Monday, September 24, 2012

New Obama Ad Hits Romney on 47%

President Obama's re-election campaign released its first ad on Mitt Romney's comments about "the 47%" who receive government benefits or don't pay taxes.

"Doesn't the president have to worry about everyone?" asks the ad, which is airing in only one key battleground state: Ohio.

The ad comes a week after disclosure of a videotape from a Romney fundraiser this year.
The Republican nominee said Obama starts out with 47% of the vote because of people who either don't pay taxes or depend on government benefits.

According to the Obama ad, "Mitt Romney attacked 47% of Americans who pay no income tax -- including veterans, elderly, the disabled."

The ad also hits Romney on his own taxes, saying, "He keeps millions in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. He won't release his tax returns before 2010. Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, Romney should come clean on his."

Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul responded to the ad:
"President Obama's tax increases on middle-class families will not make the next four years any better than the last four. Under President Obama's failed leadership, 23 million Americans are struggling for work with 46 million Americans on food stamps and more people in poverty than ever before. Mitt Romney has a plan for a stronger middle class that will lower tax rates across the board and jump-start economic growth, creating 12 million jobs."


LizzyMoreno06 said...

So far all Romney has is empty promises. His party is always insisting that they will improve middle class life but they never disclose how they plan to do that. At the same time it is a little questionable why Obama released this commercial to only one state, Ohio. Is he attacking Romney and he doesn't plan on the rest of America seeing it because they might do research and see that he is stretching the truth? So far the biggest platform both parties have is the Middle class' standing in the economy and taxes. It will be interesting to see how this actually plays out once we have chosen our next president.

Unknown said...

Well we knew the 47% comment would of course comeback to hurt Romney. Also just cause those 47% don't pay taxes doesn't give the right for Romney to say he doesn't need to pay attention to them. A president should take care of everyone not just a select few. I believe that Romney is just making mistakes and he really needs to think about what he is going to say next.

Ja'lon Clark 8 said...

I think this article shows some of the similarities between President Obama and Mitt Romney, and emphasizes a possibly damaging blow to Mitt. As I recall much of President Obama's 08' campaign involved his promises for job increases and, if I recall correctly, tax breaks for the lower and middle class. He frequented the phrase "building from the bottom us," as I recall. In this race it is apparent that both sides are targeting the middle class and though there are always fundamental differences, it leads me to wonder how different one side is from the other. If Romney plans on attempting to ease taxes on the middle class, and President Obama trying to strengthen the middle class. Is the goal so different, and can it be said that the approach is completely. Despite Romney's apparently misinformed attack on what appears to be his own camp, the intent was not so different from President Obama's intention to rally the middle class behind him.

Unknown said...

Romney still has a little more than 40 days to turn his reputation around. In the political stand point, a week is like a lifetime for a candidate. This could be both good and bad for the Romney Administration. The good news is that Romney has time to explain himself and win back supporters. The bad news is that one more mistake for him will very well be the dagger that keeps him from winning the election. I do agree that Romney does need to explain his taxation plans instead of criticizing Obama's tax policies. The undecided voters and swing states need to see honesty in Romney's goals, rather than seeing Romney try to cover up his mistakes by criticizing the more popular candidate. However, the bottom line remains that Obama's wide margin over Romney and his current 50%
disapproval ratings does not look bright for the Romney campaign. The race isn't over yet, but Romney is down to the final seconds if he wishes to win the election.

TaylorEllison2 said...

I'm sure Obama and his supporters are thrilled about the leaked video of Romney and his 47% comments. I find it odd that the ad is being aired in only Ohio, rather than all the swing states. As we draw closer and closer to November 6th, both Romney's and Obama's campaigns will become increasingly competitive. There is no doubt that Romney's chances of winning the election are less likely now than they were prior to the video. However, I expect Romney's campaign to fight back at videos such as this one displaying Obama's failure as President of the United States.

TaylorEllison2 said...

