Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Obama Has One Job to Save: His Own

The President becomes one more American this week, officially and in front of the country, trying to keep his job.

He knows he is talking to so many who don’t have jobs and can’t find jobs. Or have taken lesser jobs, sometimes two, to somehow make ends meet. Still: In Foreclosure America, Barack Obama tries to persuade those who voted for him last time and those he needs to vote for him this time why he shouldn’t get kicked out of the White House.

Most people about to get fired don’t get the chance to talk their way out of it. President Obama tries to do that in Charlotte on Thursday night, then all the way to November 6, trying not to become the first incumbent to lose his job since George H.W. Bush.

“Speeches got me here,” he said in private one day, early in his first term. But even he has to know it will take more than speeches to save him this time, no matter what kind of soaring rhetoric he offers at the Democratic Convention.

Mitt Romney gave his own speech, at his own convention, last Thursday night in Tampa. Romney is not the orator that Obama is, does not have the words, often comes across as somebody trying to sell you prime waterfront property. And yet in the middle of that speech in Tampa, after Clint Eastwood stopped bumping into furniture he wasn’t talking to, Romney actually identified what he wants this campaign to be about.

“If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn’t you feel that way now that he’s President Obama?” he said. “You know there’s something wrong with the kind of job he’s done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.”

Romney isn’t selling you property there, he is telling you that the other salesman in this race overpromised and under-delivered. Maybe Romney can’t make that stand up over the next two months, has no chance in the debates. Maybe Obama can stitch together just enough of his 2008 coalition of minorities and kids to hold on in enough swing states to hang on to his job.

He is sure going to have his work cut out for him, convincing the country that things aren’t as bad as they seem. He will talk about how members of SEAL Team Six killed Osama bin Laden, however they did it, and has a right to claim that as a victory. It will only go so far with Americans with an economy killing them.

Maybe this President, inheriting the economy he did and two bad wars, was doomed to disappoint, because too many voted for speeches and dreams and ideals, and still remember the way finally putting a black man in the White House made everybody feel.

Maybe he and his advisors should have known better than to promise they would get unemployment under 8 percent. And maybe he should have done a better job explaining to the country why the stimulus wasn’t the joke it was made out to be, or the failure, that it is actually working. In a way, that might be the most striking part of Barack Obama’s first term, that he has so often done such a terrible job explaining the successes he’s had.

Just because he is supposed to be the one with the words.

He talks directly to his supporters, through mass e-mails, about the lies from the other side, starting with the whopper about how he is the champion of big government even though the public sector grew four percent under George W. Bush and has shrunk three percent under Obama.
And the President talks constantly about how badly he is being outspent. And he is being outspent, Romney having the backing of rich old white men who have been obsessed with getting the first black President out of office since the night he was elected.

Congress was no better, Sen. Mitch McConnell, that lump, being the first to say that the Republicans’ only goal was to defeat Obama this year. Not make a better country. Just make sure he didn't get a second term.

The President is not asked to introduce himself to the country on Thursday. He did that a long time ago, his first important speech, at the Democratic Convention of 2004, before riding the promise of a better country past Hillary Clinton and John McCain four years later.

No. This time Barack Obama is asked to convince the country that he has been nearly as good a President as he was a candidate. In that way, this isn’t a speech in Charlotte. It’s an accounting.

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Ja'lon Clark 8 said...

One could say that President Obama "[O]ver promised and under-delivered," but I agree with the article when it says he has had more success than we have seen. I also believe Americans expected more than could reasonably be delivered. The problems this country faces could never be dealt with in 4 or even 8 years.Though President Obama might claim the killing of Osama bin Laden as a victory for himself in office, I don't think that victory is his to claim. While he must prove himself again to the Nation it should be with accomplishments that are truly his. Both sides tear each other down, but the true question for me in this election is how well can the two candidates build themselves up and bring balance to the distortions the oppositions bring on one another.

Grant Coffey 2nd said...

