Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Lady Wows Convention

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – First lady Michelle Obama set out to do for Democrats Tuesday exactly what Republicans wanted Ann Romney to do: humanize her husband, making him more appealing and accessible to voters whose connection has wavered.

Without ever directly attacking, Obama built an attack on Romney that called on simple details — rusted cars, student loans, a grandmother passed over for a promotion — that drew an implicit contrast with the privileged upbringing of the Republican nominee that Ann Romney could only gloss over last week in Tampa.

Obama said it was that life experience that made her husband appreciate the struggles of working Americans, and makes him the candidate to elect to keep working for them come November.

It was a surprisingly biographical speech about a man who’s already been president nearly four years, but his wife’s job was to make an emotional connection between Obama and voters that Barack Obama himself has struggled to create. She tried to argue that Obama’s rather unusual upbringing — with stops that included Hawaii and Indonesia — was really no different from hers. “When Barack started telling me about his family – that’s when I knew I had found a kindred spirit, someone whose values and upbringing were so much like mine.”

Her message was simple: We are you.

And she aimed to give a resounding “Yes” to one of the biggest questions hanging over Obama — whether he “gets” the economic struggles Americans are facing.

“I’ve gotten to see up close and personal what being president really looks like,” she said. “At the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision, as president, all you have to guide you are your values, and your vision, and the life experiences that make you who you are.”

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said on ABC that the first lady “ filled in many of the blanks that Democrats have been longing to hear what this president has been fighting for.”

With “we love Michelle” signs waving during applause lines, Obama mixed personal stories with a broader discussion of what her husband believes in, with some oblique jabs at Mitt Romney.

“We learned about honesty and integrity – that the truth matters, that you don’t take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules,” she said. “And success doesn’t count unless you earn it fair and square.” Without being explicit about her husband’s argument that a background in business doesn’t translate into having the skills to be president, Obama said she watches her husband make decisions on "problems where no amount of data or numbers will get you to the right answer.”

Listening to his values, she said, he has made the right decisions – whether on preventing the economy from diving into a depression, advocating for health care reform, or wanting to do all he can to help the ordinary Americans he encounters across the country.

The president “get[s] all kinds of advice from all kinds of people,” Obama said, but he has at times bucked the advice of his top political aides in favor of following his own sense of what’s right.

Most notably, the first lady said Obama did it in working to pass his health care law — something she pushed for even as some of the president’s top political hands urged him to stay away.

“When it comes to the health of our families, Barack refused to listen to all those folks who told him to leave health reform for another day, another president,” she said, airing a level of frustration with her husband’s political advisers that she’s rarely shown when in the public spotlight. “He didn’t care whether it was the easy thing to do politically – that’s not how he was raised – he cared that it was the right thing to do.”

The first lady has several roles on the campaign trail this fall, including appealing to the Democratic grassroots and to middle class Americans unsure of whether the president’s values truly align with their own.

Mixing her own story of parents who fought for the best for their children with her husband’s more exotic – but just as tough, if not tougher — biography, she stressed that the president is someone advocating for the middle class.

“Barack and I were both raised by families who didn’t have much in the way of money or material possessions but who had given us something far more valuable — their unconditional love, their unflinching sacrifice, and the chance to go places they had never imagined for themselves,” she said, telling the same stories she often includes in her stump speech, about her father’s struggles with multiple sclerosis and her husband’s grandmother’s experience hitting a glass ceiling in her bank career.

Ann Romney, by contrast, recounted “very special days” when her husband was a student, and they lived in a basement apartment, eating pasta and tuna fish. But she didn’t have stories of economic struggles to tell as she tried to assure voters of her husband’s values. Instead, she focused on their love, and his romancing of her.

Republicans complimented the speech, but took issue with the substance.

Karl Rove said on Fox News that the speech was “very well delivered,” though it was “sort of jarring” to hear her list her husband’s policy achievements.

Former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer didn’t criticize Obama but did take a jab at her audience, saying on CNN that “some speeches are much more effective in a hall of zealots.”

