American people."

Romney previously had a Swiss bank account and has millions invested in funds based in the Cayman Islands.

"Instead of safeguarding our seniors, Romney and Ryan would end the guarantee of Medicare and replace it with a voucher in order to give bigger tax breaks to billionaires," said Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley. "Instead of investing in America, they hide their money in Swiss bank accounts and ship our jobs to China. Swiss bank accounts never built an American bridge. Swiss bank accounts don't put cops on the beat or teachers in our classrooms. Swiss bank accounts never created American jobs!"

"Governor Romney, just because you bank against the United States of America doesn’t mean the rest of us are willing to sell her out," O'Malley said. "We are Americans."

Women's rights advocate Lilly Ledbetter also joined in, noting that women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar men make.

"Maybe 23 cents doesn't sound like a lot to someone with a Swiss bank account, Cayman Island Investments and an IRA worth tens of millions of dollars," Ledbetter said. "But Governor Romney, when we lose 23 cents every hour, every day, every paycheck, every job, over our entire lives, what we lose can't just be measured in dollars."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) continued his attacks on Romney for his refusal to release his more information on his taxes. Romney has released his 2010 tax returns and an estimate for 2011, although he has promised to disclose his 2011 return this fall. He has refused to follow the example of his father and release 12 years of his tax information to the public.

"Never in modern American history has a presidential candidate tried so hard to hide himself from the people he hopes to serve," Reid said during his speech at the convention. "When you look at the one tax return he has released, it's obvious why. It's obvious why there's only been one. We learned that he pays a lower tax rate than middle class families. We learned he chose Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Islands tax shelters over American institutions. And we can only imagine what new secrets would be revealed if he showed the American people a dozen years of tax returns -- like his father did."


Unknown said...

I agree with gov. Ted Strickland and Martin O'Malley. If Mitt Romney really wants to be president then he should keep his money here in America the Nation he wants to be president of. It feels as though he doesn't believe and trust in his own country if he keeps his money in foreign banks. How are we to trust Mitt Romney to run our Nation if he doesn't trust this Nation that he wants to run. If he wants trust back then he needs to take his money out of foreign banks and put in American banks.

robert rodriguez 8 said...

I agree that the Republican candidate Mitt Romney should not put millions of dollars into foreign banks but should invest in his home country, the greatest off all, America. For one reason, if he wants to lead a nation and "fix" our economic problems then stop pouring millions of dollars into Swiss and Cayman bank accounts but invest in our banks and spend wisely on the things we desperately need. I think that you should earn an American dollar and spend it in America not give it to someone who is not benefiting our economy.

Aidan Ross 2nd said...

Why shouldn't Romney show his tax information? Some say it's unfair and that it's his own private information, but the last time I checked a person's birth certificate was pretty private and Mitt with his fellow Conservatives chose to hound Obama about that. This whole promise of showing the entire tax spreads for 2011 in the fall is basically Mitt saying, "Hey, if you vote for me, I'll let you see my tax sheets, but only after it's too late for you to see the truth about me." I can't see what he's so afraid of if he has nothing to hide from the previous year. The whole situation wreaks of something awful if you ask me, and it's not just Romney's old man cologne.

JennaSmith6 said...

I found this article very interesting, because it surprised me that Romney had money stored in banks outside the United States. It is strange that his money wasn’t in the U.S., especially since that is where Romney lives and what he cares so much about. I don't think it should be held against him though; just because his money was in a Swiss bank account doesn’t mean he hates the U.S. Plus, with the economy being so bad it was probably smart for him to store his money in another country.

HannahMorgan8 said...

First of all, I think it is intersesting and almost ironic that in a speech trying demean Romney, Strickland uses a bible verse when Romeny is always pushing the "Jesus" card. It was a smart move using his own platform against him and I think it was a good way to hook some of the voters focused on religion. It would make them want to listen to the rest of what he had to say and that may result in more democratic votes. Second of all, there is something to be said for Romney having the majority of his money outside the United States. I'm not saying that its is correct of him to do so, but if he doesnt like where the econmy is headed under the Obama administration or after the Bush administration, I can see how he would want his money outside of the country. He could quite easliy bring his money back if he were elected and actually started a positive trend in the economy. Also, everything he is doing is perfectly legal, but that doesn't mean that he should hide his financial records from potential voters.

Unknown said...

This to me is Un-American to slam Romney's bank accounts and Cayman island investments because to me this is what our country has been doing for years. Our foreign trade policy is distorted but still existent. Donald Trump is a very successful man, even after going bankrupt multiple times, said real estate is the best investment you can make. So at this point Romney is just being good with his money and his Swiss bank account is probably used because our banks stateside have been BAILED OUT because they loaned to much money.

Manning Pope 3rd Period said...

As a capitalist I have ZERO problem with Romney using foreign bank accounts. Is it legal? Yes. Can he afford it? Yes. So what's the problem. Like him or not Romney has proven himself as a great business man over the last decade so why should he be forced to bank somewhere where he doesn't want. If any of us are ever in the situation where we are anywhere NEAR as successful as he is today than you can pass judgement on his decisions. The bottom line is this, many see this as a "sneaky move" other as a smart and legitimate business decision, either way I believe it is none of our business. He is breaking no laws, stealing no assets, and evading no tax. I think it's comical that this seems to be the only dirt they can pull on Romney to swing votes, stay out of his personal life and better luck next time...

WestTxTrader said...

If Mitt Romney is running for president, he should have his money in an American Bank. I do not think he needs to show his tax information, because that is his personal information. To me, Mitt Romney is more of a business man than a politician. If he really wants to be running for president, he should be focused on America and not his money. I think he should bring his money back to America and start focusing on the United States economy.

Jenna Curtis_2 said...

Why is Romney being slammed for having money in a Swiss bank account? Based on the American economy and the bankruptcy rates and such why would you want to keep all of your money here when it could potentially all be gone one day? I think he made a wise choice by opening up a foreign account. I also don't think he should be hounded about his tax information seeing as how Obama is being pushed about releasing his birth certificate and won't do it either.

Unknown said...

I think Romney shouldn't be putting his money into other accounts if he wants to run this country. It's not very American for him to put his money in another country's bank when he's running for president of the US. Granted if he was elected as president maybe he would move it to America, but he shouldn't even allow it to be there in the first place when it shows he has little to no trust in America.