I'm sure Obama and his supporters are thrilled about the leaked video of Romney and his 47% comments. I find it odd that the ad is being aired in only Ohio, rather than all the swing states. As we draw closer and closer to November 6th, both Romney's and Obama's campaigns will become increasingly competitive. There is no doubt that Romney's chances of winning the election are less likely now than they were prior to the video. However, I expect Romney's campaign to fight back at videos such as this one displaying Obama's failure as President of the United States.

Unknown said...

I agree that Mitt Romney needs to be worried about every American and needs a plan to pull us out of this debt. But he needs a plan not just beat around the bush but answer the question head on. Mitt Romney doesn't need to but money in other banks but ours and he need to pay taxes just like everyone else, he makes more then the president so he can afford the taxes!

Angela_Lee8 said...

I cannot wait to see what more political battle comes out of Romneys "47%" statement. In typical fashion, one unfortunate statement has become a public affair in which both parties can use to their adavntage. Luckily, the Obama campaign has been given the perfect opportunity to take advantage of Romneys slip-up. They strategically and clearly put out an ad displying the falsehood of Romneys statement while also attcking more personal issues. It will be intesrsting to see how the Romney campaign responds to this ad, and, more so, how far it will be taken along the lines of political rivialry.

Manning Pope 3rd Period said...

This is simply politics. Romney's campaign (comically if I may) mention that 47% of the vote will go to Obama because of the MASSIVE amount of people recieving government aid in our country obviously voting for the man who will defend thier laziness. Obama has now rebuted with the same old tax haven insult which he has used all over the nation since August coupled with slamming Romney with not caring for vetereans and the eldery thus attempting to skew his 47% stat. Obama will continue to hit this nail because in all honesty, there is no evident dirt on the quite, family orianted, religious, successful buisnessman in Mitt Romney. Think of something new to slander your opponent with fast Mr President, or soon the quite conservative Romney will take back the vastly important middle class vote.

BerlMcLaurin8 said...

I have no doubt that the ad will be effective, but honestly I think that some people, including me, are getting tired of this whole "47%" thing. Also, I challenge Mrs. Saul to tell us what this "plan" is. I haven't heard one yet.

Jordan Delgado Six said...

The new Obama ad directed towards degrading Mitt Romney is not a game changer in my opinion. I think that Obama is still in for a challenge, even when "Romney wont release his tax returns before 2010." This does not have any effect because Obama has failed to help the cause of poverty during his years of President. Romney may attack "the 47%" but I believe he has the ability to win the votes of people who know that his actions are being done for the right reasons.

EboPrattPanford2nd said...

I think that it should come as no surprise that Obama attacked Romney on his comments about the "47%". Romney probably should have done a better job researching his facts before he voiced them. Now he has given Obama better foothold in the key states. It will be interesting to see how Romney attempts to overcome this obstacle in his campaign. This whole situation has made the Romney camp look ill equipped and weak.

Unknown said...

This certainly is becoming an election to see. Romney's "attack" on the 47% of people that don't pay taxes is in a way contradicting because, in the ad it says he only paid 14.1% of taxes, which makes it seem like Romney is almost talking about himself in 47%. If it's not his job to worry about "those people", why is he trying to become president? It is the president's job to not only look at the states he likes or have higher tax paying rates. It seems that Romney is not looking at the big picture and is not paying attention to the words he tells the press and the public. At first when I personally heard about Romney, I thought it was going to be good for us, but now it seems like he really doesn't pay attention to what needs to be listened to. Romney is making himself look back.

Brianna_Amaya 2nd said...

Both parties have people that dont take benefits or pay taxes so they both have someyhing to hide and obama has done a good job with the country from my stand point and the people that dont pay taxes dont bother me because im still making money even though ill pay more in the end.

Unknown said...

Obama knew where Romney was attacking him but he turned it around on him by using what Romney said to Obama advantage.Romney slipped up and Obama caught it and by presenting it in a battle field state, Ohio, it gives Obama an upper hand.

Unknown said...