The first lady spoke briefly of first getting to know the man who would become her husband, but focused more on the bigger picture. The highest-profile woman campaigning for her husband, Obama worked Tuesday to pull even more women voters into the Obama camp.

She pointed to some of the president’s strongest signs of support for women-specific issues: that he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act soon after taking office and that “he believes that women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and our health care.”

She also offered an appeal “not just as first lady and not just as a wife,” but as “mom-in-chief,” which is still “my most important title.”

“My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world,” she said, getting teary-eyed. Though she worried about her daughters’ well being before getting into the White House, she no longer has those concerns because her husband is working to make the future better for all daughters and sons, the first lady said in a rousing finale.

“I know from experience that if I truly want to leave a better world for my daughters, and all of our sons and daughters; and if we want to give all our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise; if we want to give them that sense of limitless possibility – that belief that here in America, there is always something better out there if you’re willing to work for it, then we must work like never before,” she said, applause building in the hall as she spoke.

“And we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward my husband, our president, President Barack Obama,” the crowd breaking out into roaring cheers.


EboPrattPanford2nd said...

In my opinion the first lady is one of the strongest parts of the whole Obama campaign. As the article says she does indeed show the public how down to earth the Obama family really is. That they are just like us but they live in a big white house and her husband just happens to run the country. And the fact that he is "working to make the future better for all daughters and sons" truly makes him look like every other loving and caring father in the great US of A. I did not get to watch the first lady's speech but from this article I can tell that it was exactly what I expected it to be. A very genuine and somewhat subtle personal testimony strengthening her husband's campaign.

Unknown said...

I was surprised to learn that Michelle had also gone to Harvard Law School along with Obama, after reading this article it doesn't surprise me. The points in her speech and the focus of it couldn't have been more convincing. I appreciate what she had to say about what exactly Obama stood for and how the hardships he went through can only help him, as opposed to what Ann Romney had to say about Romney's romanticism. I would argue that the article may be a little biased because of the way they talked up Obama and his wife and talked down Romney and his wife. Over all I really enjoyed reading the article and it's nice to see a woman getting recognized positively! hahaha...

Teklyn Jackson-Davis 3 said...

Michelle Obama delivered a great and heartfelt speech that catered without a doubt to the common people of this country. Barack Obama knows what to do to move this country as a whole closer to the right direction as supposed to Mitt Romney who seems to have the right ideas to move select groups of Americans in the right direction.It is not Romney's fault for not having been in the circumstances to identify with the common people. The Obamas have a superb gift of being so intact with the world, themselves, and America. Michelle emphasized that in a fantastic way with her speech.

Unknown said...

Michelle Obama did her job, which was to convice America's middle class and targeted voters such as women and students that her husband is the right choice in November. Her statements of education and individual rights were compared against last week's Republican key speaker: Ann Romney. The artice examined the stark contrast of economic stuggles the two canidates faced, as in Obama's family had to work for what he could achieve and it's not clear Romney had any at all. This makes barack obama appealing to the thousands of middle and lower class students stuggling to reach their own accomplishments. The First Lady also uses the ethical appeal for the President's campaign. This appeal targets Romney in a obvious, but not direct, way given Romney's business background, Obama seems like he would be the one who values the individual and not the individual's money setting up the President's "good-guy" persona and enhancing Romney's money bag stigma. Michelle sets up the convention on a good note exciting democrates for the following two days and her husband's finale. :)

Grant Downing 6th said...

Michelle Obama simply wowed the crowd. She did a really good job of making an emotional connection with Americans. Something Obama has had trouble with. I think that she made Obama more appealing than Ann did for Mitt. Ann talked about their love but Michelle talked about their economic struggles growing up. Actually relating to a lot of Americans. Which Ann tried to do but didn't succeed. Michelle really took away everyone's breath with her speech.

Soterahernandez Thirdperiod said...