I kind of agree with this with this article, however I feel like it blames the president for most of the voters lack of knowledge. It's not this president's fault that the republican party is destroying the meaning of the word fact! This whole election as every good election is full of politicians who are good and won't lie to the people... except not really. And yes, I will be pointing fingers, exploiting the "hard truths" that Congressman Paul Ryan is supposed to do but like many, hasn't provided his promises. Which president Barack Obama has done. My first "hard truth" is that if you did build your own buisness, you actually didn't build it by yourself, sorry to break the news to you. So the lies the republican are telling you about Obama lying to you about you not building your own buisness is not true. If you built your own buisness you used roads built by other people, you (most likely) borrowed money from other people, you probably also had nothing to do with the construction of the building you are occupying, and you most likely didn't even come up with the idea yourself! There are exceptions, for instance if you just so happened to be a rich construction man, who also was clever at appealing to the publics needs by creating an unheard of buisness. But lets get real, how many people have done that? I know what your thinking, "Mitt Romney built his own buisness. wait a second... He has a rich father, he didn't work in construction, and he doesn't appeal to the public!!! Oh snap!!! My Lifes a lie!!!" Yeah. that just happened. Another fallacy that is even located in this article is the one that the economy is killing us poor americans... sounds legit to me, I had to fight off that darn economy twice in the last hour. The truth is that the private sector is doing amazing, guess who this is because of? You guessed it the good ole" Mr. President Obama. however I'll admit it, the public sector isn't doing to good, but you wanna know why? It's because of the local/state governments. Research in of the Bureau of Labor Statistics says clearly that the federal government is adding jobs and the states are loosing jobs (specifically 6,000 jobs nation wide... might not seem like so much, wait until you hear that that was the estimated over-the-month change. Yes we lost 6,000 jobs on the state level inbetween July and August 2012) due to cuts in education, safety, infrastructure and what not (check it out for yourself ). Now i know your starting to think maybe life's worse than I thought. This could be true, but I would like to blame the republican party, and more-so their solution to all of our problems, thier solution being "CUT TAXES FOR THE 1%! CUT SPENDING! CUT TAXES LOWER FOR THE 1%! AND (insert inappropriate word here) OBAMA!" if you do check out that information you might want to check out this nice little graph located at it's pretty neat, and the comments make me laugh. But anyways... (end of part 1)

Grant Coffey 2nd said...

(begin Part 2) Five to ten minutes later... Sorry the economy snuck up on me again, this time it had a knife. Then knife just so happened symbolize outsourcing. Who would support outsourcing, you might ask. That's right you guessed it, the one the only Mitt Romney. did you know he was involved in outsrourcing, or investing, or hosting bank accounts in 19 different countries? Yeah, go figure. This information was supplied to me by a nice little unbiased website known as Another thing I disagree with is whenever the author, and Ja'lon say that Obama has disappointed the country. He has done a heck of alot for one guy, think about how many other people have done what this guy, Barack Obama, has done? I mean besides Mitt Romney who's built his own buisnesses roads, offices, jobs and other buisnessy sorts of things.only once again I'm going to conect the dots for you. Mitt Romney had a rich dad, didn't work in construction, and doesn't appeal to the public (he doesn't even appeal to the people that are supposed to like him). So all in all, I feel like this article is just some hypocrite who inside doesn't enjoy the fact that this country is so full of ignorant voters, even though this guys article doesn't help that whatso ever. Like his article has any real substance to it. This is why I feel that if you're going to report/blog about something at least put useful information into it.

Unknown said...

I agree with the article in the sence that (You know there’s something wrong with the kind of job he’s done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.) The actual public sector has as was stated dropped Three percent. This shows me some people arn't liking what he has done during his term as president. the promising unemployment would drop to under eight percent was a big one because he wasn't able to folllow up on that nor was he able to "fix" the economy. Speaches may have gotten him the job but speaches cant get the U.S. out of several trillion dollars worth of debt. Bad business is what got us into debt, so it seems to me good business may get us out. perhaps someone who sounds like their selling waterfront properity?

darionmckenzie3rdoperiod said...

Most of the time When i hear Obama involved in a conversation it is in a negative tone. Like "ObamaCare" is the Devil's plan for global takeover, but if they actually took the time to look at reports they would see it was actually beneficial to the country. Obama inherited the worst economy a president can have when coming into office snd even Bill Clinton himself said he couldn't have turned it around like he has in 4 years. If America really wants the problems fixed then they need to give him more time and the two parties need to stop bickering and come up with solutions together instead of just shooting eachothers down.