Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ryan: Obama Re-election = Economic Disaster

Paul Ryan predicted Monday that the country would face economic calamity if President Barack Obama is re-elected president.

“It is not too late to turn this around,” the Wisconsin congressman told several hundred cheering people gathered at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines. “We can fix this. We can get this done. If we put the right ideas in place, if we elect the right leaders, we can do this.”

Ryan, the Republican vice presidential nominee, said he and presidential candidate Mitt Romney can help the country avoid the recession-laden fate of European nations.

The president’s path, he said, would bring “more borrowing, more taxing, more spending, more regulating, more money-printing, then we will have more of the same.”

The speech’s emphasis on trimming spending and the nation’s $16 trillion debt echoes the themes Ryan has sounded in Congress as a leading fiscal hawk and architect of the budget proposals passed by the Republican-majority U.S. House.

Ryan had been scheduled to speak outside at the picturesque Simon Estes Amphitheater. But an afternoon downpour quashed those plans, and the event was moved into a ballroom at the nearby hotel. The campaign estimated about 600 people braved the weather and filled the ballroom.
“Boy, we could have used this rain a couple of months ago,” Ryan joked.

The congressman stood onstage before a huge American flag and a banner reading: “Romney plan for a stronger middle class.”

Members of the audience waved red-white-and-blue pompons and interjected comments as the congressman spoke.

“No hope, no change!” one man shouted as Ryan referred to Obama.

“He went golfing,” another shouted about how Obama spends his time.

Then, as Ryan extolled Romney’s service as Massachusetts governor, someone shouted “Romneycare” as a reminder of the universal health insurance plan that the Republican campaign rarely mentions. Ryan rolled on past that interjection without commenting.

Afterward, Obama spokesman Danny Kanner criticized the speech for lacking details. “Congressman Ryan took his running mate’s lead in Iowa today and provided zero specific ideas to grow our economy or strengthen the middle class,” Kanner said in an email to reporters.

It was Ryan’s third trip to Iowa since becoming the GOP vice presidential nominee. In August, he spoke at The Des Moines Register’s soapbox at the Iowa State Fair. On Sept. 5, he visited Cedar Rapids and Adel to ask voters whether they were “better off” than four years ago.

On Monday, Ryan repeatedly touted his Midwestern ties to his audience.

He noted that he’s from Janesville, a southern Wisconsin town an hour and a half from Dubuque, and he added that his mother-in-law was from the eastern Iowa town of Clinton.

He praised Iowans’ frugality and common sense.

“Iowa, you have the lowest average credit card debts in the nation,” he said. “People of Iowa live within their means.”

Ryan mocked the way Obama once described Midwestern conservatives during the 2008 campaign when he was talking privately to campaign donors.

“He said people like us, people from the Midwest, they like to cling to their guns and their religion. I’ve got to tell you, this Catholic deer hunter is guilty as charged, and proud of it,” he said to whoops and a wave of applause from his fans.

He noted that early voting starts soon in Iowa (Sept. 27), and polls show Iowa is one of the most closely fought states in the campaign.

“We have a very big decision to make, and a handful of states will decide this,” he said. “And Iowans, just like Wisconsinites, we could very well determine how this all goes.”


Unknown said...

I completely agree. Obama seems to only spend the money insted of doing what is nessary to not make the people happy for you come the next election, it's to make sure the country is stable so future generations may live on in the country instead of crumbling under it's own spending budget. more than not I hear how much obama has spent and the money just, dissipear. Not only that but aparently we from the south find the important things (to most) such as relegion and self protection as some sort of "bad thing. When seconds count, cops are minutes away. but if you have a rifle in reach? They can take as long as they need.

Unknown said...

i think this guy doesnt have any idea on how they will lower the dept. he is just downing Obama to help out his party without the slitest idea what its like. Romney is rich but he cant pay the dept out of his pocket. he has no plan or fact that he would lower the dept, he is just making biast statements on his behalf. and he talks about making a solid middle- class but what about the lower class. he needs to get facts instead of comments to get a jump on the campain.

JennaSmith6 said...

Paul Ryan gives a speech in Iowa to persuade them to vote for Romney. He believes that if Mitt Romney was elected president he would help the economy tremendously; whereas if Obama was re-elected there would be an economic catastrophe. An interesting fact that Ryan mentions in his speech is how Iowans’ have the lowest amount of credit card debt in the country.

LizzyMoreno06 said...

Ryan was very nondescript during this speech. He promises change also but I don't think he has an idea of actually carrying this change out. The most he has to fall on is that he is from a Midwestern state. If he cannot even acknowledge that comment about the "Romneycare" what makes our other comments any different to him? he might just ignore the cries of the common man. It is pretty scary that there are so many states willing to vote for people like this duo.

Vashati Garcia 2 said...

AFter reading the article I am not very impressed by Romney or Obama. Romney lacks specific details about how he will change our economy. All the article does is upstage Romney by using positive comments. Romney's ideas may be good, but citizens need to know the actions he will take in changing our economy not just his plan title (change the economy). Words only go so far as Obama has already proven. I have yet to see any positive results on the economy since Obamas presidency.