Not only did I read this (obviously) but I heard this speach and it brought me to tears (both times). It made me think of how privalleged we are to not have to go through that kind of pressure ... To be mistaken for God on a daily basis, as The First Lady and The Honorable Barack Obama are, because our fate is pretty much in their hands, only to one day possibly get demoted and scrutinized for all of the things you attempted to alleviate just because someone pointed the finger ... In her speach she emphasized what we all tend to forget: that those who are in charge in the White House are people just like us. They are separated from our society because we chose to isolate them. Obama and the POTUS came from practically nothing and made their way to the top. They have the same values (although I COMPLETELY disaggree with their view of abortion) and visions as us. Although an idealistic utopia does not yet exist, I belive that, realistic or not, the society that we now live in, can be similar in likeness to that of a utopia (ideals and view and values ... etc.) with a first step. And that's what POTUS is trying to do; advocating the health care laws, preventing the economy to plummet, and doing all he can to help the ordinary Americans that live among us. I think it is a brilliant idea, frankly, considering that the majority of the population is middle class.)

Soterahernandez Thirdperiod said...

Not only did I read this (obviously) but I heard this speach and it brought me to tears (both times). It made me think of how privalleged we are to not have to go through that kind of pressure ... To be mistaken for God on a daily basis, as The First Lady and The Honorable Barack Obama are, because our fate is pretty much in their hands, only to one day possibly get demoted and scrutinized for all of the things you attempted to alleviate just because someone pointed the finger ... In her speach she emphasized what we all tend to forget: that those who are in charge in the White House are people just like us. They are separated from our society because we chose to isolate them. Obama and the POTUS came from practically nothing and made their way to the top. They have the same values (although I COMPLETELY disaggree with their view of abortion) and visions as us. Although an idealistic utopia does not yet exist, I belive that, realistic or not, the society that we now live in, can be similar in likeness to that of a utopia (ideals and view and values ... etc.)with a first step. And that's what POTUS is trying to do; advocating the health care laws, preventing the economy to plummet, and doing all he can to help the ordinary Americans that live among us. (I think it is a brilliant idea, frankly, considering that the majority of the population is middle class.)

Brianna_Amaya 2nd said...

Michelle made many good points in her speech she really hit home with many Democrats speaking of family values and what obama has done for women also. She really sold obama on her speech i actually watched it and i was very impressed by it.

BailiJones2 said...

I think that Michelle Obama made an impressive speech. She was able to applaud her husbands achievements, and let the audience know that by keeping him as president he would be able to have us going the right way. She also tugged on everyone's heart strings when she started talking about her daughters, and all the sons and daughters in the world. Using the emotional side of the audience, talking about leaving the world better for our kids and their kids to come; i think really got the audiences attention.

Unique Jacobo 3 said...

Michelle Obama’s speech that Tuesday night was powerful and passionate. She made us fall in love with Obama all over again. Her speech hit the key points of struggle, equality and opportunity. She talked about her and Obama’s struggle to pay for college and pay off debt, she talked about the right for women to have a say about their own body, she talked about how just because you are successful now does not mean you ignore those who have helped you along the way, and she talked about the right for equality no matter your gender, sexual orientation, and race. Her speech was completely different than Ann Romney’s speech that did not have the emotion and personal struggles like Michelle’s did.

KatrinaBueno2 said...

This is an advantage that Obama has over Romney. He can closely relate to his target audience: the American public. Romney has less knowledge of such troubles as Obama does, having grown up being privileged. Obama had to experience what everyday Americans do now, for example, money troubles. This emotional connection that Michelle had created in her speech, in the eyes of the American people, removed Obama from the intimidating elite of the society and revealed him as just one of the them. I have to say it is a great way to get people's attention, as using pathos almost always does.

KelseyHamill8 said...

