Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama-Romney Battle Plan

WASHINGTON — Two months before the election, President Obama and Mitt Romney agree on one thing: the collection of states where the race will be decided.
As Mr. Obama opened a two-day bus tour of Florida on Saturday, Mr. Romney set his sights on trying to put Virginia back in the Republican column. Television advertisements from both sides were filling the airwaves in those two vital states and six others from Nevada to New Hampshire, while outside groups supporting the candidates tested for traction elsewhere.
With the political conventions over, the battle to determine whether Mr. Obama will win re-election or Mr. Romney will become the 45th president of the United States is fully engaged. The race has been deadlocked, according to many measures, and each side was predicting that it would see no lift from its convention. That seems to have been true in Mr. Romney’s case, while Mr. Obama’s aides were hopeful that new polls due out this week would prove them wrong.
But for now, Mr. Obama may hold a slight edge because the race remains essentially tied, which means voter disappointment has not turned into a resounding call for his defeat despite the challenging economic climate.
“Now, our friends at the other convention were more than happy to talk about what was wrong with America but not talking about what they’d do to make it right,” he told supporters on Saturday in Seminole, Fla., only a few miles from the site of the Republican convention.
Mr. Romney, speaking to veterans in Virginia Beach on Saturday, referred to the disappointing jobs report released a day earlier. “This week has not been a lot of good news,” he said. “But I’m here to tell you things are about to get a lot better.”
Presidential races take place on many levels, some easily visible, others more shrouded. As the clock runs down, both sides make tough decisions about which states to compete in and which to abandon. Advertising themes get tested and changed as strategists hunt frantically for the right appeals, and get-out-the-vote teams target wavering voters with tailored messages.
Behind closed doors, the candidates are preparing for the most crucial remaining events, the debates. And in courtrooms, lawyers are battling over who is on the ballot and who can vote.
Unforeseen events, economic or otherwise, could also still have a significant impact on the outcome of the race, much as the financial crisis did four years ago this fall.
Here are a few things to watch in the 58 days ahead:
Electoral Map
The roster of battleground states has not changed much, but one that Republicans had dearly hoped to put in play appears to have broken decisively: Pennsylvania. Mr. Romney spent time and money in the state, which voted Democratic in the last five presidential elections, but Republican strategists now say it seems out of reach.
Wisconsin, which has 10 electoral votes and is home to Mr. Romney’s running mate, Representative Paul D. Ryan, may offer Mr. Romney the best chance to expand his options. Republicans have not won there since 1984, despite fighting hard in almost every election. Wisconsin was not one of the eight states where the Romney campaign placed its first flight of general election ads late last week, but one party strategist said, “Keep watching.”
By this point, Mr. Romney had hoped to put at least a few more states into safer Republican territory. North Carolina, which Mr. Obama narrowly carried in 2008, is at the top of the list. But the state is still competitive enough that Mr. Romney and Republican groups feel compelled to keep advertising there, complicating their hopes of making Wisconsin and Michigan more competitive.
Some Democratic strategists say that winning Florida remains a reach for Mr. Obama, but his visit this weekend suggests that the White House has not given up and at a minimum will make Mr. Romney spend a lot more time and money in the state.
And Democrats say they are happily surprised by polls showing Mr. Obama running strong in Ohio, whose working-class voters have been exposed to heavy advertising portraying Mr. Romney as a job killer.
In a race that has featured little significant movement between the candidates, the three presidential debates this fall are taking on even greater importance.
For weeks, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney have been preparing for their encounters on Oct. 3 in Denver; Oct. 16 in Hempstead, N.Y.; and Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Fla.
With each passing debate, millions of Americans will probably cast their ballot, given the rise of early voting and balloting by mail in many Western states.
The president, whose advisers have known him to procrastinate before preparing for big moments, has been studying his rival’s positions and statements from the primary campaign. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts will play the role of Mr. Romney in debate practice.
Mr. Romney may be a little further ahead in his preparations. His aides began putting blocks of time in his schedule shortly after he emerged from the primaries in the spring. He started formal practice sessions last week at a remote estate in Vermont, where Senator Rob Portman of Ohio played the role of Mr. Obama.
Tens of millions of people will watch the debates — four years ago, viewership ranged from 52 million to 63 million — almost certainly a much bigger television audience than the totals for the conventions.
Ads and Messages
After spending the spring and summer trying to turn Mr. Romney’s success as a business executive from a positive to a negative, characterizing him as uncaring about the middle class, Mr. Obama’s aides and allies intend to graft their portrayal onto specific policy areas.