Mitt Romney may not be releasing his information on his taxes but that shouldn't be the main concern here. Romney may have offended and attacked americans but his spokeswomen makes a great point that if Obama gets reelected that it wont be any better for the middle class and thats where a lot of the votes are at.

Unique Jacobo 3 said...

I like the ad. It hits all the key points about the election. With the release of the video we see Romney clearly think that the 47 percent that do not pay taxes should not be worried about which is funny because Romney talks about caring for everyone but in reality that is clearly not the case, evidence right there. The fact that he won’t release his own tax returns obviously means he is hiding something. And when Andrea Saul responded she talks about Romany having a “plan” he never actually tell us what his plan is probably because he doesn’t have one. But the video coming out was perfect timing. Obama doesn’t need to find a secret weapon when Romany is making a fool out of himself on his own.

Alyssa Davila 8 said...

Paying taxes is a national responsibility for Americans. Based on the advantages and disadvatages of the disabled, these tax exemptions are applied. Obama has enforced this tax exemption law in our states, but unfortunately there are disadvantages to those in middle class families. I believe that Obam's enforcement is compliable to most, but not everyone can be satisfied. Before exempting these taxes for those who meet the requirements,families should be fully evaluated. This is a win/lose situation.

Unknown said...

I have been hearing on how Romney isn’t particularly worried about the 47% who are basically the people that receive government benefits. I believe Romney is wrong in his judgment to just become unconcerned with the 47%. Maybe if he was worried about helping the United States and the people who live within the bounds, he would not have to neglect the 47%. As for taxes, they are never going to get any better because of the money the United States late presidents have invested into many foreign countries. Last time I heard our debt was 5.5 trillion dollars. Who is ever going to pay that off? So, for Romney's spokeswoman Andrea Saul to say taxes are going to be reduced is a complete lie. Romney cannot promise the United States a better future just like Obama could not fix the problems of other presidents. I don’t believe any forth coming president can fix the concerns of today. However, Romney has completely caused his own destruction in the run for presidency.

Unknown said...

I have been hearing on how Romney isn’t particularly worried about the 47% who are basically the people that receive government benefits. I believe Romney is wrong in his judgment to just become unconcerned with the 47%. Maybe if he was worried about helping the United States and the people who live within the bounds, he would not have to neglect the 47%. As for taxes, they are never going to get any better because of the money the United States late presidents have invested into many foreign countries. Last time I heard our debt was 5.5 trillion dollars. Who is ever going to pay that off? So, for Romney's spokeswoman Andrea Saul to say taxes are going to be reduced is a complete lie. Romney cannot promise the United States a better future just like Obama could not fix the problems of other presidents. I don’t believe any forth coming president can fix the concerns of today. However, Romney has completely caused his own destruction in the run for presidency.

Dhruvpatel8 said...

I think that there is going to be a lot of this going on now that the election is getting closer and closer. There are going to be more offensive ads that start to be released. Some of these ads are pretty funny but the ads also start more problems to the political world. I also think that they should come up with a plan that cuts taxes for the middle class but keeps the taxes pretty high for upper class people. Romney hasn't released his tax returns because he knows that he's not paying enough and if he does then that will cause a big change in the number of votes Romney gets. Romney also shouldn't attack the middle class people that don't pay their taxes.

Dhruvpatel8 said...

I think that there is going to be a lot of this going on now that the election is getting closer and closer. There are going to be more offensive ads that start to be released. Some of these ads are pretty funny but the ads also start more problems to the political world. I also think that they should come up with a plan that cuts taxes for the middle class but keeps the taxes pretty high for upper class people. Romney hasn't released his tax returns because he knows that he's not paying enough and if he does then that will cause a big change in the number of votes Romney gets. Romney also shouldn't attack the middle class people that don't pay their taxes.

HannahWilmeth8 said...

First of all, Romney should do research on his facts and make it clear to everyone exactly WHO he is targeting before he opens his mouth. Second of all, that video should not have been taped in the first place because this was a private dinner. And third of all, I think America should be able to view a political campaign add that describes all of the GOOD qualities of that certain candidate instead of the commercials that bash on the other cadidate.