Who is more believable than a warm loving mother of two young girls? The way Michelle spoke was very welcoming and personable. I just imagine sitting with the first lady in some fancy rocking chairs chatting away in front of a fire place and she tells me the story of her and her husband. I always thought of Obama as a publicity man- an actor- as I do most politicians but Michelle really did her job well at making Obama seem down to earth (and Romney and his wife like a couple of prompter reading puppets) "The president 'get[s] all kinds of advice from all kinds of people,' Obama said, but he has at times bucked the advice of his top political aides in favor of following his own sense of what’s right.” This is what I like to hear- someone who knows what a president should be. Not just a puppet handled by sly scheming men behind the scenes.

Ernestina Garcia_6 said...

Michelle Obama's speech was just astounding. Overall she mastered explaining the unique characteristics, values and abilities of Barack. I believe that when making decisions it comes down to who you are as a person, despite what's right or wrong. Your point of view on things, your experience with certain conflicts all comes from whom raised you and how you were molded to think of and think through things. And Michelle, through experience explained to the people that Barack knows how it is and what it means to be a common person in the world. He knows the value of hard working Americans, what it means to have to scrap money to feed your loved ones. The wrinkle of worry a parent seems to become familiar with when it comes to their children. She stood by her husband's side in this speech, not only did she tell the people why he strives for success but his understanding that you can, if you work hard enough, make a better future for you, and your family. He knows the meaning of struggle, he 'gets' it, which is why he is the perfect candidate to continue serving our country.

Priyanka Aranha 2nd said...

Michelle Obama's speech connected with the middle class. Her speech reflected on what made them who they are today, and it is what helps Obama today in the white house. By creating the connection she did with her audience, people could relate. Her speech was heart felt but touched on Obama's views.

Angela_Lee8 said...

After viewing speeches from both Michelle Obama and Ann Romney, I felt a stark contrast of the emotions portrayed between one speech and the other. While Ann Romney spoke (to YOU the people) of romanticism, hoping to ignite our emotions, I felt little attachment to what she was saying; a distance was formed between what she said and what I related to. On the other hand, Michelle Obmama's speech (given to WE the people) was powerful and enduring. There was a sense of understanding and relatablility in her words which felt undeinably real. The energy in the room could easily be seen through the strong convictions of agreement displayed throughout the stadium. Though it was predicted that the first lady's speech would tap into our emotions, I was still taken aback by the truth in her words. I believe that through this speech, Michelle Obama set a strong foundation in which the Democratic convention could easily futher build on.

AlexAnnMiller said...

The First Lady really did wow the audience at the 2012 Democratic Convention. She began by saying that she was honored to serve as our Nation's Frst Lady and that she was proud of our American spirit. I enjoyed how she ended her speech with a call to "come together and stand together". However moving her speech might have been, I still do not like the message that she was attempting to convey. The "We are You" campaign is not working for me. I do not believe that anyone can truly and fully understand another individual's circumstances. You are not me. I am not you. You will never be able to understand my personal life just as I will never be able to understand yours.

MikkaElizondo2nd said...

The First Lady did an amazing job on her speech. She definetly hit base with all middle class families and women. With all of her stories about growing up through struggles and still having struggles. She does a great job of making sure to compare her family to any other family around. I especially liked the part where she talks about wanting to leave a better place for her daughters and all of their sons and daughters. To me it shows that as a couple they havent forgot that they are not only holding the future of their own two daughters but to the nation's sons and daughters. That there not only viewing this as the president but as parents always looking for the best outcome for their children.

Vashati Garcia 2 said...

Michelle Obama's speech was very moving and her performance captured many "hearts" of Americans by connecting with them, "We are you." Although the speech may have some Americans convinced I am not.Michelle Obama did give many personal stories and described how President Obama is making decisions through his "values, vision, and personal experiences," and that they are working to better American lives, however their words contradict their actions. Mrs. Obama stating that they are working to open possibilities for the daughters and sons of America is just one of many examples. Mr. Obama still has not been able to settle the political issue of increasing student loans which limits "their dreams and opportunities." I believe numbers come into play with this political issue which Mrs. Obama seems to undermind. Expressing heartfelt stories, and attempting to connect with American hearts is fine, but do Mr. and Mrs. Obama really understand the lives of American citizens TODAY? America needs actions to be taken not just speeches that are touching. Mr. Obama has had his time in office and he has shown little progress. The idea is to move forward or to change. Words only take a person so far but without action there can be no RESULT, let alone the idea of "moving forward."