They suggested that one attack, building on the president’s argument that Mr. Romney intends essentially to privatize Medicare, would contend that the Republican ticket’s next target would be another immensely popular program, Social Security.
In the past, Mr. Ryan has supported adding personal investment accounts to Social Security, a fundamental shift in the program that most Democrats say would leave the elderly vulnerable to unpredictable swings in the financial markets.
Having intently studied the 2004 race, when President George W. Bush won re-election after defining Mr. Kerry on his terms during the spring and summer, Mr. Obama’s advisers are convinced that the most crucial advertising period is already over, and that they accomplished what they had to by introducing Mr. Romney to the nation as a rapacious capitalist.
Mr. Romney’s team is betting that early ad spending is largely wasted, and that a final and furious campaign will move the race in his direction when it most counts. The campaign’s belief is that continued disappointing economic data will feed its slogan, “Obama Isn’t Working,” and give a new edge to the question that Mr. Romney is posing at every opportunity: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
On Saturday, the Democratic “super PAC” Priorities USA Action released an advertising campaign highlighting a study by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center that estimated that Mr. Romney’s plans would raise taxes on the middle class while cutting them for the wealthy. The Romney campaign has said the finding is based on flawed assumptions.
Like the Democrats, Republicans say they intend to link their broader economic message to specific policies: cutting spending and reducing the national debt, working to ensure the solvency of Medicare for future generations, cutting expensive regulations and avoiding tax increases.
Over the next two months, residents of swing states will see ads on the issues that matter most to them: foreclosures in Nevada, Medicare in Florida, military spending in North Carolina and Virginia, and, especially from the Republicans, the federal budget deficit just about everywhere.
Mr. Obama and his supporters are telegraphing a new campaign intended to paint their opponents as pessimists betting against America, as Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. put it on Thursday night.
“They are extremely pessimistic because they want to tamp down people’s enthusiasm about the future,” said Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina.
But if Democrats go too far in that direction, Republicans will be ready to pounce and call them out of touch with reality.
There is one factor in the campaign that has yet to get much attention but could influence the outcome: third-party candidacies in many states, most notably that of former Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee.
Mr. Johnson, who argued for free markets, fewer wars and the legalization of marijuana during his brief run for the 2012 Republican nomination, hardly shows up in polls. But he is on the ballot in more than three dozen states and is trying for more.
Mr. Johnson shares some of the cross-party appeal of Representative Ron Paul of Texas, who complimented him publicly last week. Advisers said Mr. Johnson’s potential for cutting into Mr. Romney’s support was greatest in Florida, where Mr. Romney is basically tied with Mr. Obama, but could also have an impact in Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire and North Carolina.
They said Mr. Johnson’s potential to eat into Mr. Obama’s support was greatest in Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico, Oregon and Wisconsin.
Republican officials have already tried to challenge Mr. Johnson’s place on the ballot or are trying to in states including Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Many of the challenges have failed — courts recently rejected efforts to throw him off the ballot in Virginia — and Roger Stone, a Republican Party veteran who is advising Mr. Johnson, said he was optimistic that Mr. Johnson would qualify in all 50 states.
The Republican Party of Virginia also failed in a bid last week to remove former Representative Virgil Goode from the presidential ballot there. He is the nominee for the Constitution Party and could draw disaffected Tea Party adherents away from the Republican Party.
For the first time since the advent of public financing after Watergate, neither major-party candidate will accept matching funds, forcing both to keep raising money right up until Election Day. That means Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney have to build substantial room into their schedules for fund-raising, including more time than they would like traveling to places that are not competitive politically but are flush with wealthy donors, starting with New York and Los Angeles.
At the end of July, when the last official figures were available, Mr. Romney and the related Republican Party presidential committees had about $186 million on hand, compared with about $124 million for Mr. Obama and the Democrats. On Saturday, Mr. Obama wrote in a Twitter message that his convention had prompted 700,000 new donations to his campaign.
Still, Mr. Obama’s advisers have expressed concerns that the Romney war chest, combined with well-financed Republican super PACs, will swamp them and Priorities USA Action when it comes to advertising. But much of the Obama campaign’s money is going into its sophisticated voter-identification and get-out-the-vote operation, which is fully up and running, while Mr. Romney rushes to build his own.
“We have a strategic advantage on the ground — the ability to turn our voters out and talk to persuadable voters — and that’s what we’re going to do,” said Jim Messina, the Obama campaign manager.


