Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama Outraises Romney in August

President Obama's campaign effort narrowly outraised Mitt Romney's in August, the first month the Democratic team has done so since April.

Late Sunday night the Obama camp announced it brought in $114 million last month through donations to both the campaign itself and the Democratic National Committee. The joint GOP effort by the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee fell just short of that total with $111.6 million.

Crowing about the win on the heels of a successful convention that left the incumbent with a small bounce in the polls, Barack Obama's Twitter feed spit out many of the details last night.

"No celebrating, because they're going to have an even bigger September," read one Tweet. "But now we know we can match them, doing it our way."

Actually, Mitt Romney's nominating convention concluded on Aug. 30, meaning an immediate spike in donations could have been part of his August total. The August figures also reflect donations that came in after Romney's selection of running mate Paul Ryan, who joined the ticket on Aug. 11.

The Democrats' convention, by contrast, did not start until Sept. 4, meaning any convention-related fundraising uptick will not be reflected until next month. And that may result in another close battle in the fundraising war.

That's a significant step for Obama's campaign, because it could alter the political narrative that Romney has pummeled the president in fundraising this year and is headed toward Election Day with a far superior cash advantage. But in recent days, with the conventions behind them and a clear advantage for the president in both national and swing-state polls, the momentum in the election seems to be back with Obama.

Said Campaign Manager Jim Messina: "The key to fighting back against the special interests writing limitless checks to support Mitt Romney is growing our donor base, and we did substantially in the month of August. Fueled by contributions from more than 1.1 million Americans donating an average of $58 -- more than 317,000 who had never contributed to the campaign before -- we raised a total of more than $114 million. That is a critical down payment on the organization we are building across the country -- the largest grassroots campaign in history."

The contributions to Romney's campaign were larger and came from a smaller pool of donors, but the GOP team still has $168.5 million on hand.

In trying to bat down chatter on the Sunday morning talk shows that Romney is losing support and now has lost the fundraising race this month, Romney campaign pollster Neil Newhouse issued a memo Monday playing down these dynamics.

"Don't get too worked up about the latest polling," he wrote. "While some voters will feel a bit of a sugar-high from the conventions, the basic structure of the race has not changed significantly. The reality of the Obama economy will reassert itself as the ultimate downfall of the Obama Presidency, and Mitt Romney will win this race."


Unknown said...

Well i feel that Obama is going to win this race and win the presidency. He may have gotten off to a bad start with the fundraising but now he is showing that he can outperform Romney and i believe he will do so again next month when the fundraising comes in. And with that he would have a bigger momentum the closer we get to the election.

Unknown said...

Obama is really catching up in the economic part of the race. Romney might have more money now but he has ran out of supporters and obama still has the rest of this month left. The convintions were a big part of this and i think Obama's was better but it doesnt mean Obama wont have a challenge ahead. He has momentum but it but he cant stop yet.

robert rodriguez 8 said...

Even though the campaign is mostly fought on the grounds of money President Barrack Obama is gaining a bigger foothold in the election due to a bigger donation pool. Partly because of the Democratic convention and Mrs. Obama's speech along with the Presidents speech the donations have increasing exponentially. But with Paul Ryan as running mate with Mitt Romney the votes may swing towards the republican party. No one can tell so far but as the election day gets closer the gap for President Obama may swing in his favor if the donations keep shoveling in and Obama can find a way to "fix" our budget deficit.

Unknown said...

Obama's slight edge on Mitt Romney for August's fundraising total does not mean much. There could be a variety of factors that played into that including the recent democratic convention. The real indicator of who the leader is in the 2012 election will come from the debates starting in early October. These debates give a better insight to each candidate. Where as both can make a pretty good argument defending their own opinion while giving a speech, when juxtaposed, its more obvious as to who will make for a better leader of this country.

Brianna_Amaya 2nd said...

With Obama raising the amout of money he did barely beating his opponent. However the voters are starting to sway again in the direction of the democrats, the republican party has high hopes for Romney but the Democratic party doesnt plan on losing. Even though it was a huge hypothesis to say Romney would win the election and the economy will be the cause of Obamas down fall he does have a good chance of prevailing in the voters ballot.

Unknown said...