CarsonBrockette2nd said...

Michelle Obama is a fantastic speaker. I was really impressed with her speech, and I'm very rarely impressed with political speeches. She delivered a speech with purpose and class, which is something that you generally don't see in politics. There's a lot of beating down the other side and their values rather than upholding your own. It's impressive how well Michelle Obama speaks directly to the targeted audience, and gets her point across without having to beat up the other side. I think that without the first lady, Obama's campaign wouldn't be nearly as effective.

Melissa Parham 8th said...

Michelle Obama did make a truly inspiring speech. She revved up the audience with emotion, and expressed her gratitude for their support, and honor for obtaining the chance to become the first lady. She also made it clear that both her and Barack did not have easy upbringings, "Barack and I were both raised in families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions..." Although I do believe the article is a tad bit biased, I think it is unfair to compare the two canidates, through their wives, on their childhoods or their hard times in life. I know this is extreme, but would voters emphasise with Ann Romney if she had grown up with a more "middle class" life, or if her husband was a total success story, an orphaned boy who grew up homeless for half his life and was given the opportunity to go to an elite college, and become a candidate for this election? Ann Romney had to add that the only struggle they had to face was when they lived in a basement of an apartment when he was going to school. I know that the wives of the canidantes need to connect with the audience, but why was Ann Romney criticized for her more "romanticized" speech, and Michelle Obama praised for adressing her stuggles? If the main goal is for them to connect with the audience, does that mean our lives are more bassed on our struggles and not our success? I know now that in Michelle Obama's speech their struggles ended with success; it was her triumph, learning through her parents struggles that hard work always benefits, and that is what made her speech so convincing, relateable, and highly thought of.

Katie Nichols 8th said...

Michelle Obama really spoke to the people in her interview. I liked how she spoke of their personal lives. They say she wanted to "Humanize" Obama and I felt she really got her message across in her speech. I thought she gave a great and moving speech I felt that some of her points were very well made. I believe that both Michelle and Ann expressed what their husbands stand for in a unique way that appealed to the people.

Ameesh Dev 3 said...

Michelle Obama just shocked everyone with how her speech was delivered and how well it connected with the middle class. I think that Michelle Obama did a better job connecting with the middle class and the American people than Ann Romney because many of the middle class can relate to both of the Obamas' story. However Ann Romneys was a little to specific for majority of the middle class to relate to. It was through this speech that she was able to appeal Barack's non policy side. And she was effectively able to get that message out and let the people of the United States relate to Obama which will help him in the election. What was even more impressive is Romney is never mentioned. Michelle Obama set a strong foundation for Barack Obama in the middle class.

OliviaCapogna2nd said...

I think Michelle's speech was the best and most important one of the convention. It's a lot harder to criticize a person or candidate after they've been humanized in that way. She painted the president to be a very honest, thoughtful, kind, and hardworking man with good intentions. As the article says, Michelle's job in this campaign is to relate to the middle class people and make them see that Obama's values match their own. She's crucial to this campaign, and in my opinion, she couldn't be doing a better job.

Unknown said...

It's obvious what Anne Romney and Michelle Obama tried to do. They went for a big emotional appeal both of them expressing humble origins: The Romney's living in a basement apartment and Barrack picking up his wife in a rusted car. Other then manipulating with these anecdotes they had little do with actual political issues. Although Michelle traced many of her anecdotes back to actual political issues such as when she talked about their student loans which lead to why Barrack cares about this issue. Anne did not lead her emotion appeals back but continuously circled around to phrases like "look into your heart." Both women succeeded in their attempt to humanize their husbands but did so in different ways. You could say the ways they went about their speeches is the difference between the Democrats and Republicans

AlexusEsquibel_6th said...