EboPrattPanford2nd said...

It is very interesting to read into what the candidates have been leading up to election day but especially in regards to the debates. I was unaware that candidates actually had real senators fill in the role of the opposing candidate to have a very realistic practice environment. I think that, just like the article said, the debates will play a monumental role in deciding this election. Many undecided voters will be watching the debates to see just how the candidates stack up when they are going head-to-head in a debate. Both of these candidates are fully aware of what's at stake in these closing says of the election and their offices are both expecting to win. I truly believe that this could turn out to be one of the closest president elections in recent history.

Ja'lon Clark 8 said...

Though obviously Mr. Johnson has next to no chance of winning this race, it could be something that sways this election. If Mr. Johnson does make a hard push on the political battlefields such as Florida and Michigan, it could very well add to the confusion that will surely occur to those who are truly undecided. With both sides campaigning so heavily a third voice, especially one few have heard of, could tip the scales. One thing is certain in this race. The finish will be interesting to see.

Yesha Patel 6 said...

The process of becoming a President is a laborious one. This article is insightful because it shows the different areas and things that President Obama and the Republican candidate, Mr. Romney, have to focus on. The President and Mr. Romney have to focus on the electoral map, debates, money, ads and messages, and ballots, to compare and improve each of their campaigns. In addition, they have to travel to various states and try to convince the people there to vote for them. The debates especially are the interesting ones because they allow the public to glimpse both the candidates, justifying their opinions and views.

MikkaElizondo2nd said...

This article was interesting giving us the in sight of how the candidates get their votes. How they really have to work hard to get the votes of the unsure states. I do believe that this election will be a close call between Obama and Romney. They both have their states and both are very cofident in winning the election. Between now and election day alot of decisions can and will be made about who will be our next president. The debates will help in the final decision. Letting the people hear and see which president does better under pressure and in the spot light on the most important day. It will also give us a better understanding.

LorenaPosadas6 said...

Wow! Well, based on what I read in this article it is more than obvious that both, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney are practically neck-to-neck at this point. The candidates (including the third-party candidate, Gov. Gary Johnson) are still in the course of gaining supporting ground in several states including Florida, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Both parties are focused on several of the same issues but, of course, look to resolve them in distinct way, like the Medicare and “avoiding tax increases”. This is going to be a very attention-grabbing debate between Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama. Both have intensely dissimilar views on the issues of America (and the world), and although this race is pretty tie right now, the voters will have the ultimate say in choosing the candidate who will best confront our countries’ issues in equal benefit to all, in electing the person that shall lead our nation to success and be the next President f the United States of America.

Unknown said...

This article is generally broad in the topic of what do the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, have to do in order to win the election and it is also very interesting to read. Both Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney have been extremely busy lately because they have to travel a lot due to the campaign, to demonstrate their view of their future plans to the people. We should be focusing on the electoral map, debates, ads and messages, and ballots for the next 58 days until the election. The result of this captivating election lies in the future and everyone can not wait to see the outcome.

Jenna Curtis_2 said...

Lots of work has to go into the job of being a President.Especially during the elections you have to convince the people to vote for you so both of these candidates have been targeting the groups where they can get the most votes.the candidates are well aware of the importance of the debates.These debates are very important for the candidates because for many of the undecided voters its these debates that determines who they end up voting for. The end will be an interesting one to see.