Although Obama seems to be ahead in the race, at the moment, this article shows how easily things can change. There is still time for Romney to pull ahead and as it said in the last quote that Obama will eventually fail. I don't know if I agree with that, but I do agree that everything is subject to change and there is no definite winner yet. This article just solidifies that each man is still fighting even after the conventions are over and things may change.

Unknown said...

Although Obama seems to be ahead in the race, at the moment, this article shows how easily things can change. There is still time for Romney to pull ahead and as it said in the last quote that Obama will eventually fail. I don't know if I agree with that, but I do agree that everything is subject to change and there is no definite winner yet. This article just solidifies that each man is still fighting even after the conventions are over and things may change.

Unknown said...

Obamas lead on Romney in August doesnt tell us much about who is gonna win the election come November. This article reminds us how quickly politics can change. Most people would agree that Romney has the support of most rich, white men, but that is not enough for him to catch up with Obama who has the support of most minorities. I honestly think that Romney will not have the support to catch up with Obama, despite which way my parents may sway.

Unknown said...

Obama is really catching up in the economic part of the race. Romney might have more money now but he has ran out of supporters and obama still has the rest of this month left. The convintions were a big part of this and i think Obama's was better but it doesnt mean Obama wont have a challenge ahead. He has momentum but it but he cant stop yet.

Unknown said...

Government p.6
Theres a healthy stir of competion between both canidates and of this moment Obama is taking lead. there still is no clear winner although Obama has clearly has most democratic votes and with the money contrubutions given is defintely giving voters more faith in getting out of this economic deficit. Even if The Republic Party is showing support to Romney it is unsure that it could be enough to beat the exponential number of citizens that are in favor of Obama.

Jordan Delgado Six said...

Obama's campaign has created a significant lead in the race for president due to his total fundraising. I believe that Mitt Romney will obtain a major come back as the political campaigns continue. Yes Obama has brought in an abundant amount of money but that is not the critical indicator of who wins the election in November of 2012. There is still a ways to go until the final decision but candidate is in for a challenge.

Angela_Lee8 said...

Despite the polls, it is obvious that the dominance of a political party is eailsy swayed based upon many outside factors. Though Obama has recently gained economic leverage(largley benefiting his campaign), nothing can be confirmed, as the two parties conitnue to play a balancing act. As the arrival of the elections draw near, we will be able to more clearly see a dominant party within the close polls.

WestTxTrader said...

Obama is really catching up in the race, now he just has to keep it up. Romney is not going to give him an easy win, he is really going to have to work for it. I really think Obama has a slight edge in this race, just because people believe Romney to be un-honest. But all in all, I think this race with come down to the wire.

WestTxTrader said...

Obama is really catching up in the race, now he just has to keep it up. Romney is not going to give him an easy win, he is really going to have to work for it. I really think Obama has a slight edge in this race, just because people believe Romney to be un-honest. But all in all, I think this race with come down to the wire.

WestTxTrader said...

Obama is really catching up in the race, now he just has to keep it up. Romney is not going to give him an easy win, he is really going to have to work for it. I really think Obama has a slight edge in this race, just because people believe Romney to be un-honest. But all in all, I think this race with come down to the wire.

ElliotAbraham2 said...

I believe this sudden increase of donations to the Democratic Party will represent the swinging point of the race if Obama is indeed reelected. It was not key to raise more money than Romney and their republican counterparts, but the democrats needed to somehow raise more money than what they were. This was important after only raising seventy-one million in June and seventy-five million in July. Over the summer Governor Romney was consistently raising thirty to forty more million dollars than Obama was. Although the GOP team still has 168.5 million on hand it may be worth nothing if they cannot combat the surge President Obama is having in the polls. In such a tight race this may prove to be the swinging point.

AlexusEsquibel_6th said...

While Obama may have a larger donation check coming his way...I still can't get over the fact of how much is being spent on the campaign itself. Both parties are spending millions and millions of dollars trying to gain voters favoritism. So are these donations even covering half of the cost of the campaign?? I just wonder from whose pocket the rest of the funds for the campaign come from.

Unknown said...