Michelle Obama established herself as an amazing orator at the Democratic Convention. The passion behind the stories of adversity was palatable. She presented Barrack Obama as a hardworking, average citizen while implying that Obama’s competition, Romney, was not acting out of the interest of struggling Americans. However, while many American’s may feel “comfortable” with a president they need to consider that being buddy-buddy with the president doesn’t make him qualified to create policies. Michelle Obama responded to this by saying that Barrack Obama’s biggest liability finishing the construction of the American economic foundation. Thus, she pushed people to continue believing in the President to keep moving forward. This was really the first time that Michelle Obama directly promoted the President’s policies and it will certainly not be that last.

Alyssa Davila 8 said...

Michelle Obama's speech was heart warming and inspiring to the middle class. She recognized her husband and the president of the United States for his devotional intrest towards helping families. President Obama displays his care towards women and their rights. He understands his people and what it takes to become a society with unconditional love and progress.

JuliaZhang8 said...

Michelle Obama gave a rousing and eloquent speech on Tuesday. This article highlights the pinnacles of speech, giving a very thorough summary. Obama utilized many tactics in an attempt to win votes for her husband, most of which are discussed here. They talked about how she related to the american public with her personal experiences and hardships. This will influence voters to votes for him because of his ability to understand the obstacles present in voters' lives. She also emphasized his belief in doing whats right. Cliche as it sounds, it is a very powerful argument that undoubtedly won over quite a few voters. Making this a very personal, mildly colloquial speech really helped promote an image that is more in touch with the american public. The article did a great job describing and accentuating the high points of her speech. I did not actually hear the speech so all I am able to do is talk about the article itself and the kind of effect her speech had based on what the article says.

KatherineSoon8 said...

After hearing copious amounts of praise for the speech given by Michelle Obama, I was curious what made her presentation so memorable. This article highlights the simple elements Obama spun together in order to create what appears to be a very effective speech. Obama relates to and captivates her audience with her recount of her husband’s humble beginnings and morally sound choices. This technique does indeed “humanize her husband,” and makes him more appealing to the voters, but Obama does not stop at defending her husband’s principles and humanity. She supported her husband in his beliefs and decisions while subtly degrading his opponent. Based upon this article, I believe she was effective in her speech and deserving of the praise she has received.

Unknown said...

I just sent a post but computer gave me problems and i dnt know if it got sent so here goes another.Michelle obama has such a propagandeous with words. Whenever she speaks it makes me feel better to be an American. She is the best politician ive heard yet to speak. Although I did not hear her speech I did hear Ann Romneys and was so bored with her romantic, teenage love garbage. If you want me to buy into what your selling you need to know what your selling. Michelle knows what solutions we need in this country and the challenges we face every day. Being a middle class American I can relate more to what she emphasizes. I dont know what the next four years will bring but, if this woman gets to speak oncemore and express her ideas for a better nation, then I can't wait.

Alyssa Davila 8 said...

Michelle Obama's speech is heart warming to all families of this country. She delivered a speech that relates to all groups in society, especially the most common middle class. Our first lady recgonizes the love president Obama displays for our country and its people. She also emphasizes the fact that our president shows devotional care toward our women and their rights. Overall Michelle's speech exemplified our president as someone who could build our future.

hannahfallstrom6th said...

I think that using the comparison of a man who makes $400,000 a year to men who make less than a tenth of that is not exactly commendable. If the president "loses" his job, sure, he gets kicked out of the White House, but he doesn't have to go to any soup kitchens or the Salvation Army in order to survive the night. I think that I would believe Mrs. Obama more if she talked about her husband's decisions and the details on why he made them. For instance, what event in the president's life influenced him to take away students' pell grants after a certain amount of time? What occasion happened that kickstarted the movement to give illegal immigrants college tuition? If I were given this information instead of a plausible similarity, then I might give more credibility to the president.

LizzyMoreno06 said...

Obama used her and her husband's humble roots to show that with hard work and good moral values they achieved the American dream. Michelle did a great job illustrating that Barack wants to help the middle class because that is where he came from, if not lower, on the socioeconomic ladder. She also showed that her husband tried to do what he thought was best, even if it was not the easiest with her story about health care. Her target audience was women, it was obvious with her "mom" and "better for our kids" and abortion topics. I think she is one of the democrat's biggest assets so far.

Anonymous said...

The first lady no doubt convinced her audience during this speech and did what she set out to do. She is a very impressive speaker and on tuesday her voice was focused on her husband. She showed the Obama family as a natural and practical choice for this years upcoming election to pull in voters that are right on edge. She talked a lot about his moral values and moments when he has taken the long road to make the right decisions. She did not spend as much time as Ann Romney talking about getting to know her husband she moved on to his overall image. Even though Ann Romneys speech was great it did not catch attention the way Michelle Obamas did. She is a very major component in the campaign and she has to do her part in the election for the Obamas to take the white house again this year. I dont think anyone is surprised Michelle Obama is perfecting her part.

Avery Turner 8th said...

Michelle Obama's comparing of her and her husband's life and upbringing really shows what a strong realtionship the two share. The economic hardship that both experienced make the Obama family and the president more relatable to the average citizens of America. This strong relationship that the president and the first lady share is reflected in the president's plans for America's future. Michelle Obama does an excellent job of portraying her husband's hope, optomism, and love for his country. It's inspiring to see a woman make such an impact in a political campaign.

LorenaPosadas6 said...

I missed the chance to watch Michelle Obama give her speech. However, from reading this article it is clear she touched us, the common people,a vast majority of this country, with her exhilarating speech of how common the Obama family really is. I find it easier to relate to them, individuals that through struggle, hard work and with the values embedded in them from their families, have reached success. Not only a speech, but also a family many of us, i'm sure, can relate to. As for me personally, i would much rather have a more down to earth president that knows from experience the hard work it requires to obtain success. This speech is more credible to me, something i read and say "Hey, anything IS possible, regardless of your background, with hard work, determination, and never forgetting who you are." A women, who understands that it's not only for a selective few but for "ALL daughters and sons" of this country to work hard and succeed, Michelle Obama did an amazing job communicating her husband's plans and interest in helping the American people. A family that didn't get success handed to them, a family that cares about the future and well being of all American families (and individuals), a family we may all relate to,a family name(Obama) i would choose as USA president.

Unknown said...

Michelle Obama did a more than amazing job on her speech. She used an emotional appeal as to her and Barack's relationship and her being a mother to two girls, but without overdoing it the way Ann Romney seemed to. She appealed to the common person and related herself and her family to an average American family, which is admirable. As compared to Ann Romney's speech that focused on she and Mitt's relationship and essentially trying to one-up the Obamas, Michelle emphasized Obama's goals and beliefs, with the perfect amount of personal touch to feel a connection to her. Michelle is intelligent, eloquent, and down to earth, and has definitely done a wonderful job at giving America good reason to vote for Barack to be our next president.

Jose Fernandez said...

I believe Michelle Obama's speech was a great asset not only to the Democratic Convention but to the entire campaign. She highlighted points in her speech to reveal who our President is when the limelight isn't on him and how they got to where they are today. Compared to Ann Romney's speech, I believe Michelle was able to connect with people by giving real truths about the struggles in life. Michelle was able to move me when she discussed the topic of financial issues and attending college. Her words were genuine and honestly make me feel that Barack Obama deserves another term as President. Michelle Obama couldn't have given us such a greater reflection of her husband by being such a strong female model for our country.

KeAsia Bogus 6th said...

The first lady's speech was a breath taking exsperience to even read, let alone watch. Her and family values touch the soft spot of America. President Barack Obama has been through the struggles that America is facing today, when his wife mentions them, it tugs at the heart. The "We are you" campaign message makes people of America actually feel that. Seeing how the personal struggles and upbringings both the president and first lady had can assure some people that they know exactly what they are dealing with on a day to day basis. I believe that exsperience is truly one of the greatest teachers for life.

Unknown said...
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