Obama is always stepping his game up. From what ive heard, Romney hasnt really done much in the political campaign, besies his commercials. Although i am not a democrat, I do believe obama will do more for our economey, but I dont think Romney will hurt it. The race isnt over yet and the tables might turn in favor of Romney. All I know, from this article, is that Obama hasnow recieved more money in his campaigns than Romney, which gives Obama another "plus" in this race. Now that the campaigns have ended thigs will get even tighter come November.

Katie Nichols 8th said...

Even though Obama is ahead of Romney in fundrasing right now I don't beleive he will stay that far ahead. Voters have been switching back and forth between the demorcrates and republicans. Right now there are more people leaning toward the democratic side, because of the the recent democratic election. Due to these voters who haven't made up their minds, it's hard to tell who will be getting more donations and who will eventually win the election.

Katie Nichols 8th said...

Even though Obama is currently ahead of Romney in fundraising. I dont believe he will remain that far ahead. I think that Obamas slight lead is due to the recent Democratic convention. I think that due to Romneys private donors and the Republicans support, Romney can pull ahead of Obama. Even though both sides have been gaining support it is still unclear who will pull ahead in the fundraising and who will win the election.

Unknown said...

The " fundraising race" is a very important aspect of any election. The results foreshadow the winner and right now it seems as if Obama is pulling ahead. The results in the polls may be just because of its proximity to the democratic convention. With both results it is too soon to tell who will win the race

Unknown said...

Although Mitt Romney started out with various supporter and many donations, this month he didn't get enough funds. Instead Barrack Obama had a turning point, gained more fans, than usual and out beated Mitt Romney for the first time since they started campaigning. However Romney should have won because Obama did not include the donations the campaign received after the convention like Romney did. Therefore I believe Obama's Campaign is going to continue like this until the election day.

Unknown said...

Obama has certainly had a change in his game. When I first heard about the election all I would hear is Romney, Romney, Romney. About the fundraiser, Obama did do better than Romney but there are still things we have to think about. When people hear certain things their opinions change, we are easily persuaded unless you are completely settled on your decision. Now that Obama is coming back from the election, it looks like it's Obama for the gold. But we do have to remember that anything is possible, it started out being anyone's game, and it will end the same way. Yes, Romney and Obama have strong intentions, but you is willing to go in for the kill will be the one America deserves to have as our President.

Unknown said...

I feel that Obama still has a chance to pull ahead of Romney and that the fund raising is not as big of a deal, as winning voters is. It is true that the fundraising has helped on the campaign trail for Romney, but the real factor is how many people he and Obama won with their respective party conventions. The vital point will have to be made in the debates in October. After those debates we will be able to tell who is has the greater advantage when voters go out and vote.

BrandonThomas2 said...

The reason Obama is receiving more campaign money than Romney is because Romney is targeting the wrong kind of voters. He tries to sway the undecided voters by portraying Obama as a decent person, just a bad president. The undecided voters should not be the ones he is trying to reach out to. If the undecided voter does not know who to cast his or her ballot for, then they might just stay home and do nothing at all. Romney desperately needs to spite and provoke the already decided voters to get them angry. Angry voters vote, donate, and try to convince everyone around them to vote as well. If Mitt Romney will just realize this, just as Obama already has, then this presidential race will definitely end in his favor.

Unknown said...

Obama has certainly brought up his A game now in the elections. Between him and Romney, Obama raised more money in fundraising during the conventions than Romney did. From where Obama was then to where he is know, there looks like there is a big chance that Obama is going to take this election over and win it. But us Americans have to keep reality in mind. In my eyes, elections and other political activities required having us on "their sides". If we are shown something we like, it can really change our minds. We can all be persuaded unless we have our thoughts set on what we believe. In other words, no matter if Obama is coming back from this race we have to think about all the possibilities. Romney and Obama both had a chance for gold in the beginning and it will stay this way until the end. It all depends on our people and how we vote for these two candidates. Yes, Obama is making his upraise, but that doesn't mean that Romney has nothing left to offer. It is anyone's game.

Unknown said...

Although Romney has raised more money then Obama in the past couple months, Obama has been closing the deficit and has finally out raised Romney in august. The Democratic Convetion played a huge role in fundraising for Obama and he might be able to carry this act till November. With election day coming up this will only benfit Obama to remain the President.